Monday 31 December 2012

Make celebration on the New Year to call for changes

Hi! Time is for celebration on the public places. We must come to present how many us have in public.

We are celebrating time who was gone in the last year. Times which in many places in the World in last year going with the war.
Hungry people now died in total isolation, many persons live in the poverty and no one come to make with them only one word.
We are now must step up to calling politicians to remove new-Nazi ideology incorporated into new-liberal name on the markets over the Planet.
Time is to say how many of so call liberal intellectuals is no more intellectual then it had been some guys into 1933-th years of twenty century. Liberalism come to say how only some persons in the West have rights to make comment against something. They have only reason for exist to protect capital who come to make positions in the rest of World for self.
The tragedy was where IGK came with decision to made had the Peace Award for EU, the same Union who came on the positions which in most time in the list year, have relevant points with new-colonialism, and in some time with Nazism,too.
It came in time where the crisis knock at the Union doors, and try from more of Europeans to take new path for resurrection.
The new EU must have come path which must make the possible good and equal position for everybody in global market and democracy,too. In new 2013.
If we are not going to have it, than this year is path to hell. And the war is not pointed on the far places at the Planet, but in a houses of everybody.
Take place in the celebrations of the New Year, and on this way call for changes.

Monday 17 December 2012

Crisis and the war economy

If you have some problem than you come to create a commission- one time said Sir Churchill.
But what we have if some guys try to remove problems with oil flames?
Who have right to tell that today situation in some places at the planet much worst than it can have see at the papers.
List gunshots in US is only tragedy but in some way this tragedy come in right time to make big shadow over social catastrophe in which is the former big union.

The dollar comes like paper for inflation and money like it had been former German mark in Waimar Republic. But with simply difference in one time. Dollar is inflationary money for the planet, and only a wars can make it like a normal money, with real strong.

In German Reich, A. Hitler come with same motive against others, what we can see today. Industrial production can be increase only if you have big an market boom. But without that we can see only two, an inflation or deflation. In both is involve a crisis. What we can see now.

In theory of war what some guys make in last two decade, the small war did had not make real increased. The goods from west did not make real goals at some markets like it had been Africa, Asia or Latin America.
In different way some countries from this continents made the grow of industry production in several areas of industry produce. Only luxury made from EU can make some market place in other part of the World. But it had only few points on the markets.

In the stocks, only situation that on the tables exist a lot inflationary US Dollars change situation on the States way. But even it can be change if some situation in the winter come at worst. Big snow fall, freeze and energy shortcut with low profile fight with China, can make the situation in the World different than we can have now.
An wars against others cannot make economy bigger than it has.   

Thursday 13 December 2012

Syria is path to EU ways against others?!Nabocco

Last days  at Europe came like night mare! A lots problem come at an table in contacts between EU governments in try to make one stop economic policy.

But in situation where EU have real problem in the field of neighbor states like it has Norway, Serbia or Ukraine, they make this talks real difficult. EU have problem to going to bring more energy for real cold weather in this winter. But in this meanings they try to have not a lot contact with risk energy markets, specially from Russian market.
For so call, an independence energy policy, EU states going to make more business with in Europe state markets like it has Norway and Scotland.
But, problem come in situation where two-third energy income going to EU in connection with Russian companies. Only electricity come from independent north.
Oil import, and gas import is really depend from unlike Russia, or worst from Iran.
These things from Libya and Azerbaijan   is mission impossible for import.
Saudi oil isn't so clear.
Because that EU and US make "action" in aggression against Syria and Egypt to make path for neocolonialism in energy policy.
The "Nabocco"  gas line real depend from situation in Syria.
For this reason, Russia and China must going to make action against open calls to war in Syria!

EU problem with Serbia stay in situation where this country come to stay against EU in question over UN protect province Kosovo.
Serbia is in position to make blackmail against EU interests in south-east of Europe in close ties with Russia and China, like neutral state with solid financial support from them, what EU makes real nervous.
Serbia is in position to stay like carrier in deep sea. To be a operative protect zone for control EU move on "Nabocco"gas and oil line.
And what EU have to going to make if Serbia come in idea to make relations with EU like it has Norway?

Ukraine has problem in self with moves to make more presence in the oil market, but with problem in ethnic relation between Ukraine's people,  in the differences against religions.
Ukraine have problem in production of real goods, growing poverty, too.
And what is real power in Ukraine position?
To be real troublemaker against Russia and China, with close contact against Russian capital.
Even it mean interior tension and war-Ukraine people against Ukraine people, like it had been in Libya or in Syria today, too.
The fall Empire, what EU now is, try to live over more suffer in the Meddle East. But if you have situation like it exist in Gaza strip, where IDF came in trouble after the "war" against Hamas, then we can say how common policy to EU not exist, and of course in these moments not exist the Union.
To stop the problems inside, EU try to make more troubles outside of EU territory and export self problems to others.
The human rights, the fight against a corruption and protection the rights of workers in many EU states doesn't exist. But this states have make the self right to call others for it, and make sanctions against them if they need to make self interests in calling states.

Several days before Mayan Calendar end of the World we are calling EU to step down from wrong path, and going to make comeback at basic ideas for the Union. Liberation, independence people,         
economy for all, and rights against voluntarism.
We try to EU to come like independent factor, good firstly for self peoples and not bad for others,too.
If it isn't possible then we try to EU must be rebuilt or if it has not possible-dismiss. 

Thursday 29 November 2012

ICTY,tribunal the maker of an wars

ICTY tribunal was formed to support peace and reconciliation at Balkan peninsula, but after two doubt decisions in second decide, we have same situation which created "Paris treatment" in 1918-1923 year, after WWI.

Decisions after this treatment made positive motion for next terrible war in which more then 20 million people lost life, and which more countries come into occupation from other countries.
Where two third population of the planet had been involved in military actions.

After two doubt decisions of the tribunal for former Yugoslavia, we expect more than ever before new tensions, and of course new military actions in some not long moment in the future,too.

This court has not make nothing from proclamation and self rules, injustice is terrible thing and ICTY made it so deep that no one in the world can expect for common man and women or child an justice against big states, personality or against other injustice acts against humanity.

It is not true that crime in Balkans war stay only at one side. And isn't true that so call big nation have reason to be punish for crimes who someone made in name to this nation, because a victims from this nations stay and cry against injustice and call have to revenge, which come in an next wars and not good relationship at Balkan.

But if we know that ICTY make decisions in favor to H. R. Clinton, than we know why decision was what we look it now.

Saturday 24 November 2012

Does Pope and curia has support to two Croat generals?

This days we have see what was happened in Croatia,after decision some judges from ICTY tribunal to realist two Croat generals from all charges at the Tribunal.

The real questions is, what was role have Pope and Vatican curia in this case, and what they have to going to stop eroding relations with Orthodox Church in Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina,too?

Do they support actions which Catholic priests and bishops at Croatia give open support to the two generals? Where the priests and bishops do nothing to say about war crimes after actions in what Croats call "Homeland war"?

Specially after two member of court council of ICTY openly call against Tribunal decision, and after more relative involved persons in the past actions said,what they said for a public.

Have to Pope and  Vatican curia can make stop against actions of Catholic priests and bishops in memories of victims, who had lost lives and propriety in actions of Croatian Army?
Or they come to call nothing against victims in the acts at actions what ordered the two former croatian general? What mean how they support a cleric actions in Croatia.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Israel must be dismiss and destroy

Who is Hilary R. Clinton? Who can have take any messages from this person?
This person is with self former husband guilty for mass murders and for mess at international policy!

Because that, time is a arms in the hands of most people at this planet to plugging at buttons, take control over Israel and take peace at ME.

Israel like an child of former Nazi Germany ideas must be destroy and than rebuild like Republic Israel, state of all citizens.

To be military neutral and like it said UN resolution keep from the all member states of this organisation.

Zionism  = Nazism and differences between it cannot have exist.

On the other side we expect modern,democratic Republic of Palestine the state for all who live at this territories.  In peace with others, and military neutral.

For that IDF must take an offensive at ground to operation to destroy Israel what we known, now.

Saturday 17 November 2012

Secretary Clinton instructed ICTY judges Meron

In yesterday moves in Europe some guys was made the big mistake.
Here we have right that talling about sentences in process against two Croatian former generals, Gotovina and Markac.

The tribunal in Haag of what we known like ICTY come in role against this two former general several years ago, and in 2011 made the sentences against both. For Gotovina this tribunal find that he had guilty and they had take 45 years in prison. The second general find guilty and sentences on to 18 years in prison.
But yesterday same tribunal in role of new juridical council made had order to this generals most be dismiss from charges at all.
What was happen from sentences in prison at 45 years,18 years,too, to order to this person stay beck out like free personas?

Question at it is simply, three of five judges make decision on the political influence from the madam Clinton, US Secretary of State, which has the large role in the maybe sentences against the two Croat generals.

The former madam Clinton husband and former US President Bill Clinton, had been in charged at moment when reason for sentences against two formed.

The "Storm", Croatian army action was sponsored and financed by US and Turkey, where the list country had the active role in operations in the airspace with F-16 against targets in  former "Kraina" region in Croatia.
Actions had active supervision from the private US army agencies, which had strait contacts on to White House and others.
The "final sentences" came in moment when is totally know how State of Israel not exist anymore and that time is come to more than thousand politicians and army servants from IDF can going to be sentences in the charges against humanity and injustice action against civilian population at several places on the Planet.

In that moment what we can expect from US judges and president of court who had come with "in favorem" sentences against International Human Right order and International Law.
He must did what he done and he can say now everything but he is guilty  because he had blow up idea of ICTY. The last decision on the court in Haag give most rights to the persons which had made shits on Balkan peninsula, to destroyed a people who had active role in this and other trials.

Now, the general Mladic and Karadic can take right to say "o, hello, you must see what mr. Meron done and you must free us from guilty for everything, because a people who was died from our actions, died in justification actions".

Of course that we after all, and with knowledge that Clintons have active role at the court in ICTY, because they push with some Israel lobby,the judges on ICTY court to made decisions "in favorem", because at situation with sentences "in contrarem" all of them take places like the active subjects of in-charges and after all US and Turkey must going to give financial support for persons which lost live,or to them families and relatives.

For reason which we make scribe in the previous part of text we try to yesterday court come to be dismiss and charges like activity against ICTY ,UN and International Law order!
We expect that new trial come in the place in January next year, and after all we demand to new trial going to have  active public supervision, to stop political influences at ICTY.

After that we expect an decision base at real and true justice, evidences, and law.

Friday 16 November 2012

UN must change decision from 1948 against Israel

Now is time to going to remove Israel from the maps!
The state who had form like western guilty against Jews, now is one of potential world's security problem.
State who now look like Nazi state, with segregation against Palestinian.
Now the situation at Israel economy come like real problem for Bibi and others. Less money and more abuse from Israel state budget make this state very weak.
 Of course, time is there,and we try to resolve this problem in mean to dismiss Israel like international subject.
If we look at situation from 2007, where IDF had real problem in divides on unites at the battlefield, make IDF commands very nervous in moment when Bibi call them to make assault in Gaza.
Because that they only can make troubles to HAMAS with aviation and some part of navy. But what it has in point when full Israel come into war zone.
Israel must be remove from the politic arena!

Tuesday 13 November 2012

EU nice shadow at the area

EU is association for money.
EU now is association for poor and unhappy persons and people. And states whose have not money for self people, and plutocracy politicians in domestic policy.
EU now is something what isn't necessary to "great" nations like it had been France and UK. Because, they loose power and introduce in world relations.
EU is something what with situation on the legislation look like former Bismark "Second Reich" or K und K monarchy. Mostly ordered in the bureaucracy.
EU now have no power to make new "order" but to have look at situation where some member states going to have broke international law, when they make decisions against humanity and, and when EU commission stay away to say how it has blow effect on situation in the Union.
When we saw how is nice to have some over national institution like it is EU at Europe continent, now we most say how is horrible that is one idea come to be the next plea for new instability and maybe an war.
Instability in France and UK can not be reason for instability at "Old Continent", or reason for another mistreat  move against free country like it had done in the case against Libya with disaster pointing against collective security on the south borders of the Union in Mediterranean see.
With no money in the pocket and with no cohesion at the tables the EU is so narrow to come to be something like Ottoman empire in the past, nice shadow at the area.          

Wednesday 7 November 2012

New President old problems

The World is not need to have something in US election. It is election have only impact at peace at planet Earth, but not for economy or at peoples habit.

The real truth is that US election have open more questions about inside of US, and it had openly presented  how situation in this former world power was difficult.

In US we have to see second civil war where so far right going with everything against other-liberal side of the society. But even this part of US have so strange look at the World.
If some come and said how they are first and the best in the nation at the World than we can say how it has real problem with mind. Specially when they have no power to remove situation at the field after disasters which was came with storm "Sandy".

When is total known how they have problem with self arms which they used in  Sahara region last year, and this year in some other parts of Asia.
When they make blowing up the planet climate situation, and when after all some start to use drones against so call enemies that than we have not democracy but NAZI state.
Obama is putted down after first election with Nobel price, to be cool against specially Iran, but not only over it.
The President advisers make the total idiotic advice against more countries then it make former President R. Reagan advisers.
They make advice the President how is nice to make path to Moscow or how to come over poses in the Asian oil fields  without local partners.
In some moments world was on the brink of sword and only direct pushes at the now actually administration in US make this planet peace and well place for life.
Obama many time was came to use technology against economic problems, but it can not be drones which going to come to kill everybody in the Word who are not support him and them policies. 

Thursday 1 November 2012

Storm "Sandy" and democracy

When come some to step over the super power, then we can see at an media like it has an "tragedy". But when a representatives of an super power come and talk about some country and regime of this state than it was "calls to democracy".

Why we must listen it? No, not today, neither tomorrow we have right to listen the lies which come from the woman and man who built self power and prosperity with a "crime money" and corruption.
The people who have the interests in the many wars and in places where people don't want to make an revolutions.
From Iraq to Libya and now Syria the States want to look like "No. one". But after more disasters and natural catastrophes we can saw that power of the States is lie at dust. Now, after what they call free press communication with common people, or what is true the lie and censored information about everything over hurricane "Sandy" the total true is that US exist like former super power, with more problems which we can see at Africa or some part of Asia after tropical storms.
Looting and shooting are in the places where no police forces, order is "gone with wind" and army have no power to restore order, but we only can saw how the "Presidential rice" is reserve only for two.
For this and much less reason, US government will come to say how it was "undemocratic and unfair" and "how is time to the Word come and intervene in this states", and come against "ugly regime and help a common people in import revolution" to destroy tyranny.

Today, is clear that US isn't democratic state, and that US isn't integrate state, but conglomerate of several interest, where some people use ideals for self proposals.
And where is not have open to mind at the self head.

"Sandy" is gone, but with the wind gone the States, gone administrations which had not right to told      something about others.
And time is to tell how in the States not exist "free speech and press", but a dictate of lie, for the mass manipulation. Even today, when Mr. Bloomberg have the vision of no help from the state and US. 

Saturday 27 October 2012

They hunt us???

EU and Europe have new problem who we have see at some parts of old continent. The some creatures come over vast places in the continent, and try to have fresh blood on the self menu.
They have name and call self the "Osiris son's". They look like common men or women but after some part of a day, they start to have new identity, they after that come to be an beast.
This creatures come at most public places and there start to hunt, to eat and of course to make self religious.
At other way, the most governments at old continent does nothing against it. Most reason for that we can saw in so call every-mental policy, where they try to come with symbolic answers about some things.

"We are not alone at this planet, like it was not other Homo spices in the past. We have come to make something, and now we have something what some from the humans created, the"Osiris sons".
Come from dark to live in dark, to make us to dark, and ash, they had self life places deeply in the non populated areas at Europa".

On most places we had saw how much situation is worst. The big grey wolf was mist and now we have big areas where people can have hear only deep silence. Where no exist nothing but birds, and where is after first dark isn't nice to stay.

From high north to deep south, they come in the small groups like wolfs. In many places at Europe, people live in fear, because they have personal lost of somebody of self relevant.
This creatures had been created, not in the near past but they have the long history, which was come at some times, at some place at European soil.
But now it was something what is rolling over whole Europe.
Why it we can detect now, reason is in situation with clime, where big differences between summer and winter conditions make that food is not now problem only for our majority, but even for rise minority, too.
In this reason, we had started to be food for them. 
Like many other spices they come in the places where war have ordinary word, and where is not so clear who kill and when some die.
When we look at Syrian inter war we can have see that in an night from front mist total unit of rebels, and no one have answer how?! Syrian Army is not so clear, what they now have at Syrian soil, after they come in some places where they came and saw a lot of blood without corps.

Sunday 21 October 2012

From Brussels: "We are defiant at Libya"

In Libya the some guys try to see how they have victory. But on the other path they have only loose of an power.
In this moment when they try to say how they have success in the internal fights against regular Libyan army in command over some guys around colonel Qaddafi. But true is that so call central government have power only in several quarters in the some Libyan cities.
Because that they have so call witnesses who can say how they see even dead men how fight occupation's forces, and in this fight die.
After all, the insecurity who they have in Tunisia, and in Libya,too, NATO and EU with US can have reason that they haven't power to go in the war against Syria.
They have no control over two-treed of Libyan soil. The problem for Saudis poppet is in the air forces who are in the total power of Qaddafi sons and doters. The navy not exist, and with support from Saudi and Qatar special forces who have drone support from RAF, they can have not success against regular Libyan forces.
Because that, fight isn't, so call central government against Qaddafi forces, but in vice verso. In total offensive against NATO and some Arab forces over Libya with new arms and forces.            

Friday 12 October 2012

Who have right to tell what is happen in Syria?

Who have right to tell what is happen in Syria?
Turkey, who are making aggression over Iraq against PKK or in the east side of country against self citizens, because they tray to have more freedom in speech and religious expression?
Qatar whose deeply in sheet after aggression against Libya, where they had lost over billions dollars in fall investments at the "new government". Or after they try to intrude over the south east Europe with investments in the chemical industry and open war against so call EU depend from Russian oil and gas?!
But inside, lie, corruption,  broke human law, and involving in the war against journalist who are not in line with Emir's family isn't so hard to US administration to push them to be "nice and good".
Saudi Araby is something what isn't nice place to live, because only one fifth of population living in the Haven, other living in the HELL. Rights for nobody and shot for an common people who try to be free from sadism of ruling Saudi family which have stay in deep dept over money what they spent and earn.
Only situation that they have holly sites Mecca and Medina on the jurisdiction, give them power to do what in holly Q'ran not scribe.
They step up to kill even Muslims who are not support them, and they are open supporter of fanatics who kill simply men and women, to make self anti religious order.
Bahrain where predominantly Shia Muslims die in fight against Suni ruling family, more then one year, and where so call the west nations looking aside to see nothing was happen in tiny kingdom.
Is something worst because people want to be free and satisfy?
In UAE we have to see how one system step down over some genocide against people from the Asia, where this people have not right for proper life, and where law stay against foreigners who have no right for self right, specially an women who are slaves in sex slavery. But UAE economy is in level less than it have Iran. Who care for it?They have land for our drones, and because that they are our ally.
After all, more butchers stay around Syria, and no one have troubles with so call democratic world. This world have problem only with secular state like Syria is.
Turkey is now totally nervous because Erdogan and others have knowledge about that.
At Saudi family civil war was at path more than half decade, where in this war life loose more than fifteen members of the family, For economic lies and family troubles we can see preparation for war.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Turkish Erdogan for prevent Greek's scenario

When you have prime minister and president what have Turkish people, then you are on the path to loosing the sovereignty and of course in the end the state,too.
In moment when broken  Turkish economy most have more money to invest at far east of the country, and when is total clear that it haven't bring from the west allays, Mr. Erdogan and Mr.Gul come at ideas to sell Turkish soldiers for money what they need to prevent Greek's scenario at the home, specially in the far east and south east countryside.
Syria now is good for interior reasons, but in the nearest future, in an war against Kurd and Syrian people Turkey risk to be push in the middle edge. Without oil and gas supplier from Azerbaijan and Iran, than without electricity support from Russia and Turkmenistan, Erdogan's government step in the not war against intruders but in civil war. 
Because that we are ready to going to see how with only one move on the area the big NATO member become in the African state.      

Saturday 6 October 2012

Mr. Erdogan know what he can lost with Assad's fall

Now we can have tell how we like to have Mr. Erdogan in Turkey. But, we are ready to do more to change our position if he going to start the war against somebody around Turkey.
In this moment Turkish army must move up against Syrian insurgents, and the army most block incursion at Syria.
Turkey most step up on the path to be more democratic and for common people the best state in the region.
The war against somebody for Turkey means lost the most east part of country and of course, it can have come path for civil war inside of "Ataturk State".
We expect from the army generals to step against attack on Ataturk wishes, how Turkey can be modern and for good place for life for all, who are living in the there. 
Mr. Erdogan  isn't some Turkish sultan, or some Middle-east emir, but we believe  how he was elected on the democratic election, and how he knows that modern Turkey is depending of not only NATO and US, but more from Russia and China. And that industrial grow of Turkey is mostly depend from good relations on the both sides.
And, for Turkey the peace in the Syria, with Al-Assad  government, secular and well stable is something much better than some so call democratic regime, who are have same illness like it we have to see at Libyan desert.   f

Wednesday 3 October 2012

The Gulf plan

What is happen when some states made export self insecurity at other places and states in the World?
This ask calling everybody at this planet to wake up voice against situation where exist our and them mother fucker guys.
On our guy we are looking one different ways. Everything what they made in the field we looking like something good for us, but in solution where are something make other side, it have bad connotations at situation in the World in the first point.
But when other side try to do same against us, we are ready to cry against crime, injustice,intolerance, and of course we going to have speech against brutality and inhumanity to the other side.
In situation what we can see at Syrian villages and towns, where are east meeting the west, we can see how like interest over oil roads have influences over everything what make man or woman the human bean.
The three Gulf states, like it is Bahrain and Qatar, have interest to going to building oil pump line over Syrian soil, to bypassing Russian oil paths from Siberia, not to help EU to be independent over Russian influences but in some different reasons. They have the plan to with supply with oil and gas make more influences over EU not only extender policy, but over interior policy, too.
And in this way they believe that they will coming more influence at the world relations, too.
In situation when they have free export over Syrian soil, the Gulf states going to come like world policeman, who are in power to push even China to looking more "better" at "Muslim" problem in the self regions.
They are believing how they are in the power to with some money, several billion invests in the US policy they can buy even several US army and fleets whose can coming like tool in the Gulf's states hand.
In this games Israel with some Israels security agency have active role, where they believe how they make the game rules. But they going to make suicide, where in the final plan stay in the finishing with Israel like independent state.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

The speech in UN, make Obama on Emir shish

In this situation where some man have hallucinations about real power of self army forces we are must telling that they must stay away from Syria and of course North Africa.
This planet isn't ready to be blowing up because some emir or king or president believe that they can coming at the Gulf and than live it without real damage.
In an fight between  the west and Iran, and some other countries on the other part of the planet final score going to be have only lost for civilization.
In Syria full equipment supply NATO forces in the civilian clods and some "pilot" Arab Islamist, some 350 so call "elite forces" fight make with some other forces, and now lost inch by inch, every minute.
Because that, they need "cavalry" to push down secure fail in the action named "Secure score".
In the speech in UN today, the President of US make more mistakes. He told more about war, aggression,but not more about situation at the home, at the West, at situation where we have to see "George Orwell's" laws with whom some western governments try to have full power against democracy and social state, against self peoples.
But, we have power to say how many lies we can hear in the President's statement.
No body,even some like it is Barack Obama have right to calling at violent change some government, only to take more support of voters in an election.
Not, because he have real problem in the Libya, where Qaddafi rise over sand desert, and where no one person want have contact with so call liberators.
This exampled  give real picture about war power and real path where calls for war make have push the democracy.
This way and same methods had some of the worst enemies of the civilization like Nazi and Fascism lieder.  Only peace and prosperity can make people reach and happy. 

Monday 10 September 2012

The real problem for the neocolonialist trio(France and itc.)

In this moment the big crisis affect the States.
Dollar is so weak and money for some real things like it has education and health system is gone.
On the market investors "must" make new invests, but it has not something, what have real money back ahead.
In this moment situation in the States is worst then 1929 and in this moment they have problem with money flexibility.
Dollar has no support from real economy, and in this moment only what is real "invests" of the State's policy is actions like, fake independence of Kosovo, active role in war against Syria, action against Egyptian's president,the fake returns from Afghanistan,and Libya.
Everything of that mean that money not exist at open market for make have new dept for US Secretary of Finance.
This situation have direct measure for UK and France,too, what mean that both so call "colonial powers" have real problem to service self actions in the real policy and social relations.
The acts against German's Canceler Angela Merkel stay at the path of so call old's animosity, but in real thing stay in the way that fall empires needs to have block self economic drop.
With Greece experiment what start with President Clinton,and now come in the end, the economic expansion from "liberal-state" policy go down and pushes the tree old ally in the history.
But Mr. Obama must stay away from acts against peace.He must stay away from support of British unity, and France aggressive broke of the General's acts of independence of east France's Arab colony from 1944.
Israel is in the path to be vanish from the maps if they going to acting against Iran,with or without Obama support.The money is reason for it.

Sunday 19 August 2012

Stay away from Assange

Assange known something what some boys and girls want to shut up with bullet.
But in the history dead idealist in most situations very quickly had started a saints.
And for it and for true, stay away from this guy. Because some with him going to play lost game. And make hole in which can have going the West.
The War is easily to start but stop of it is heroic act.

Monday 13 August 2012

The Games in London like prelude for world war

The Olympic games is over and now is totally known how is big lie stay over that,after two weeks in the sport action who was more look like war games than it was in the era of so call "Cold War",only what we can watch at field had been race for the gold medal. It had been the primer action in the sport activities where world, mostly the West world tried to support idea of self supremacy over weak nation of other parts of the Planet.
The Gamest most had promotion movie in the end and at the began. But now at it finish we have to see who was sponsor of this so call The Games. Some dictators from the Gulf states and Saudi Arabia and of course some military elements from Israeli's far right politic establishment.
When they in the middle of The Games came at information how is bad stood the TV and internet public interest for it they try to find some people to clear bed messages man, how they had believed that have influences in the hard debacle of Olympic Games in London.
This games must make a fog for war attack against several countries, and against Independence of Kingdom of Scotland,too.
The Games in London openly scribes look like it when politicians haven't the mind.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

London colonial games

For what we have Olympic game this year?
To have see how some states like GB made history for self programs and interests?? Or we must have patients to looking one ex colonial power how they try saying to everyone in world how they same straight to do what they want.
And after world answer like do it now, then Englishman try to find explains like that raining so much and that it is reason why more people did not come at the game.
But this Olympic games 2012 is only games of the States and rest of world.
Like in Olympic 1936, now in 2012 American team come in the military uniform to present sport power at the fields or to fight for medals all from the world these are like enemies?
2012 games isn`t Olympic but prelude for next war in the world where the old power lost power, and new try big role!
The States with ally like it is Poland or Hungary have no chance to do more than to going to loose self history.
Specially when they make actions against peace keepers.And who now ordered it? For Syria no, for oil,maybe, but for blood of people it is totally known.
And shame to be everybody who want to present the London`s games it has Olympic games and games of all Planet. Because it isn`t true.

Thursday 19 July 2012

Syria is the last battle in west history

When you going to order to kill the Syrian commander like it doing the some so call Muslim terrorist organisation, than we are believe that this organisations is not more than the part of some western government whose involve closely in the aggression against Syria.
The mislead war against Libya last year open the question, is NATO and USA have power to make real change in the Middle East or this they do to open "oil path" to the west ports.
Today is clear that crisis cannot be replaced like it made at nearest past, in the war.
This war going to be last in the history, because some guys haven't knowledge about history and of course about real situation at the "battlefield" in Syria.
The "revolutionaries" at Syria is not more than regular soldiers of several countries from the Meddle East and the West states.
But in war which they had made in the place they didn't look at real situation where not exist Syrian people, but several nationality and religious group, what mean situation worst than it had or have in Iraq and Libya.
The melt of history and imperialism start several time at the places in Syria but no one it come to be good for the West and always become the end of several European Impairs.
Mr.Assad is not Qaddafi. And Russia in not going to retreat from the allay, and Syrian people. Time is to some guys from the some places go away, for peace and prosperity.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Nuclear game over Europe weather?!!

What are doing Mr. President of France? Why are he does not something to stop the climate war over Europe?
We know that the some guys from there make climate changes over some nuclear reactors over France.
This is same they did last year in actions against Libya. And what we had to saw. The same things what we have now.
Time is to stop with this actions. Actions where not only in France, some boys and girls play the God's role.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

The Hooligans make dirty job for far right in EU on EURO2012!

Mr. Platini,time is now to stop this shame of so call football game at Euro2012, before some of innocent people going to have past away in more terrible clashes in the streets.
Time is to stop this circus and remove the terribly fans from the action.
Now is totally known that no Poland, neither Ukraine have power to bring peace at game into football stadiums, and that so call sports man from football associations in contacts with some politicians try to make more problems in the next few days.
It they do for several reason, but on the top of that is that they try to make war over Europe, after they have no successes in Middle East and of course in the EU markets, after last bailout in Spain.
No one reason stay at way at for this reason some man or woman must going to be victims from so call hooligans who work dirty job for far right politicians in the West, and east.
Stop fascism Mr. Platini, or leave position. Before we are going to call your prosecution.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

The banking crisis

NATO eclipse is now! The situation at field in Afghanistan is so far from normal and only months stay between live from this country and next faith against some other Muslim country.
This situation was based at market situation and no money posses in the budgets of most government member states.
After all, Afghanistan now is totally known hasn't industrial prosperity and look like the big whole for money.
It and most other war crisis in the World going to make the crisis at European market push at chaos the old lady-Europe, and government of most European states look at another path for self history.
EU for more of them ,going in the past and no one want to be fool to stay and wait disaster in the same "house".
Euro is money whose only have protection from some part commercial banks which only in the so call global market expect to be the best. But now, when is totally known that global market must be open for all with more regulatory from the some place they produced crisis and tell to everybody how is good to small people make more sacrifice.
Even when is totally known that only new rise is only path for prosperity.
The IMF and WB must going to be remove from the economic power, and them places most going to take intergovernmental Board of the exchange stock markets. Who will take power to make money from risk transactions and from each "fluctuate" action.
The prosperity for all is only path for stability and growth in the World.
War for liberation Afghan people, know it is openly see like war for more money power at capitalism high hills.

Saturday 28 April 2012

What EU has from the new member states? Or does have some from them initial power to move up self orders on EU levels?
If we going to see some of them like it is Croatia, next new member in EU family, the nearest future of the Union isn't nice.
The invalid economic, political and social system of this ex-communist country cannot be path for prosperity.
In economy we have to see that industry in the field is gone, that introduction of an investment must be prolong for years, because the internal corruption make real investment impossible.
This situation is generating from the top of the state, who aren't really or true will to change social clime.
Only what they didn't or what they miss to done was to remove so call communist Bolshevism from social relations.
The nepotism, political opportunism,and the economic feudalism where the money isn't real instrument for payment onto markets, really make have investment clime some like "Ice age".
In this situation the GDP of Croatia now has something what we have to call "the wreck".
Only with credits, and money whose come from a few sides they have power to make an growth.
But real GDP was based on the administration and state made business and it had not made nothing but situation where economic insecurity is high,and where political will is neome lost a job than is in an perspective that they cannot make find another job.
And states have not labor policy like it has EU, or other high produce country.
At relation with a banks in Croatia, not because the state books isn't in nice condition, but because politic elite in most condition want to control money relation.
The same situation is at some east EU member, but what EU have from them or some try to make new Greek scenario?

Thursday 12 April 2012

Syria must be free from the so call democracy

Syriana is version of new age conflict between the west and east. The conflict where some guys means that they are good and where on other part of conflict standing bad guys.
But today the west isn't so good what they want to look at it to like. The east isn't so bad that it want to present some parts of west governance class.
Russia and China in role of protectors to Syria now have good position to say that somethings at the west, and in America stay to wrong that it can go on the path of war. In moment when some circus of so call big such try to buy security position somewhere at middle west US desert. And in time when US polls going to vote to celebrate some new Nazi politician from the US politics right wing.
In this time is fool true that some governments from London to Paris and over Warsaw to Budapest try to find new national deal where fool guilty have foreigners or minorities or what we can see now everybody who are not have christian integrity, something what is same to the fascism and little to the Nazi.
Because that the protection of Syria going to have good motion to save the Planet from illusionists who are stay in the history, and in association with far right movement want to sell the democracy and freedom.
The so call democrats did not something to protect humanitarian law at Bahrain,or at places like it is the West Bank or Saudi Araby. These states have totalitarian regimes who had aggression move over other states, like it is Libya or Iraq, where terrorism was and is sponsored from them, too.
Are we have say that democracy can come from feudal kingdom or from some with fascism party supported government from the west.

Saturday 31 March 2012

The Panetta's law

If somebody want to watch at the world in the stone age, than they most only to going to start a war against Iran.
At this way if someone said what he said about oil and the market, than we most ask why he does going in the market with more oil from the reserves of the oil companies?
Or, we are looking at Israel like biggest concentration lager in the history, much biggest than it wish to made Nazi lieder, Adolf Eichmann.
Today, Israel make same what Nazi want,the Jude at the one place in the big lager.
The nation whose going to make self determination.
On other path the so call ally have not motion to make anything, because they had lost the war in the so call Arabian spring. Now the same ally coming to have final solution for Jude to prevent history and the true. But Israel make have fool support for it.
They are doing everything to stop the finale broke of so call free market and liberal capitalism.

Saturday 24 March 2012

The EU axis broke the logic!?

When crisis come over states and when on other way some try to put it on the normal relation between population and politician, then we can look at crime on the terrorist act,like it we can see in West Europe.
A crimes against people, specially against a child is something worst what somebody can have do.
But if we have policy that a crime against humanity isn't it for the West, what we have look at the some places at the World, this crimes going to be the rules.
If we have on the way a try to world order have same power against all at this planet.
The last action in North Africa and even in the Middle East for some part of this planet have catastrophic situation, where water is lost from the middle and east Europe,where dry weather make the still of life very difficult.
For this terrorist act we can have accusation against France President N. Sarkozy, who was mislead action against Colonel Ghadaffi.
And even for the weather situation in Europe, but the situation at the most area of Mediateranian sea,too.
If some want to change a regimes in other places, than he must in the first time going to change self states. Or we can expect a lot criminal acts against common people.
The aggression can have make in this time on the really different way. But on the all time in the history it could made the World's disaster.
Why, for whom?!

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Is Croatia good partner for membership in EU?

What are doing government of Croatia?
Several months after they have referendum for introduce to EU, and some few days after local parliament made voted about it, the local government have doing everything total opposite from the agreement which they made with EC, about introduce the membership.
In this country the government has the member of government who are in the justice procedure because they had some criminal action against public interests.
At home they are in connection with the local "businessman",and "businesswoman",too. With same people who had financial involved into some "mysterious" business,where the more biggest company for no-money investment come in the poses of them.
The minister of justice,police(interior minister), even the local Prime minister, over that the first Vice Prime minister has process at the Hungarian court about criminal act against civilians into car crash incident. But he is involved in the several criminal acts against the public interests when he had agreement with state at self company involved at the public job,too.
The problem come even in the ministry of defense, where the minister had not regular military academy education, but he had took the rang of brigade general.
He has now the title "graduate journalist", where no have knowledge where it he take that.
The minister of work is medical doctor who with the social education hasn't so much, and who are in the position only because he is friend of the President of Republic Croatia.
These ministers doing so much different form EU law that now in Croatia invest isn't secure.
Croatian army hasn't money even for the basic equipment, and situation in the army structure is like we have nowhere at NATO member states, or only at nearest Hungary, and Bulgaria.
The minister of global invest and develop has only knowledge how to lost money at bankruptcy. And how to say nothing that he is member of the local national minority, like it has ministry of social security and a family. This lady make more mistakes when she coming to predict a local social security system, and what she is doing it has from legislation which are against positive European law jurisprudence.
In combination these two ministry, the ministry for work and ministry for social security, economic situation at field going to coming worst. Because state has not money for something, they doing everything to take over money for people who are not going to have perspective for job. On this way they push social instability over a red line. And a clime to investment make really not perspicacity.
The people without money and security for job and life make have going to take revolution method against everybody.
It and corrupt government and law system an job at Croatia, push in job make market out of reason to we have believe that this new EU member state has real power to don't come into "Greek syndrome" only month before she come in the full membership at the Union.
To prevent it EU must come to make big push on the local Prime minister to make new government, with new minsters and of course with best policy than he have it now.
Specially in the moment when Croatian Finance minister try to do nothing how to make have collect the taxes from government friends who are have the several hundred million Euro dept against state budget, because they hadn't pay taxes regularly for years.

Saturday 18 February 2012

Two for war tea

Now is total known how is "success" action over Libya, where everything is good but nothing is correct.
In this time an action over Syria is something like suicide, where the same guys try to look like innocence.These two boys which toy "isn't people but something else".
In time where even some administrators from NATO going to tell how they cannot make anything to stop so call massacres in the region.
In this time we are in position to find try remove from active policy,both, Prime minister, and actual French President.
This guys make most potent problem in the facts, because they have not knowledge to read information of the real situation at the field. Because, they spent over half trillion dollars in something what they have see like "liberation action" in northern Africa.
In time where mister Cameron try to find words to tell Englishman how they have going to stay alone in the UK. And to say how is impossible to stay what they was, colonial power.
Money is gone,some other places like Hong Kong have "British" money, and budget of UK in most part came from the former colony.
On other part President Nicolas are doing everything to preventing Iran to start nuclear trade with others,or France will have real trouble with self nuclear program.Like it have in the space program, where others successively removed France from the market.
The President action against Russian Mars Probe last year wasn't real success.
Now they have only one path, both. To live the politics or to going to war where they can take have same role like it had A. Hitler.
The WWIV it is suddenly, will going to remove so call great assemblies like it is NATO or EU, US or others from future scene.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Arab money in the sand of lies

After Libya what is next?
Syria or Russia?
Or we have see drop down of some so call economic power?!
The real money isn't at the Gulf but at some way at London City. And we had interest situations where some so call big Arab guys have money in the arms and blood.
Why? For the reason whose stay at position that some states at Middle East stay in deep sand of lies.
Lies come this time from the news house at the Golf.
For reason to remove the big trade competition from oil markets.
Not only Russia or Brasil, but even some oil reach nation in Europe.
The corruption over some international war organisation make have the choice for independent voice from some part of Atlantic ocean.
We need to have real power in it to remove the lies whose come from list one year, about so call democratic movements who had come on the wings of war planes.
Is it for the people or for some way Arab supremacy over free world?

Thursday 26 January 2012

South East European domino effect?!

After all, now is openly known that crisis stay so hurt over South east Europe. In Romania and Bulgaria, like member states of EU we have situation so much like we have in north Africa. And in Hungary situation isn't so nice, with crisis which point pick has still far away.
In nearest candidate for EU membership-Croatia, government has not knowledge to do something new in situation nearest Hungarian side look like.
New Prime minster of Croatian government has not do what is necessarily to remove deep crisis from Croatian streets. He and ministers in the government going to doing everything what is totally opposite of European strategy.
With new taxes on commercial goods in market,not luxury,they have position look like they have governance at some rich country, without social measure against poverty, Croatian government come out of real social economic intention to crisis will have going to be resolve in much quick time than it can have start to provoke social collapse.
They have present no intention to remove unconstitutional work law, whose have make protection over state and public officers, clerks, and other people who have work place situate into state umbrella. Sometimes much better pay for work than worker in the real sector.
Something same we had at Hungary, where situation look like EU protectorate with elements of autocracy of Victor Orban and economic catastrophe what have reflection at the local streets, where no more exists middle class.
Because that the credit rating for Croatia must be move at "junk".
To prevent same scenario.
IMF must have biggest role in economic situation at Croatia. Or EU and Mrs Merkel, can have expect situation like we now look at Greece. She must make push over Croats to stop to make situation worst than it have now. Or we can have see more organize crime and trafficking than ever before. With more drugs in EU places.
On other way it have good relations for nearest Bosnia and Herzegovina.
There local market expect more increase sales from Croatians who will come to buy goods. On other way it can have disaster condition for native Bosnian people.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Hungary's situation open path for Scandinavia at South East Europe!

What is happening at Balkan peninsula when some guys have rhetoric democracy?
It have not only at this territory but even at Hungary when ex nationalist lieder Victor Orban now known on nick name "arrow cross" come to make fascism over modern economic theory, and put self over constitution.
But at this pat "modern" Hungary state make have actions against inferior national group like it have be Gypsy, the Slavs and after all poor people without "life".
More than the year ago we had told about that, and saw that policy whose came from some US position had made big mistakes.
If you look at so call good Hungarians like democrats who came at place in the parliament with clouded in paramilitary uniform, than they have problem with no history but with really mind.
The ordinary fascist who was came from south of the country to remove socialist from governance still have same mining about state and nation, and democratization,too.
Fight against strangers for the nation, and fight for "collective" against " foreigner occupation" we can had saw in Horty at same place and activity,too.
South East Europe now have the worst problem than ever before whose come from near history, where WW II had not finished. And where we have so little part of democratic groups and parties.
Other states, member at EU or out of that, have problem with open fight between majority and minority.
There is so much problems in position to have be some other from.
Fight against it mean fight against aggression inside of these countries, and against institutional prohibition of constitutional orders, too.In Hungary,Romania,Bulgaria, Greece, EX-Yugoslav states,and Albania. After all we have the order and propose for EU, going to create council for South East Europe,like parliamentary council,much same like it have at Scandinavia.

Saturday 14 January 2012

Fascism drive at European unity

When you have economy where everything come from the past, a future cannot be nice.
Europe going to have problem not to exist, but going to have democratic system.
The economic policy whose come from mercantilism isn't road map for a future, but a road for an downgrade of all at old continent.
The old lady isn't so nice place to live, but maybe it has best place for it from US or some other place at the Planet.
Now is total known how the old economic and colonial power still generating crisis, and how policy without it make life at the old lady so insecure.
Not war or something that can come to going to have total disaster for EU but something worst-money depreciation.
If it come over markets, the euro zones going to come to desperation,but even non euro zones member states,too.
It mean come back in the past, the stone age of European democratic state.
Without social moment in the EU the idea over the old continent unity going to be lost. And now is clear that history can't come material for resolve problem in the market. It can have be path for revolution, like it have in the 30-th last century.

Sunday 8 January 2012

International Law or permanent war like it have at SE Europe

The last play over Mid East present how it can going to make some disaster, when somebody have unknown policy and ignorance.
But, same policy step down over Balkan peninsula, where US and some other European governments doing so much wrong.When they are moving that situation at places is so warm,and where only open presents of outside army forces make some way peace.
No body have say that situation at field is nice or secure,when the local government at UN protectorate Kosovo had organised spectacles at streets of several Kosovo's towns.
It mean that some of protectors want to make new war or what?
After all we can see that UN resolution 1244 call to everybody in the region to be calm and that nobody have right to with arms make something against others. It mean that situation at field where financial crisis in Albania and Kosovo can not be come to use for nationalistic formation of pan Albanian movement against others, going to be very hard and try for all to be patient or to be replace from stage.
It mean that Kosovo is in Serbia by international law, but others have right to try to find something new for Serbia, like modern federation with three constitutional parts, where it have place in the tradition and specially at laws,too.
At this moment we can have see how like Kosovo haven't power to be stable,with no money and without law security over not territory but over all citizens,too.
Because that only integration to Kosovo in Serbian system, after deep negotiation can have positive move at not only relations between Albanians and Serbs, but even relations between others at Balkan swam,too.