Thursday 29 November 2012

ICTY,tribunal the maker of an wars

ICTY tribunal was formed to support peace and reconciliation at Balkan peninsula, but after two doubt decisions in second decide, we have same situation which created "Paris treatment" in 1918-1923 year, after WWI.

Decisions after this treatment made positive motion for next terrible war in which more then 20 million people lost life, and which more countries come into occupation from other countries.
Where two third population of the planet had been involved in military actions.

After two doubt decisions of the tribunal for former Yugoslavia, we expect more than ever before new tensions, and of course new military actions in some not long moment in the future,too.

This court has not make nothing from proclamation and self rules, injustice is terrible thing and ICTY made it so deep that no one in the world can expect for common man and women or child an justice against big states, personality or against other injustice acts against humanity.

It is not true that crime in Balkans war stay only at one side. And isn't true that so call big nation have reason to be punish for crimes who someone made in name to this nation, because a victims from this nations stay and cry against injustice and call have to revenge, which come in an next wars and not good relationship at Balkan.

But if we know that ICTY make decisions in favor to H. R. Clinton, than we know why decision was what we look it now.

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