Saturday 24 November 2012

Does Pope and curia has support to two Croat generals?

This days we have see what was happened in Croatia,after decision some judges from ICTY tribunal to realist two Croat generals from all charges at the Tribunal.

The real questions is, what was role have Pope and Vatican curia in this case, and what they have to going to stop eroding relations with Orthodox Church in Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina,too?

Do they support actions which Catholic priests and bishops at Croatia give open support to the two generals? Where the priests and bishops do nothing to say about war crimes after actions in what Croats call "Homeland war"?

Specially after two member of court council of ICTY openly call against Tribunal decision, and after more relative involved persons in the past actions said,what they said for a public.

Have to Pope and  Vatican curia can make stop against actions of Catholic priests and bishops in memories of victims, who had lost lives and propriety in actions of Croatian Army?
Or they come to call nothing against victims in the acts at actions what ordered the two former croatian general? What mean how they support a cleric actions in Croatia.

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