Thursday 1 November 2012

Storm "Sandy" and democracy

When come some to step over the super power, then we can see at an media like it has an "tragedy". But when a representatives of an super power come and talk about some country and regime of this state than it was "calls to democracy".

Why we must listen it? No, not today, neither tomorrow we have right to listen the lies which come from the woman and man who built self power and prosperity with a "crime money" and corruption.
The people who have the interests in the many wars and in places where people don't want to make an revolutions.
From Iraq to Libya and now Syria the States want to look like "No. one". But after more disasters and natural catastrophes we can saw that power of the States is lie at dust. Now, after what they call free press communication with common people, or what is true the lie and censored information about everything over hurricane "Sandy" the total true is that US exist like former super power, with more problems which we can see at Africa or some part of Asia after tropical storms.
Looting and shooting are in the places where no police forces, order is "gone with wind" and army have no power to restore order, but we only can saw how the "Presidential rice" is reserve only for two.
For this and much less reason, US government will come to say how it was "undemocratic and unfair" and "how is time to the Word come and intervene in this states", and come against "ugly regime and help a common people in import revolution" to destroy tyranny.

Today, is clear that US isn't democratic state, and that US isn't integrate state, but conglomerate of several interest, where some people use ideals for self proposals.
And where is not have open to mind at the self head.

"Sandy" is gone, but with the wind gone the States, gone administrations which had not right to told      something about others.
And time is to tell how in the States not exist "free speech and press", but a dictate of lie, for the mass manipulation. Even today, when Mr. Bloomberg have the vision of no help from the state and US. 

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