Saturday 27 October 2012

They hunt us???

EU and Europe have new problem who we have see at some parts of old continent. The some creatures come over vast places in the continent, and try to have fresh blood on the self menu.
They have name and call self the "Osiris son's". They look like common men or women but after some part of a day, they start to have new identity, they after that come to be an beast.
This creatures come at most public places and there start to hunt, to eat and of course to make self religious.
At other way, the most governments at old continent does nothing against it. Most reason for that we can saw in so call every-mental policy, where they try to come with symbolic answers about some things.

"We are not alone at this planet, like it was not other Homo spices in the past. We have come to make something, and now we have something what some from the humans created, the"Osiris sons".
Come from dark to live in dark, to make us to dark, and ash, they had self life places deeply in the non populated areas at Europa".

On most places we had saw how much situation is worst. The big grey wolf was mist and now we have big areas where people can have hear only deep silence. Where no exist nothing but birds, and where is after first dark isn't nice to stay.

From high north to deep south, they come in the small groups like wolfs. In many places at Europe, people live in fear, because they have personal lost of somebody of self relevant.
This creatures had been created, not in the near past but they have the long history, which was come at some times, at some place at European soil.
But now it was something what is rolling over whole Europe.
Why it we can detect now, reason is in situation with clime, where big differences between summer and winter conditions make that food is not now problem only for our majority, but even for rise minority, too.
In this reason, we had started to be food for them. 
Like many other spices they come in the places where war have ordinary word, and where is not so clear who kill and when some die.
When we look at Syrian inter war we can have see that in an night from front mist total unit of rebels, and no one have answer how?! Syrian Army is not so clear, what they now have at Syrian soil, after they come in some places where they came and saw a lot of blood without corps.

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