Friday 12 October 2012

Who have right to tell what is happen in Syria?

Who have right to tell what is happen in Syria?
Turkey, who are making aggression over Iraq against PKK or in the east side of country against self citizens, because they tray to have more freedom in speech and religious expression?
Qatar whose deeply in sheet after aggression against Libya, where they had lost over billions dollars in fall investments at the "new government". Or after they try to intrude over the south east Europe with investments in the chemical industry and open war against so call EU depend from Russian oil and gas?!
But inside, lie, corruption,  broke human law, and involving in the war against journalist who are not in line with Emir's family isn't so hard to US administration to push them to be "nice and good".
Saudi Araby is something what isn't nice place to live, because only one fifth of population living in the Haven, other living in the HELL. Rights for nobody and shot for an common people who try to be free from sadism of ruling Saudi family which have stay in deep dept over money what they spent and earn.
Only situation that they have holly sites Mecca and Medina on the jurisdiction, give them power to do what in holly Q'ran not scribe.
They step up to kill even Muslims who are not support them, and they are open supporter of fanatics who kill simply men and women, to make self anti religious order.
Bahrain where predominantly Shia Muslims die in fight against Suni ruling family, more then one year, and where so call the west nations looking aside to see nothing was happen in tiny kingdom.
Is something worst because people want to be free and satisfy?
In UAE we have to see how one system step down over some genocide against people from the Asia, where this people have not right for proper life, and where law stay against foreigners who have no right for self right, specially an women who are slaves in sex slavery. But UAE economy is in level less than it have Iran. Who care for it?They have land for our drones, and because that they are our ally.
After all, more butchers stay around Syria, and no one have troubles with so call democratic world. This world have problem only with secular state like Syria is.
Turkey is now totally nervous because Erdogan and others have knowledge about that.
At Saudi family civil war was at path more than half decade, where in this war life loose more than fifteen members of the family, For economic lies and family troubles we can see preparation for war.

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