Thursday 26 January 2012

South East European domino effect?!

After all, now is openly known that crisis stay so hurt over South east Europe. In Romania and Bulgaria, like member states of EU we have situation so much like we have in north Africa. And in Hungary situation isn't so nice, with crisis which point pick has still far away.
In nearest candidate for EU membership-Croatia, government has not knowledge to do something new in situation nearest Hungarian side look like.
New Prime minster of Croatian government has not do what is necessarily to remove deep crisis from Croatian streets. He and ministers in the government going to doing everything what is totally opposite of European strategy.
With new taxes on commercial goods in market,not luxury,they have position look like they have governance at some rich country, without social measure against poverty, Croatian government come out of real social economic intention to crisis will have going to be resolve in much quick time than it can have start to provoke social collapse.
They have present no intention to remove unconstitutional work law, whose have make protection over state and public officers, clerks, and other people who have work place situate into state umbrella. Sometimes much better pay for work than worker in the real sector.
Something same we had at Hungary, where situation look like EU protectorate with elements of autocracy of Victor Orban and economic catastrophe what have reflection at the local streets, where no more exists middle class.
Because that the credit rating for Croatia must be move at "junk".
To prevent same scenario.
IMF must have biggest role in economic situation at Croatia. Or EU and Mrs Merkel, can have expect situation like we now look at Greece. She must make push over Croats to stop to make situation worst than it have now. Or we can have see more organize crime and trafficking than ever before. With more drugs in EU places.
On other way it have good relations for nearest Bosnia and Herzegovina.
There local market expect more increase sales from Croatians who will come to buy goods. On other way it can have disaster condition for native Bosnian people.

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