Sunday 8 January 2012

International Law or permanent war like it have at SE Europe

The last play over Mid East present how it can going to make some disaster, when somebody have unknown policy and ignorance.
But, same policy step down over Balkan peninsula, where US and some other European governments doing so much wrong.When they are moving that situation at places is so warm,and where only open presents of outside army forces make some way peace.
No body have say that situation at field is nice or secure,when the local government at UN protectorate Kosovo had organised spectacles at streets of several Kosovo's towns.
It mean that some of protectors want to make new war or what?
After all we can see that UN resolution 1244 call to everybody in the region to be calm and that nobody have right to with arms make something against others. It mean that situation at field where financial crisis in Albania and Kosovo can not be come to use for nationalistic formation of pan Albanian movement against others, going to be very hard and try for all to be patient or to be replace from stage.
It mean that Kosovo is in Serbia by international law, but others have right to try to find something new for Serbia, like modern federation with three constitutional parts, where it have place in the tradition and specially at laws,too.
At this moment we can have see how like Kosovo haven't power to be stable,with no money and without law security over not territory but over all citizens,too.
Because that only integration to Kosovo in Serbian system, after deep negotiation can have positive move at not only relations between Albanians and Serbs, but even relations between others at Balkan swam,too.

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