Wednesday 8 February 2012

Arab money in the sand of lies

After Libya what is next?
Syria or Russia?
Or we have see drop down of some so call economic power?!
The real money isn't at the Gulf but at some way at London City. And we had interest situations where some so call big Arab guys have money in the arms and blood.
Why? For the reason whose stay at position that some states at Middle East stay in deep sand of lies.
Lies come this time from the news house at the Golf.
For reason to remove the big trade competition from oil markets.
Not only Russia or Brasil, but even some oil reach nation in Europe.
The corruption over some international war organisation make have the choice for independent voice from some part of Atlantic ocean.
We need to have real power in it to remove the lies whose come from list one year, about so call democratic movements who had come on the wings of war planes.
Is it for the people or for some way Arab supremacy over free world?

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