Saturday 24 March 2012

The EU axis broke the logic!?

When crisis come over states and when on other way some try to put it on the normal relation between population and politician, then we can look at crime on the terrorist act,like it we can see in West Europe.
A crimes against people, specially against a child is something worst what somebody can have do.
But if we have policy that a crime against humanity isn't it for the West, what we have look at the some places at the World, this crimes going to be the rules.
If we have on the way a try to world order have same power against all at this planet.
The last action in North Africa and even in the Middle East for some part of this planet have catastrophic situation, where water is lost from the middle and east Europe,where dry weather make the still of life very difficult.
For this terrorist act we can have accusation against France President N. Sarkozy, who was mislead action against Colonel Ghadaffi.
And even for the weather situation in Europe, but the situation at the most area of Mediateranian sea,too.
If some want to change a regimes in other places, than he must in the first time going to change self states. Or we can expect a lot criminal acts against common people.
The aggression can have make in this time on the really different way. But on the all time in the history it could made the World's disaster.
Why, for whom?!

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