Tuesday 13 March 2012

Is Croatia good partner for membership in EU?

What are doing government of Croatia?
Several months after they have referendum for introduce to EU, and some few days after local parliament made voted about it, the local government have doing everything total opposite from the agreement which they made with EC, about introduce the membership.
In this country the government has the member of government who are in the justice procedure because they had some criminal action against public interests.
At home they are in connection with the local "businessman",and "businesswoman",too. With same people who had financial involved into some "mysterious" business,where the more biggest company for no-money investment come in the poses of them.
The minister of justice,police(interior minister), even the local Prime minister, over that the first Vice Prime minister has process at the Hungarian court about criminal act against civilians into car crash incident. But he is involved in the several criminal acts against the public interests when he had agreement with state at self company involved at the public job,too.
The problem come even in the ministry of defense, where the minister had not regular military academy education, but he had took the rang of brigade general.
He has now the title "graduate journalist", where no have knowledge where it he take that.
The minister of work is medical doctor who with the social education hasn't so much, and who are in the position only because he is friend of the President of Republic Croatia.
These ministers doing so much different form EU law that now in Croatia invest isn't secure.
Croatian army hasn't money even for the basic equipment, and situation in the army structure is like we have nowhere at NATO member states, or only at nearest Hungary, and Bulgaria.
The minister of global invest and develop has only knowledge how to lost money at bankruptcy. And how to say nothing that he is member of the local national minority, like it has ministry of social security and a family. This lady make more mistakes when she coming to predict a local social security system, and what she is doing it has from legislation which are against positive European law jurisprudence.
In combination these two ministry, the ministry for work and ministry for social security, economic situation at field going to coming worst. Because state has not money for something, they doing everything to take over money for people who are not going to have perspective for job. On this way they push social instability over a red line. And a clime to investment make really not perspicacity.
The people without money and security for job and life make have going to take revolution method against everybody.
It and corrupt government and law system an job at Croatia, push in job make market out of reason to we have believe that this new EU member state has real power to don't come into "Greek syndrome" only month before she come in the full membership at the Union.
To prevent it EU must come to make big push on the local Prime minister to make new government, with new minsters and of course with best policy than he have it now.
Specially in the moment when Croatian Finance minister try to do nothing how to make have collect the taxes from government friends who are have the several hundred million Euro dept against state budget, because they hadn't pay taxes regularly for years.

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