Monday 7 October 2024

Israel cause heavy losses to NATO

 In final, the aggression at sovereign state going on and now have new phase in which NATO try to make gains at the soil. 

What happen in the area going to be different from these plans, and now they have same number flights from the battlefield, with this whom came to. 

Numbers personnel stay only several hours before they left it in coffins or in the hospitals from Turkey to Romania. 

At other side, so call IDF stay out of power and  it support by directly involve in the operation NATO forces. Which found how thy must recover position in the area with brigades who was split from Ukraine and what they had involved in battle against Russia. 

In the moment it was some necessary to did after found how the operation plan gone in the wind. 

In this moment, more than 12 thousand NATO soldiers try to give more gains against Lebanon forces, but it was no result, and now they only have heavy loses. In back of this forces stay some, seven IDF brigades, what have no communication, and supply to move self, closely to the front line. 

Even bombardment to Beirut came from the Greece and Cyprus and we have big surprise, what cause that Lebanon and other Ally did not fight them, to today?!

How it have right to say, we find in attack from Cyprus at Latakia in Syria, when several days ago eight fighter F-35 attacked post of Iranian proxy. And what was repelled in coordination Russian and Syrian forces. And what in total have result. One survived, other lost in the action. 

Here we are not take comment about Iranian punishment to Israel and NATO, specially because everything is clear, and we find in the operation at the field how so call Israel have no more power to move even "finger", and how much operation coming from US and UK, where they shadowed bombers in the regular passenger airplanes. 

IDF of Canadians who fly like Israelis have courage only to bombed "security cool" places. Other like it is now in Syria, where they have several direct hits in the planes, they not like to finish in job.

And what have to say in situation with regular kills at the prominent figures in their enemies ranges, it is that they have lost all contact with reality. 

The contact over MSM is same what in Nazi Germany have common people in contact with Goebbels propaganda. They try to make support to these action in the ME and other place in the Planet, where they have not to say on massive  non selected bombing at popular area, where stay killed hundred in moment. Against several injures in opposite attack on civilian areas,too. 

On different, we find full censorship what was coordinated from the same place in London, and have no place to find reality in the backfire in Israel and NATO. Where we have info how if last make a report about one dead it means real 17, and wounded is 1:23. These numbers is not so popular for domestic population, what have no so well mind at the all. 

In Ukraine it going worst and now stay 1:13 dead,1:124 wounded what have most dead in final. 

It mean how full casualties in NATO, what have Ukraine, 52 support state grow in the 1,23 million and not stay in the point. 

Of course, we have big expect about NATO attack against IRAN, specially to see how the East Commonwealth make react in revenge. 

We know what going to be, but now is time to find NATO and supporters.  

If IDF come to smash Iran, Iran have full right to going to bombing not only Israel, but EU, too.

Thursday 19 September 2024

NATO electronic agresion against Lebanon

 Nothing specially was happen in list several days what had no place to nearest history. If anybody want to find similarity with current situation, than same have to find in big explosion in Beirut port, after half of town was destroyed and where more hundred persons left dead, and thousands wounded.  

It was in coordination between Croatia, Albania and France, and had main point to broken a war between Hezbollah and Israel. 

In this operation everything was presented like attack from Israel special forces and Mossad, and how they had plan to did it, how and when done it. But, after all we find how it was only "smoke screen" to prevent declassification of main master mind, who was sit in the Paris. 

Everything is same like now, but this time for "hands in the field" was used NATO. This organization was and is full involved in all what happen in Lebanon, several weeks ago. 

We had info, how something was prepared at the base of NATO, or regular to say, UK forces at Cyprus. 

Their flights over more than two months ago, and their control push against Lebanon in demand that Lebanon Army stay more cooperative and to put at the clear use some bases in the country to be use at not only UK forces. 

Even, when they have no possibility to find success in the it, they have way to take activity in and around Lebanon to find what they try to have, a had of all Hezbollah operation.  

In base at south of Cyprus they have several thousand mercenaries from relative ally, who came from most of them, IS formations, who was prepared to make attacks against UK enemies, Russians in Syria, across Lebanon. The plan to be base for it's attacks. 

After plan A stay out of use, and after find how situation at ME stay more doubled to them, they take another operation way and sand previously named "mercenaries" in Russia, region Kursk. 

We said how it had combination of forces from NATO, Israel, and IS. And how they had been part of the mix corp with Ukraine forces. And how they had some 22830 personnel, most of them in mechanic units, communications,  and artillery,too. 

After all most power of this corps was vanish, and now exist only in 1/3 of all number. 

This situation, with several other seriously losses, push high command in London to start to prepare big operation to spit off East Commonwealth from the east Mediterranean shores. For these reason in coordination with US Central command they put at the island more electronic devices and take more generators to produce more energy for the first time take act in the sphere of communication.

All of this we have now like knowledge, and before we have only look at activities. But, all of this activity was silly or strange, and after find how they took more operation over east Mediterranean and west Asia, with support from US fleet near Lebanon shores, we was expected to manpower operation in south Lebanon with NATO forces, in Israel uniforms. 

But, microwave and ultrasound operation, wasn't in the opinion. Reason stay in how much energy need to be use for full scale of operation. It mean how they must have power from a nuclear reactor to did what they done. 

Israel like in previous operation from France, have not knowledge and power to did it. Even if they try to said how they have involve in the it. 

Israel even haven't power in the army to make any game against Lebanon, specially after their losses in Kursk, where they lost several thousand elite soldiers, and after they have losses in Mossad and Shin Beth.

They have only power to make trouble in Gaza or some parts of West Bank, but after Houti take place near their border, they have no one men to sent in north of the country. Or to make much trouble to Palestinians.

Houti forces came in the region after several weeks negotiation between King Abdalla and opposition in Jordan. What cause changes in policy of Jordan, and preparation to the King abdicate to the end of year. 

Israel now is in position where they had pushed from their ally, and this cage have only one way to them. A war what have had prepared in the west is only final point of destruction of so call globalism and militant liberalism. 

Out of energy, influence and strategic resources they have only way to push global war. But in it they have no chance to make victory. 

The Attack was prepared in London, what have several phases, where we had saw first, second was NATO secret "invasion" of Israel, and treed they going to be deploy near border between Israel and Lebanon, in case, where they expect that UNIFIL going to have same role like it was with UN forces in Croatia 1995. 

In all, the group of naval forces in operation named Eastern Bull,  have NATO group from US and Nederland marines, and support inair and communication from Cyprus, where group have mix of NATO member states, most of them from Baltic sea region. The group have 16000 soldiers and officers, and several thousand Syrian armed refuges in the north part of Lebanon. 

Yes, they expect that local Army do nothing,and how they have only businesses with Hezbollah.

The operation have point to going to take 16 days, and after that they stay at the new posts for no less half year. 

Even it was part of previous plans, like it was several years ago, when NATO take activity against Lebanon, and when in several days they lost hundreds soldiers and officers. Some of them after all was buy from the locals for huge amount.  

Now, Israel forces is out of use. NATO must take more troops at the foot and they have against self not only Hezbollah, but all East Commonwealth with allies. US must be clear that they no more have  the fleet. How they only have way in capitulation. 

And of course, London never ever took the operation,if they had not important support from the US top. Sullivan.                    

Monday 9 September 2024

Double bookkiping in EU and allies

 In the actually war what no much of observers try to named like WW3, and what in the western side of the Planet continually speak like simply war, stay a continuing, where one side at other side try to present success, and try to say how they have more power than they really have. 

In this moment when electricity produce in EU stay at level 72 percent in total, and where in real it mean 42 percent, new cold time in the year stay critical for not only industry, but for all population, too in EU.

It was suggested from situation in the main front for them, in Ukraine, where serve nuclear plants now have not power to made more export. And where they only have small power to make some supply to the local entity.  

Same situation going to be with fuel, where common policy at EU levels fall, and now each country member try to find some producer what is ready to give it in reasonably conditions. Even some of the member states use smugglers and bought it at the black market, mostly steal oil from Syria. And other things from the Chad, but in much less level than it is need. 

Other materials what they need to build war industry came from the Argentina, and several other LA states, but it was not naff. Even mass media made propaganda like these countries,NATO countries have more power and more ability to produce equipment for war.

But when you try to make comparative by produce in the normal industry, than you find how production slowly but continually month per month step down and now stay in the level what was in 1952.

It mean how industry in the West part of the Planet going to be put in war mode, and they are seriously preparing to make it in coordination act against Human rights. First, right at the personal integrity, than free speech, and after all close all free information in the lager of 32, maybe such more countries. 

Of course, it was in the field more than several months, and it was at the meeting table in the Belgrade negotiation between  Mr Nariskin and Mr Bearns.  After this negotiation stay clear how only way to stay in the line for NATO and EU, to growing war incursion in all parts of an society.

Mr Berns find how Mr Nariskin has these plans to stop each influence of NATO at Balkan, in all condition, and at all ways. Even if it mean clean NATO from Serbian province Kosovo. Or at other way with more influence in the Balkan states, member of these Associations.

The some exam of NATO power point in BiH, came like satiric role, where NATO soldiers at the field find fool fear in the many no where places across the country. And they find how some part of the equipment missed, mysteriously.

The same problem in the Poland have group Army W, NATO, after several thousand soldiers from this group missed in the action somewhere in the Russia. 

On other way, Russia has some problems in these operations, after they find how some of their officials and high officers still have contact with other side. Than is possible that some part of operation plans stay public to their enemies. Fix it is necessary to general  Gerasimov  to make all orders in the finish by 31 November. 

OK. All of this is clear to NATO and allies, and than they do everything to make pressure against Minsk, but with some mistakes in the calculation. 

We are back at economy, and see how industry productions, mostly all indications what have statistic data, came in the two different book. The first is to public, and second is for the establish group in each country. It mean, in the first book you have much better calculate data, than it is in the second book. In which you have find some interest information, how situation is worst than ever before. It have be find in chapter about drug "smuggling", where drug deal from began of 2024, to now stay less for  25 percent, and where is much more chemical substations, than smuggled from abroad. This number have the "key" what open all "doors", where is clear how production, than employed, and BDP now is much than 14 percent less than two years before, and more than 1/3 than  from beginning 2024.

With this numbers, EU in the sphere of war industry come with recession,a crisis where inflation from the October going to be more than 21,3 percent at month level. 

It mean, hyperinflation knocking at the "door", and it be public after several new conferences where the 3/4 of the Planet stay owner of 95 percent all resources. Only what 3/4 of Planet  have plan, and they do, is export former colonial officials to these colonial capital, and after all it mean insecurity, more confrontation in the former colonial power, what have point at i about all WW3.   

Sunday 25 August 2024

Bearns in hotel Yugoslavia

 Two not so smart guys in actually administration have plane to "pick up" Holly Church and make some gains at the route to new crusade war. Sullivan on the side and Bearns at other side try to finished plan to make new war between two denomination in Christianity.

But, after all they have no contact with reality, and they only have intention to serve some who have only way to find money in the pocket of others. And only way for this in the moment they have to create religion wars. 

After they try to make new IS in the Middle East, they now going to make something same in the east Europe, but not only. In Balkan region they try to make some trouble, in activity between Albanian Islamist and others. Both of them make support to this group. 

Yes, even Turks try to make some influence over Islamic Broader, with more money and more other support in some part of the region.What had no real gains at the political and security arena.

In all security activity you have find several intel group, who have some controversial action, but only what they, from west side, want is war like ti was 30 years ago.

Is so foolish when you find that Bosnian minister of defense have close ties with Israel's group, and how he had moves in coordination by MI-5. 

In this contacts he have some information what cause loses in the Islamic Resistance. Of course he did everything to push local ammunition industry to pick up coordination with some what he try to say "strategic partners and ally". He did not saw some activity in the country, like paramilitary groups what had training in several points of south east part of BiH. 

No way to saw how this guys in the training use local population like objects at what they make some tactics and operations in the low profile.

After Serbian security killed prominent Islamist in the region who have regular contact with Brits, an who have several passports with full of diverse identity, at Balkan came Berns. 

In Hotel Yugoslavia, Belgrade, he had negotiation with counterpart from the East. In negotiation with them he try to make some conclusion and deals.

First he try to their officers and soldiers in Russia did not be killed after they have be captured. And to nobody give information of full scale of damage to US side and their allies. 

Second he try to have deal how the East in new scale of confrontation do not going to give more sophisticate weapons to the proxi forces, specially to Houty and Hezbollah. Of course to not be send some long distance rocket, what have range to make trouble to these aircraft groups around Cyprus. But, not only. 

Third he try to make close marks at the local government in several Balkan states, to push them at the close cooperation in what he and Sullivan take activity against others. But, after he found how other side have clear info, about who and what, he stay more nervous, and after all he try to make presence at the Peninsula more invisibility.

Indeed, he try to make pressure at the local governments to they had stop activity of the other side. To push back all point of local sympathy for his enemies. 

He try to close all acts against some individuals and criminal groups, over what some from them side have control. Specially to prohibit activities against some Islamist and some criminal group in the region.What have influence at the drug market into Latin America.

Of course that other side have full info about this persons and how they have possibility to eliminate them in the quick moment if they going to be trouble maker. 

In close contact at the Hotel, these sides try to make secure other how they do everything to protect what they had saw like legitimate interest. In this secret conference, the person from local Bern's ally have only to say how he have no good information about situation in the country, where more than 85 per-cent of army haven't intention to take part of NATO. And how state borders on the east stay full open for more than 2000 immigrants each week to come and stay in the mostly empty near border regions of the country.

In talks he said how "we have full control over suspicion units, and we did everything to make them lock from the others". But he said how they have problem with British what they push at the theater old nationalist like some singers. 

After all, this meeting in Belgrade find how situation in the front is so insecurity for more sides. And how Berns try to make some activity to stop more damage to US Presidency Candidate Kamalla Harris.

Only what we expect is full and quick push back from the Catholic peak, after they find how some want to push them at the tinny ice. Maybe we saw it in Robert's case.  


Wednesday 14 August 2024

Check your bills, before you make a war

 Indeed, what is necessary to happen to someone, somewhere in the some place stay to find how they have  no more money to fight anybody. 

In the reality where they need some acts, where they wait to something,too, only what they have lost money in each minute of last several days. 

If you have position to know how they have losses above 500 million USD each day, when they "try to stop Iran", or what is real to take act against Iranian ally at the whole front from the Pole to Pole, you have information how they did not lost only 3,2 billion in two days at the darkness of stocks, but they have these costs caused in the preparation to be use arms and equipment into next faze of the WWIII.

In this time, they lost not less than 13 billion USD, but in reality, they now have losses what rose at the more than 400 million plus into operations what they take over several fronts,each day.

This number have nothing with some interest moves over fields in the East part of Ukraine, non with so call activity into Kursk region in Russia, but with situation where they have so call contact with Prince of Araby, where they try first to eliminate him, and than now they try to buy him, over their open support to his half broader. 

It was, what they had push in the public sphere, but they had not intention to say how they try to push back Salman's initiatives to more independence to Saudi Araby. 

In reality they took acts against Kingdom's stocks and of course investment in several area, what was political move to make Kingdom independent over oil and energy price. 

But, even they have big assessments, even they took some act into country,too, they had no much success in the place, and now they only have some contacts with same people who have been their contacts with so call IS. Some of them in the security sphere of the Kingdom. 

In contact with them they try to made some acts against Saana and local Hutie movements. With two different groups in total 120 paratroopers and US Marines force. Maine stick in the actions had been IDF 13th Special Air Borne Battalion. No one of the 120 involved in direct action stood allay.But even support units have large losses, even the support ships stay out of use some way in the deep sea. 

In same proposals to make what they have to made, the same staff take acts in East Russia, where they send no less than 3000 IDF parachutes, who had a fist of the blitz krieg into first moves over border in Kursk region. 

In all things came to be lock at the place more Russian forces, before they took activities against main enemies front in Lebanon and Syrian. Where US defend department sent more than 5000 fresh officers and soldiers to take support in acts against someone. 

Of course, that other side stay in contact with reality and how they have move what is not in the plan made some in the Greece base nearest Athena.

 One of operations was coordination "check and kill" operation with RAF forces from Cyprus, US from the naval groups, and of course some part of Israel's ayes at the field. Main target in this action stay their Eminence, and some other political and military persons in the region, but mostly in Lebanon. 

A some things in all of this operations going from bad to worst and back. Even they try to use more security agents in several countries over west, to push out any possibility to public find a truth what happen now. 

Same public wasn't so much interest about war in Gaza, nor interest exist to war in Sudan, where they have plan to eliminate one of the main players. Where they fail and have no point to present success, even they have some gains against Wagner group several hundred kilometers at the west in Sahara desert. 

The fool war is here and nothing have possibility to change the route of it. Yes, several hundred million  stay hit with it, but after all only what they have to do,and what they have in these papers is August,20,2024 when they going to close EU in cocoon.

Nervous and fail have still main point in the war, and now after "their success" in border regions at the Ukraine-Russian border, some thing stay clear. 

For real success you need more power, but more power on one side, have reaction at the other side, where they take asymmetric methods what find some new points in the actual plan. Like bases around Russia, and China, even in the for both country friend neighborhood. 

How all of this had find public, we did not stay to say, and only what we have is possibility to fight our interests. 

Tactic from Athene now have comeback like trap to their whom planed it. And only what have they now is growing costs, in all types. 

Someone must pay it. And it is not the World, but only EU.

In East front now exist more than 20 thousand elite NATO forces, what have main role in least activity. And preparation for silencing Sunny element have any point. What is clear in these losses. And coordination operation for preparation in MSM media.              

Friday 2 August 2024

How Israel stay out of matter

 Time is more interest to be spend in an phrases.

The Word is not so interest place to be move in an emotion belong to death.

 Only what is interest now is so many scares and oppression at the West, specially in the such organization like it is WEF, WB and FR. In these organization stay more problems and no more plans to overthrow situation at the moment. 

In our modern World, where no more exist one center of power, and where is no power in the main stick of these organizations, the blow of democracy more inter and out police and secret services observation have place to move aggression of them to some what they believe that is threat to them. 

In many operation in the several days they use not originally official services, but in this acts they pay and push more over law groups. From the GRU Ukraina and some criminals group from in connection by DIA.  

In modus operandi at the Tehran we had not find some Israeli official group or some alone officer but opposite, we had find some introduction in the smuggler groups, specially the group what have deep connection with Ukraine GPU. And come from the International Brigade, group Bathumi.

Like it had been in operation against former Iranian President, who was killed by same operation group and what pay such five million USD. But, some from the Swiss Alps have not so many knowledge or they was not so smart to find how the money have a legs. 

At these track we have find so many interest message, what had cause that they have involution at so call Olympic Games. Where they put several million USD in propaganda. To present some what with normality have nothing. Nor in culture, but neither in the Games structures.

Their fantasy how they have right to make order in the Word going in last time of their conglomerate named EU. Where inflation even they try to present rose statistic data, broke all over historical record. 

At this message, they only have way to make new big concentration lager EU. Where they first in the time make several type of censorship, and on other way assassination against prominent ant-globalist.

No more they are secure. Their main player in Middle East, Netanyahu did everything against them. Now he only have way to blow more to preserve self at the actually post. 

Doesn't matter if in it some several million Jews left the region. Non is matter if in this operation Great Britain stay in the blood bath at the base in Cyprus. Or if some decide to make finish with monarchy in Jordan. 

No matter, but no matter when they come for two weeks in the public with big bankruptcy in Stockholm and other part of north Europe.

They had believe how they are only had matches in the hands and how they are superior, but now they have clear view what mean when some have delusion.

The war in ME is in the effect, and we have move in the field to blow more than they have to present self how it can be. No Iran, non Lebanon, neither others, but some other, have power to blow up all.           

Friday 19 July 2024

How Rafale planes was discovered reality at EU and around

 A days and nights, years and months, stay away from today, when we said how everything going to be. 

Today, in some time before new rendezvous, we are in possession to make new message, and call many to up rise against new normal modern Nazi regimes who stay in form of so call democracy in many countries all over around the World. 

In day before has start of First game of fame in Paris, we are say how it have not anything with Pierre de Quberten and Olympics manifests from year 1898. Nor it have with sport and neither it have with a peace. 

But it was and now is necessary to old oligarchy in fall state like it now has France. They have interest to present some irrelevant out of public true story, named to be place to fight everybody who had not and have not be incorporate in their needs to lead and live like it had have their fathers.

Olympic games came in the moment where the war in Europe make new violent rank, and where intolerance specially in some old politic class grow. Their nervous and fear, everybody can have smell and see. In operation named "Black Swan" France President try to remove democracy in the way what was never been find in the history. But, after all the "Red Swan" came to be worst to him than previous. Nothing less from it, operation was included some operation in the Balkan area, and have message to all how they are magnificent. With export several dozen "fire fighter" Rafale in the region, specially to Croatia, stay clear how this airplane is insolvent in the some future war. 

Even France Dassault try to presented more specification in blue and with color, where they tell to public how their product is magnificent, the spy system in the region find how it is far from reality. 

This plane need ears and eyes at the battlefield of a future war games in the Balkan. It mean at the territory was build so call light towers. Many of them in the cities and the strategic position, so many build in technology of 5G and  6G, many masked and officially secured by the local militaries and security services.

So many installation cause the shortage in electric energy system and in combination with cam-trail change at the clime. 

These system was used to make change in war against Russia,at way to so many powder was spreed from Frances's military installation in Toulon,Nice and some basses in the Italy around Liguria.

With electromagnetic influence at these powder made from Aluminum Sulfate,glycocite- nitrogen, and phosphorus,what in some way can cause more disease in lung, neurons, and some unspecific cardio modulation. it have the point to be used like arm against someone. No matter if it have going to cause death to civilians on the south east Europe.

A plans exist to be change. And it had been in this case. 

France is part of NATO. NATO was support in all to France. But, at other side was some who are not small country over sea, but strong and powerful military might. 

These might came in counterattack and use same methods what cause in this moment disaster in the south Europe, but more in the middle Europe. The method what they use cause that Dassault planes have no possibility to flight. Than it cause that flights of civil aviation come to be more expensive. Production in agriculture less active, and more of it, their army totally blind.

Today we have see how both, European Football Championship and Olympic Games coming in disaster. Germany have not so much success to finished Championship in self favor. Money is lost, and cost of everything start to be much worst than export of few rocket system to Ukraine.

In Paris we expect much worst scribe shot,scenario where operation "Dragon Red" fight all results.

In the war who is in the field and what cause more than 28 thousand dead and wounded in Poland Army, thousand in France army, and total disaster to ISrael, only what some had to be abnormal did was attack against some politician in USA. And it have be more moron if we have information that it has be local high ranking politician in well connects by ISrael and IS.

After all we not expect to British Army Generals is so foolish to come at the Balkan and they make their  military plan about "Blue Hawk", where they planed to use some part of Muslim population against others, in some so call legitimate operation to salvation of Union of BiH. 

Yes, we know how they have deal by local politician named Helez, who have part in kills of some Resistance commanders, what was payed by drones and special arms to contractor Helez. And if going to be with this person, it would be make from the British Army and/or Resistance. 

The act against Serbian police officer by Albanian smugglers, is part of the Brits plan. Plan to make small victorious war, after fall in the war against East Commonwealth where they have clear and fool support to Nazi. 

Their tool to make troubles to other named EU, after named at the posts  these old family from Ursula to Costa going to be historian past. For this reason here have not place for them, and their Neo-Nazi stile of policy. 

Only ask stay to Pontiff Maximums is he stay in the back of this trivial group?!                                    

Sunday 23 June 2024

CHF collaps

 In several days from last our proclamation, situation in the World have intention to be very interests.

Evan everybody, specially Germany try to stop all questions about European Football Championship, and UEFA try to did more to made shadow over blow in operation named political influence into "operation Guardiola". In this operation some from other part of Atlantic try to make shadow for operation what they did into several places at the Planet. But, after it stay in open view, and after many started to talk, the operation going to be more than disaster. Both, economical and political, for sport it have more devastate influence. 

Operation have several goals, but after all, they have noone of them. In Germany have not naff electricity to propriety work everything needed to correct work at the Championship. Nor to work in the public, and neither to common life for all population in the country. 

They, British did something what they predict like not so painful, they started to took electricity from Ukraine, but after stay clear how it would not be possible, they start to take more electricity from the neighborhood countries, and from Balkan states. What cause black turn in several days ago. 

The war method used from the Russian Army, now have finger in the eye, and it have point that no more possible to Europe live in the same values, what planed from London to be.

Of course, not only way to blow up system of the operation came from that way, described in previous text. In only week ago, started second operation "Washaganda".

This operation have point in the systematic and quick remove money from the some banks, most of them stationary in Swiss.

From four dominate bank in the Confederation, from India, over Arab nation, even Vatican removed money, in few days more than 32 bilion CHF, in all time of operation more than ten time from this amount left  the Confederation. 

In time when the Confederation was suppressed by US to made some conference about something what cause that they lost the Treaty form 1812, about total immunity and neutrality to the Confederation.

Now, CHF have no weight at the markets, and only stay in position to save some players from risk named EUR, who lost now more than 75 % of value. 

At the other way, in these transactions in the Federal reserve, where they try to pick up gold from the local banks in the operation named "Guardiola", what mean gold from the third countries, for devastate USD, cause that into these banks stay only paper, what the Confederation has not power to change back to the original owner. 

German, or UEFA try to finance the Championship with money from abroad, mostly from China, at way that they took much and give back nothing. But, after China vice Premier came in Luxembourg,where they give suggestion to Great Duke, what he did not interest to do, or he and Luxembourg risk to be back in the 1950th 20th century. For support in the words, they use exam from the Confederation.

Money insecurity and more lost of integrity cause for the some countries in Europe, Japan, and Singapore,too, insecurity and braking crushes into finance industry. And of course, in economic for all.

Few weeks before final crush in the Olympic Games,  the plan how some have plan to attack Lebanon, or make some big move at the war in East, going to be wast of time and energy. 

Israel is gone, Swiss at the path of decomposition. EU going in dark of all, and economic in US, stay at the brink of deactivation.

CHF, or nick name- gold money now is not more than paper with shine pictures at avers and metalanguages messages at it. The money have only 15% of previous value, and only what they want to prevent is to someone not speak up about it in public.            

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Shut down UEFA cup and Olympic games

 Several days before UEFA cup at German soil is best time to say what it have mean to global policy. 

In time where the WWIII is at the rise and where is everything organize to be blowing up in such moment. The fear and angry come at the door of most part at the Planet, and they want to say something how to explain to the Europeans that they have no possibility to live "normal". No more they have to others rights to live at the low standards of south and east population at the Planet. For this reason we have take a historian books and there we found how something same, with same sponsors had been played into  Nazi Germany and at same stadium "Olympic Stadium" where hundred years ago Adolf Hitler stay at the separate lodged and did everything to present how new order stay better than old, and how new German Reich have power and stile to make games for all. But like it have be now, only for someones, mostly from "right side of Earth".

All episode of it came in moment when economic crisis in old Europe, hundred years ago is at the peak. War had been started in Spain, and same circles stay in hand to hand with Nazi Germany.

Than Olympic games had been used in Roman stile, where people take pleasure, and joy. With little or not much bread. Everything came to had more easy to governing many elites. Prior UK. 

In this moment, situation in European Union is at the same level, what it was into century ago old era. 

No jobs, no security, no money, more hungry and much more out of propriety, with millions of farmers at the brink of existence. Like then into Nazi Germany when  much people come to take a job, and better conditions, at the other way more people try to left Germany before WWII, to not be executed. 

Like Nazi and fascist at that time, now EU stole money and propriety from them who have not support "green idea" much more same in the act with "final solution". In Europe hundred years ago for people who had not same genetics or politic stile like rulers, or ruled ideas, if they had not been happy to left to other countries or continents. Gone to had been imprisoned into concentration camps, where "human doctors" did so terrible things. 

Today, these concentration camps is combined with terror of white jackets, in cooperation and support of so call WHO. Where group of old Nazi boys try to serve global war against an "terrible treat to humanity", and who have no idea or plan to take "safe" injection than they can be remove from the life, not into gas chambers, but they have not take money from an accounts. They have no possibility to take health care, nor jobs,neither documents. Everybody who going to say something against it risk to be imprisoned without judge and juries, maybe for life. Like Mr. Assange in UK prison.     

But not only they, even their family can be in the same position,too, and even their friends. 

Simply same what had been in the Nazi Germany, and Fascist countries around Europe, and the World hundred years ago. 

What was different between Macron's France, and Vichy France, or Nazi Germany? Nothing! Same system lived in the both time, at the both place. 

And several month before Olympic Game in France, and Paris, war against Macron's France burn at these streets, and people try to take the justice. To stop this, Macron use everything, even war rhetoric comedy, where they even now lie about presence of France Army at the foot in Ukraine. 

Nothing he had told to people how several thousand Legioner and loyal officers lay down in battle against East Commonwealth. 

Local people have interest knowledge about it, and even everybody who have courage to talk about it risk prison or to be bitten in "some secret base", the truth start to be common. 

Hundreds officials, soldiers, policeman, agents of all state agencies, paramilitary group, and other make security zone around Paris center. 

In all over sea departments and colonies now not have enough forces to make state order, like it is in New Caledonia. Or in south Indian Ocean-Mayote, but mostly in all of them. 

With 5900-12930 personnel in the line against East Commonwealth in former Ukraine, Paris is at brink to be burn into domestic unrest, or much worst the civil war. 

What we want to present?

Now is time to someone take action and make shutdown both, UEFA cup in Germany  and Olympic games in France. It going to cause the revolution against old elites, and same persons what make trouble with so call COVID-19. 

We saw how is injustice to Israel have place at the games, and Eastern Commonwealth not. Or how is possible to USA and some others have right to use drugs and stimulus at Olympic games, and others not. Many questions sit at the place,and now we have only way to say, how after elections for EU Parliament now is excellent time to change in EU and the World. 

When you stop the planes, and tourist, you going to blow up whole old order in the World. WWIII would be finished momentarily, and new era stay in the power. 

None of Western supported person going to have courage to say something against, after all. For this reason, for sovereignty to small person, shut down to both, UEFA Cup in Germany,and Olympic games in France, is the mission. 

Real time to say how is not time to negotiation at the front, but time to be finish system where some live at the other count, from their money, and on the rules which not same for all. 

EU after so call election find how order into the "club" not exist and how for somebody this is, for others not. In moment where EU EURO is finished in deep inflation with rate of 75%. Support by production decline more than 25%, what  in the time have fool collapse and place in the GDP at the level near end of WWII.

Now, how we said in time which is close to situation near their war start.          

Wednesday 22 May 2024

General Asambley must vote agaist "Srebrenica genocide resolution"

 In many times order in the World had never same position for everybody. Exclusivity for such and full order pressured for others, the order had nothing, but opportunity to them who want to rule over others. 

In the moment when the World started to be changed, and some organizations must going to be changed for reason what cause change the old order to new. At the way to changes what we had see some old methods what have posses to be use from same who had power in the past over all other in the Planet. 

In UN organization we have see some institutionally wrong. Something what with reality in the new order have nothing, and what only cause more antagonistic reactions at many sides. 

If we looking at UN reaction against genocide in the Gaza Strip we saw how domination in a relation have more power than national interest of many small countries. Voting in the GA and SC of UN only have some success if it have point to say something against small countries and nations. Nothing going against the West and their vassals. 

People of Palestine is only crucial presenter how the Organization have only reason to exist when they prevent some acts against main power states. Same Organization have not integrity even to call Chapter 7 of UN Chart to protect employed in the Organization agencies which was attacked from IDF at the field. In reason, how some from inside said, General Secretary have problem with fear. And with some in the nearest circle who was opened stay like agents of US and UK in the case.

General Secretary never say something about situation with informers from the Ukraine, after some of them stay so call legitimate targets from the local authorities,  when they find several so cruel international law violations. 

This situation isn't new. In the times after wars into former Yugoslavia, at the territories of  many new countries founded from the former state, had been started excavations to had found mass graves. 

In much famous graves place, at the area of Srebrenica the group of inspectors and forensics try to find what had been with population in the war and after, specially after this UN security enclave had been occupied by local Serbs forces in the spring of 1995. 

In began of excavation they have any program or some real perspective what they must to find, but only to made a find about reality. 

And everything was fine to moment than they had not found some strange exams, how situation in the enclave had nothing with black and white choreography, but something more darkness. Interest of some countries who had been co-founder of the Security zone Srebrenica. 

First in the grave had never find more than 4350 bodies or parts of it. In moment when they had information for the Organization about that, they was restored with new team who have exactly order to find not less than 8000 corps. 

In the first team found several strange situation, where the body have lethal damages from the NATO fragments. What have not possibility to came from the Serbian side. 

Eactly , they find how some from the West had fingers and arms into conflict and how both confronted side have same damage at a casualties , different from each other caused in the previous battles.

In the Srebrenica from late 1993 to the end of the Security Zone, existed special forces from France and UK in the Zone.

Each of them out of UN control and out of UN forces.  These interrogations about it, find how this forces did many acts in the area, and how they have "bloody equipment after their returns from these actions around Srebrenica and Bratunac". Both of this town in the east Bosnia. 

In actions from 1992-1994, and late in area of Bratunac die more than 2500 persons, civilians,who had killed forces in command and cooperation with this two non UN elite units. 

In 1995 same groups attacked and killed some 2000 soldiers and civilians Bosnian Muslims, who had withdrawal from the security zone to Tuzla. 

UK had nice contact with some Serbs who had body and sours in mass murder at the several places around Srebrenica. But this group have nothing with what "courts find" some plan in the local Serbs to made "genocide". Nor, after same had not been happen with nearest Žepa. Where Commandant of Serbian forces escaped with all Bosnian population, without any even missing person. 

The same Commandant in one moment presented to the press how he eliminated some group of SAS in the region, who try to made some wrong. Maybe to eliminate them, but after all stay clear how elimination was reserved only for common people at the both side. 

Srebrenica is the terrible crime against peoples who was massacred and after that used in political actions from the same persons whose stay now in the actually US administration. With Baiden at the top. 

New role in desertification and new killing of the murdered at Srebrenica planed to be in the next week or two. Reason for it stay in fear to London and Paris that they have be found like real executors at the field, and how after General Assemble resolution no one have right to ask to truth. 

They decades before remove more people from prosecutor places in "international courts" to prevent this.They did everything to protect some Bosnian Commandants to be sentenced for reason mass murder against civilians in the region of Podrinje at east Bosnia. 

If General Assemble know going to populate the story about "genocide" without free, open, transparent and international excavation and investigation at the case of "Srebrenica Security Zone", it would be not final, but one of final nail in the coffin of UN Organization.          

And this is not only. Thedros Gabausses in WHO had been investigated and prosecuted for war crimes, but only because he had nice relations with London, he is still at the place, and made what is necessary to them. 

Or, how is possible that several countries attacked Yemen even nobody gave them grant or permission   to had made it?! And UN say nothing, cute and quite they only have to say something after London, who full controlled General Secretary, give them provision. UN Secretary said nothing about situation in Frances colonial cities, last in Neu Caledonia. Where Paris did everything to made genocide against Kanake people. Hm, is something strange?!

No, it is modus vivendi, or way how top of the Organization and their parts see UN Chart and selfish interest.

At the and, we have no more time and place to say how many crimes UN protected. Like 1995 Croatian aggression against three Security Zones and expulsion more than 245 thousand local population, mostly ethnic Serbs. What cause that now in Republic Croatia each year Amnesty International have report about discrimination of them, and how no much of Serbs made comeback at the country. Where they after formed new government before several days stay continually break at the human right of Serbs minority. 

But for so call international justice system it was not genocide, because Biden was involved in it at same period like it is Srebrenica. And how he said Israel did not found genocide against Gaza, because it is our bastards. Like some in Croatia. 

We now call all in General Assembly to vote against project named "Genocide in Srebrenica", and call everybody to found investigation and new excavation for find real true, who was orchestrate  everything. Specially we call to be find genocide against Slavs, Roma, Judas in the same GA, against German Nazi Regime.     

After all we found how so call GA Resolution about Genocide in Srebrenica is only way to some countries at the west to kill a peace at the Balkan, and to make more possibility to remove a memories of the nations at this peninsula how they have possibility to live together again. Because former colonial force believe how the must remove Ottoman  Empire from the history.

Monday 13 May 2024

The former tree "Balitic Tigers" in Russian arms

Of course they are the biggest arrangement in past decade, or two, when they had been good marketing trick what had promoted EU values and possibilities all who had joined to the Union. 

More money was introduced  to the tree of them,and try to gave illusion how is possible to grow in the prosper "club of democracy". How wasn't some problem what had been not solved with money from so call health investments from the "strategical partners and supporters".

All of this predictions and pictures had been presented over MSM in less or more real time. To everybody in the Union, but more out of them, like it was posted to "candidate" and pretenders to be it, to stay and play story about "tree Baltic Tigers", or what it was officially Lithuania,Latvia, Estonia.

Even this countries into USSR had been the industrial promoters, the richest and well social organized Soviet Republic, this wasn't naff to local population to tried to be independent. Because, they have so call free countries in the mid turn between two WW. 

Made at the mythology sponsored from the London and some other western provinces, these  locals going to be some model to the London and Brussels, and way what they believe to be a way to the east, to Moscow, and Minsk. But more to Beijing. 

Everything looked like the best, but in the reality, all of this so call tigers, going to be countries with less and less population, what have now more than 1/3 less population from the begun. 

When we followed situation in the previous terms, we found how into "project" was swamp,introduce more than 12,8 billion of personal invest, in such structures and a local politicians, or into own pocket at the money start.  

Another money amount was push into so call transition,where had been transformed more than 123 billion of public and economic wealth, and where some families, like it is the presidential family pay the price into so call big introduce into energy factory and refineries,specially in Klaipeda port. Into change from nuclear and electric facilities based at coal to import industry of energy mostly from far far South Korea. 

Such countries like Latvia who had big agricultural industry, specially milk and meet industry, in several decades stay into position to only market to their goods is "dark" Russia. 

Reason stay in situation, that their products had little much becquerel, caused with several nuclear accidents, and not only from Chernobyl.

In the project only Estonia grow into plan, other have lots problem and they now have catastrophic situation with industrial and public infrastructure. No more exist railway, no more exist public transport, and what is more problem to other in Baltic, they have only prosperity in subsidence from the neighborhood.

And in export of population,too, what have no choice, but to find job and existence at the West. Where they live at the margins. Most of them in conditions what have notice into a local newspapers.

Yes, Estonia like we said made much into so call electronic revolution,but this had nothing to push locals to live better. Only1/3 of country theritory have 98 percent of population what rest into county after 30 years of independence. 

With south neighbor they have only not so well roads, some plain connection, but nothing else. No energy circle or some industrial cooperation. 

Other of tree, have not much but only what try to have tourism and agriculture, to prevent collapse in the society. 

But, all of this countries have same policy against minorities, what have support in the Union, where the Fascist and nationalistic standard in law against other and different, no critics, because it going against hateful  Slavs. 

EU have nothing to said after some of this countries violated international business agreement, even it found more jobs close in the country. 

After 2022, all of this former tigers, came to be bridgehead against Russia and Belarus, and place where was at the empty land made several big so call exercises, but where in final we have how it had no the point. 

Now, all of this countries have big losses at the front line. Lithuania, more than 483 death professional soldiers, and no less than 1000 others, include wounded and PoW.

Estonia lost two generals, several colonels, and chief of spies. With more than 600 at the field. 

Latvia was less involved but not to much. All of this countries have in total more than 4000 casualties.

All of it was well documented and presented to the Stoltenberg from Moscow with love. And in this message he find from the bearer of the message, that it mean" fool proof to Moscow how they have right to change situation into post, after they solve problem into NATO mess at the east". 

If you look at the map than you have to find how no one have come to support local governments against avalanche from the east. It was reason why US pushed at the Stockholm to be part of the Alliance. Not to have some place to make forces to battle, but the place for retreat.

In this moment all former Baltic tigers have GDP less than 40 percent from the Union's. And only way to stay at the head coming over money laundering  from abroad. 

In this countries anti UN conditions have public and government right for decades and now it grow in political absence of solutions. Absence of economic and energetic grow, and what is crease, fool depend from hateful Russia,but China, too.  And EU with the Ursula like to laundering money, even it mean how at the East Baltic coast never ever stay same.

To normal existence to them stay necessary to put more than 13 billion each at year, and it mean laundering more than 121 trillion in total per year. How?!                                   

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Money to "ally" from US congress have our support

 In the moment we support decision of US to give more support and financial help to tree so call ally, in total amount of some hundred billion USD. This smart idea from seven guys from the upper shadow state came like real move after US had great loses in the World. 

After Iranian forces in the splendid act crush the Zionist entity, and after several other US ally had heavy loses into same night, only the real move have to be done.

This move was improve after heavy battle into Syrian desert between local Shia and other anti-US groups and movements. In which US used IS at the ground and support them by USAF in the air. In this action, US made some losses to these groups, but in totally, IS has no more exist like US cavalry.

Day after, in revenge what made these groups from Syria, Iraq, and other Arab states, US forces into region come into mortal combat fire, what cause big losses into man and equipment. Such 200 soldiers, officers, and civilian contractors lost life, and 40 units of equipment made had fatal damage.

Even MSM was made public statements, how over all stay IDF, in reality and very soon came the truth.

The truth what support our knowledge about situation into Israel after Iranian operation. And how only US try to eliminated all "problems" into region, before they what they had plan take acts against RuF into Syria and Africa.

But, how we said, they had been defeated at the battlefield, and only way to stop eroding to their position going to be clear against what they see, enemies from Russia to China, whom was in the shadow move the position and actors into the battlefield.

And this was coming as expected decision to make new point into money laundering named "military and financial support to".

This support is coming in the moment when all of tree "ally" have great losses, and when two of them into the war lost everything. From territories to face. With this money, seven guys believe, how they going to be winners. 

But, what would be with US they did not had mention, and now we have only to say, how they blow up the States, and how nothing have to happen to stop total eroding into and over US. 

US dollar after this multiple acts, have nothing of previous values, and only what exist to stop total dollar crack stay into actions move from the US banks, which had only intent to stop make job with real money, and now going to push against customers "digital usd", even situation in several European countries what have contact with same system, caused more than  25 percent of previous values of these local currencies. 

These currencies haven't problem like it have USD, 36 trillion of depth and more than 120 trillion out of market support. New bunch of 100 billion dollars into market, even the creators had idea to put it into electronic model, push at dollar like avalanche. Where it in creation with stole of Russian money, going to cause that markets for two to tree weeks going to say that both USD and Euro is gone.

On the opposite side, everybody in the world come in position to say how they have no obligation to take "green grant" and how they are not interest to have back dept to the Reserves and their world offices, IMF and WB. 

Chinese message was eminent and cause 32 billion loses into agricultural grants from Canada to Australia. But it was to small what was happen day after, when China made decide to stop trading in USD. And that they have plan to stop buy US dept. 

Pressure against India coming in the interest moment,the minute before elections into there, and only cause that this country stay close to Russia against what they saw "colonialism". Only they are pull out from Swiss 32 billion dollars in coins, what really cause that Helvetica now have 18 per cent downed GDP in only first tree months of this year, and most banks out of successfully condition. 

How you can see, we have big reason to support "seven guys idea", and now they did to push up separation in the world. 

For tree "ally" money is out of possession, most of it stay into US factories and politicians pockets. Only small amount  going to coming to them. To Ukraine this money is not so crucial in their losses into war. Specially, after Russia push into gear up. With predicted  results and finish, after than, more US and European "investors" make huge losses. And graves into their region, more bodies from the front. 

Israel, have more than six month in battle against Palestinian Forces, and after all, it bring more problems not only to them, but to everybody into Zionist entity, too. Losses have even Jewish businessman all over  the Planet. 26 billion USD is only 2 percent of all losses what caused miscalculated acts in previous several month. 

To Taiwan, we explain. But after serial  earthquakes this territory have no possibility to step out of motherland. US is far, and China is so strong, than Taiwan after all have power to say "no" . New earthquake is clear, would be fatal to economy based on the chips.           

Sunday 14 April 2024

Iranian filigranic plan and chess math

Yesterday after so big predictions about new escalation in the ME, and possible WWIII after some predicted acts, ascribed in the mass media over whole western hemisphere, and after we have nothing to saw similarly in these sides moves, or a plans, day after, stay open new day without everything what prediction or well informed sources from the US administration, said to all over "well" informed CNN.

Everybody, from the east to west had such info about possible acts from Iran to Israel, and everybody had believed how they are sure  how first go stuck the second. 

All World have information and prediction based on some believes how the informants was well positioned  and how everything what they told to CNN is reality.

But, in reality we have any sign that some prepared such stupid act, like it was presented in the news. The history of Persia, have to mach eras than it have be simple to explain how it should goes at an other parts of Earth.

The story how Iranians told something to US administration, the Biden's Sullivan was fanny from beginning, and have contact with reality like Mars with Earth. 

Only what "contact" did in the operation, was delivered demand from Iranians to US, to stay out of all operation. And that's it. All other versions have only imagination what came from the Pentagon's press relies person. 

Iranians in all have no intention to made something hidden and out of a public. The intention was opposite, and they have full support from Khamnei in it. For beginning no US CIA, nor MOSSAD, neither Russian have knowledge what is real plan.

In predictions from Israeli's Sheen Beth what they "pick up" from the Turkish MIT, stay how Iranian have plan to act against whole Israel, especially in the central and coastal areas of the country. But even in it , stay the plan how they have interest only for an military and infrastructure objects.

In talks at Moscow,week ago, Iranians try to find two points from the Russians. In both they have only ask" what the colleagues plan to do before and after they make act against Israel?".

After all, we have to comment tree points, and each point have connection with someone in the story what was presented like begin of WWIII. 

1) After everything was finished and when stay clear how operation gone so well to and unpredictably, from "wrong side"-Russian propaganda start to present how Iranians is fools or ignorant who have nothing by reality. The reason what it was happen stay in position from Moscow to Tel Aviv. But not only. After all, stay open how Iranian tactic is well, and how it is shameful to Russian General Staff.

In open area, with full acts against them, from several parts in the ME, Iranian still made gains in the what they had "saw punishment against evil enemy". In tactic what wasn't implemented at Ukraine battlefield. 

Iranians against self had US, UK, France, Jordan, and some other elements from EU, who are acted in the several Iranian places.Even than they have gains against Israel. They did what Russian forces had no courage to did in the war against Nazi in EU. Or they did not same like Iranians, from began of "special operation". Mostly in ridicules opinion of some high positioned Generals, who believed how they have war victory with little damages to Ukraine. Because they two years fight so call united west in the battle.

2) US and UK have reason to present how they have big role into salvation to Israel, and how they did everything to blow up Iranian operation. They must have positive presentation in the public for several reason. If we looking at UK than we have must say how situation into their military is so bad, and how this story have only way to promote "true" how GB is still "great", even they haven't relevant manpower to do something against anybody. US is in ballot year, and in the moment they not need new embrace what  going to cause problem in re-election to Biden, or going to be blow into back to Trump to comeback into the Office.   

Both, with France in addition have interest to present to open air how they are relevant into protection to their allies, and how they are still strong to make global goals. Their fear still exist, and after all they do same like Russians. Try to present Iranians at the same "color".

3) Israel and Jordan in the whole story stay in position that they make great public messages in which both try to present how they are still stay intact after all. And how the operation from Iran was finished without real gains, and how IRGC is company with full idiots at the board.

Israel came with the public picture how their air defense systems is might, and how nobody have such it. Yes, they said how they had help from ally in the region, but reality stay in point that they even have not knowledge how much rockets, drones, and other munitions used at the area. 

Only what they did over Mr. Lear was intention to point precision to repel against attack, and how Iran have not success what Iranians expect to had. Even emotion moves at the Mr. Lear pictured differences from the words. 
After all, Israelis have any explain why they are so sure in what they said. 

Jordanians have only that after all they had lost all integrity and how they are only platform from which US and other made in dirty operation against Tehran.

Russia after all stay in double position, so unpleasant to Moscow, specially when they try to have no direct confrontation with Israel. Even their General Staff have knowledge how into so call Ukraine's drones attacks at Russia soil,these fingers, and mind have Israel.

Direct fear that act against Israel could make problems into battle against collective west. Fear what come from the stupidity of several generals. And what after all have possibility to cause more problems than Israel. 

US and others have after all much bigger problem. How to explain to common public that in several moments after all operation started, they lost several planes, include fly tanker. And how it had possible that RAF made operation over Mediterranean sea, faraway from the coast. 

Or who idiot can you be to start to believe how they have success to stop drones and rockets which was fly approximate 35 meters over surface by several hundred miles at hour.

In moment when, even Israelis had not information what really salvo they had over heads. 

Iranians did attack in three waves in totally 634 missals, from five different ways.  In result they make what the boys had planed. 

They stuck so hard Israel's North Command, and positions at east and west from Ben Sheba valley. These forces prepared to attack Hezbollah and Lebanon in next several weeks.And even they have support to aggression against Damascus,too.

In Death sea area, they stuck the great supply base in which at the daily tact came the US and NATO planes with supply to Israel forces, but more to materials for proxies.

Jordanians after all lost much part of Air Forces, after" RAF successfully repel attack from Israel". In base where was pointed some Albanian structures with pupils from MUH.

All presentation at the media was planed to these young boys, and have same systematical way like a smoke. Now, after all, Israel haven't power to make even acts against West Bank, and US with ally have problems to give relevant support to Israel. 

In the end, only silents Chines stay real winner. Russia had headaches to improve compatriots how they are success.






Sunday 31 March 2024

What said Pontifex into Easter speach, and why?!

 Today many celebrate the one of most important day into Christianity, but not only. Even, if it is not so popular into most part of Christian Churches, some others have Holly memories about Christ,Muslims, too. 

But, today into so call western civilization, where some other memories have much bigger weight, than religious, and where history stay only in the way of power and purity of western might and Christianity, this things is not popular. 

By the way, in the new ceremonial proclamation from San Peter square, named Urbi et Orbi, Pontifex Maximus  stood and said some interest things, on some way what was sublimation of each problem what exist in the time at the Planet.  In this sublimation, He said to many, but nothing to much. Even in some directions, He said to little, and we are in the position to say more in the back of it, of all, too. 

World today is place where some things do not exist no more. EU was finished and old idea about unity and tranquility,egal and legality  at the Old Lady, stay out in front of door of reality. 

This reality was presented into Bucharest few months ago, at the so call Pan European Congress of Popular Parties from all EU, and around. What we constantly find into it is deep miss understand of what mean the EU like common house. And why is not possible to be correct inside, if your leaders try to have same position like their colonial predecessors. In many ways, even inside of EU, where they have view at the new members, small members, week members like colonies. Where they have right to over their ambassadors and Commissioners from EU Commission provoked situation and government what was needed to push their, but not local interests. Of course, People Parties into EU now much more look like Fuhrer  SA battalions, who promoted much strange rhetoric and practice, where is only way to stability, the politician bribery and greed. Where is possibly to take acts in favor of LGBT, but in opposite take acts against everybody who have to say something against moral and criminal acts of some politics and other elite, involved into deep, deep crimes against minorities, not only national or sexual, but to much in aggression against child. 

Yes, the Churches had been part of it in some times, and some places, but in majority, the Church had never take acts what we have today in the most part of EU and west side of the World. 

Inhumanity is something what have institutional fundamental support, and where is now normal that all things what was abandoned and forbidden after WWII in UN Chart, and other documents, now have public right to be involve in the full life. 

So call euthanasia- or what many try to publicized "shot from mercy" is something, what used in the dark of Third Reich. And with mercy have had nothing. 

Use of so call protect vaccine in the similar way have contact with it darkness. And is so strange how in it was pushed Holly Father?! 

Now, is fully found that it was connection of some part of German Church with local Catholic elite in the face of family fon der Lyden. Aristocratic family, who had no much power before their family mutter had took the post of EU Commission President. 

The circles around this connection make possibility that in ten years ago some from the GFR take these acts against democracy and law into European east, and make some carpet to situation what have the World now. In this circles much persons had strange initiatives. Like about supremacy over east, and in the  2020, how is historical time to history of WWII have possible to be revived.

In support with some so call fundamentalist Christians group from the west side of Atlantic they make new government which now have path to German dissolution. 

Or Signora Mallony who have support of some from us, than now have position which cause that only in the month Italy take the swamp of poverty, where they lost 14% of  GDP and suitable social weight come at the 7% less than into 1950th. More, she make crucial mistake when she send army group at at the east front, where the local Alpine forces have grave casualties, even where left the life both high ranked officers into the group. And where into several days after, happen that more Italians left a life into battle over Odessa. Where they have logistic camp for NATO forces into Ukraine. 

This situation is not finish, if you have knowledge how such 4000 Polish and Balt forces take casualties in Dombas region. And France regiments around Kharkov. Today, the Holly Father call at the peace and prisoner change because, into RUF custody is to much western soldiers. On the railways around Ukraine still now came more two compositions with 16 wagons, with soldier remands, about 12600 of them. Or two tactical NATO group. 

Both of which finished in their Command disaster few days ago.

In this situation same people from the same institutions all over the World try to make trouble at Balkan. After they did nothing to protect the people from Gaza, most of them is Muslims, and after they lost the war against humanity. After stay clear how colonial era is finish. And how is only way at which they have plane to make some gains have much cooperation with Nazi, and Nazism around world. The new war over Balkan for them is some usually to finished what they had started thee decades ago.

To change population into Balkan. The Church find how it have disaster melody, and how concert over Balkan need to be changed, if she want to stay at the place next centuries.

Demographic disaster, more than 30% of all population from 1990 now is gone, and only what exist is to old, and to little. For the Church so dangerous and not so pleasant. Other things is into local believers what they believe is so far from the catechism, and specially from Second Council. More of them at all sides have believe at against other, and different, only because they try to "defend religions" and "self way of lifestyle" in traditional view at the Sanctity, even they have same language and history.

Much of priests have different view and way on a life than it have Vatican. This came  like reason that authority of the Church was loose, and now is only predominantly viewed like right hand of local politicians. Who are predominantly, not only Catholics, but all, have selfish interest, and they only have interest what promote their political sponsors from abroad.  Some what look like at kleptocracy. 

In this situation came US and UK policy, with so call democratic protection of common right, but in real  true, they did not to protect civil and group rights if it not in their interest, like it is in Slovenia and Croatia, and now in the BiH. 

About situation in other parts of Balkan, Romania, Kosovo and Albania, or North Macedonia, is to less place to full and transparent presentation and explanation. Of course neither in other states of region situation is not good and clear. 

Today, situation with EU stile of different pronounce, EU law against some candidates to EU member status, have more disabilities at the territory, and cause more instability than it is opposite. 

For this reason, like it is in Lebanon, prediction of the Church is in the way of stability, equality,unity, cooperation, national calm and non nationalistic sentiments, with support to the local communities to work at the only their interest, not in interest of some abroad. In this case some acts of US and others, into the region, and Lebanon, too, is not correct and going to be not support. 

When we said about situation in Italy, than we must say some about others. Situation in France is similar, but much worst than Italy. French "etatism" is gone, and only way to be stay into position of the new social situation in the country find into state pick in promotion of the war abroad, specially after they lost position into Sahel. Economic situation, with social incapability and with total divorce between population in suburbs and other part of France, cause more and more public undemocratic stance. Specially it was into mass media. Where they try to present only what believe their owner, and their friends.

France today, haven't power to take act against even little countries, and Macron voice like" he have plan about something" is only cry of the man who lost not only dignity but the life. Some like it was Faust. In France, but not only, find to much disgusting situation with acts  against child, maternity, medical treatments, specially  by transplantation. But, more of it Macron acts against UN Chart in the time of Corona disease. Such what present like revival of Nazi dictatorship. When these person who have opposition against common way to vaccination, had been pushed from the authority and where they lost to much, even is now known how it was wrong. 

France, now must say sorry to Lebanon and say sorry to Beirut. Now is clear how Mr President had fingers into disaster, and how he now have same into situation where this lovely nation cause more casualties.  

France involve into war  between Azerbaijan and Armenia, with support of Christian fundamentalist from US, for us is not sustainably. And about it was place in the Easters Noon ceremony. The Church was opposite from the EU and NATO policy ethnic cleansing, what cause so much trouble, disaster and sad at the people on Balkan peninsula. What was place again in year before war at Caucasus,too. Because, EU today is not EU at begun.Today it is to much copy of dark era in Three Reich, and totalitarian ideology. 

All of this is happen in moment where common man start to live out of security, well payment, social  legal and common solidarity.  Where at the east of Europe make horror, where existed concentration lager with thousand in-prisoners, who have only destiny to be sell or to be use for transplant organ, for huge money, what after have way to central Europe, where some of criminals from the state structure buy everything to clean a money. Money of blood and tragedy. With support of local government and EU Commission.

Or human "factory", where thousand woman stay pregnant to be surrogate mothers,which born child came to have place at the human market around "white world". And where no born used for terrible thing, and industrial products.

Greed of little cause situation about said the Pontifex. Greed who have name described into Holly books. 

Stay in good condition and believes.                            


Monday 11 March 2024

Sweden open the can and close the grave to NATO

 All things what we have to see at the news had nothing by reality. And if is G7 reality show, than their military wing is much more nightmare. But if you believe how it is against somebody, than you are wrong.

NATO is it, G7 military component what have interest to exist only to make trouble to others at these Planet. In it's stands the Pact  have more problem to solve interests inside of them, than to fight somebody. 

In this moment, NATO exist to protect all production what still exist in the area of the Group. But, after February 22, 2022, they are only in situation to solve problems inside of member states.

We said how real cause why Sweden stand to be part of NATO is not believe in the Group how it lead in better conditions at the East Front, no, but only to protect mineral and energy resource what have they expect in the north Sweden, predominantly in the owned from native nation in the region split between four state. Three Scandinavian states, and Russian Federation. 

Position of native people at the region named Laponia is difficult and not so well arrangement. They have most problems in Sweden where  segregation, nationalism. xenophobia, and well ordered neo Nazi movement, have place in the governments policies against more autonomy and equity native Laps vs majority into whole country. 

Where mainly UK companies,especially at the north, have mines in the open area and try to find critical minerals, from Lithium to Uranium. And of course, more energy from so call green installations.  

Of course, they did and do it now into other Scandinavian countries, on the same way how they did it in the past in colonialism. Theyare not only UK, but G7 in fool, try to take control over everything in the far north of Europe. And in this case they have same manner what they had into colonial past,too. 

The local native population upraise against this, and try to take self control over land and everything what had existed inside of this land. But in this fight against so call prosperity they have more and more strange specification against, from local governments, of some part of them. 

If we look at demography at the region, than we see how in region in last 20 years, imported such more than 50 thousand foreign people, in last two years more than ten percent of this number came from Ukraine. All operation, what G7 had into past five years with population from the ME, and some other plants of the Planet have only way to make protection against local natives and their fundamental right to all what is in the far north of EU. This was fall, and now they only way to have to make secure against riots of something else stay in the huge presence, what, UK troops in the region, and in so call NATO ally support clouded into myth about war against Russian aggression.

On the other way, in this moment into association of former democratic states, or NATO, come country where is problem in public security so high. Where Nazi movement is in high public presets. Where is suppression against other and different state policy, and where is no money for normal life, without so call investment from the ally country. 

For this reason, from August 2022, local Army was high involved into war against Russia, and their so call instructors, spies, technical assembles live and did everything even it was against local constitution, and against UN Chart, where is scribe what mean to be neutral. 

In all of this actions, they lost more than 1800 officials, and not less so call mercenaries, where they was from regular army units, and some part of territorial defense units. After all, all of this loses, wait to be present in the public, and of course some relatives. 

Same situation is in Finland, where after all, local army now have not much than 60 thousand army personnel in total( the army plus territorial defense), and where one third of previous number left the ranks after they step in the Pact. 

Nothing better stay into other neighbor states, where the loses into battle against Russia, grow at the 10 percent of local units member. 

And there is another, much crucial moment, who stay in ask: what to do with our fall in the battle people?

Now is full known, how NATO was involved in the Ukraine from August 2022, and how in the operation used such 314 thousand personnel. In this case, regular army personnel, and some 68 thousand so call volunteers from 54 countries.  In the case when in the two years of fight, now not exist half of Ukraine army, than in these cases, stay significant number of NATO loses. 

This loses, such 38 thousand of Polish, only, try to find question, where was other missed?

In some information from Ukraine Partisans, such 16 or more trains stay at the open areas and wait to be transport somewhere. Most of this transports is fool metal jacket trains, with 40 wagons in each train. 

 To lift it from the Russian hands, they need to move maneuvers at the east, where they try to pretend numbers of soldiers involve in it much higher than is true. 

Russian against it, have numerous casualties, but this is not so high into death rate, but in wounded and capture in action. Number what going to be in the total above 30 thousand soldiers, and civilians. 

Their way of propaganda going to be so trivial, that no one have interest to say against that something. 

If they are coming to say how they doing nothing in the moment, than it is bad for the enemies. Against in the moment they rain heavy bombs. Or if they say how they are repel the attack from other side, it mean that they have no prosperity in a operation. 

In one word, they have same distance in the front, and information, too. All things was arrangement to cause more damage to these enemies.  It mean that they lie to protect self real plan. 

Both sides now is in progress, and both of them have interest to do everything against other. But, in this moment one of them   shut in the foot self. And other make mistake of long wait.

War World III no way to be solve in the green table. Only way is in precision import in international relations UN Chart, and specially chapter who call against colonization, Nazi ideology, supremacy and inhuman relation against different. 

NATO in the 32 member states, have some member who is named into UN Chart like countries against which is possible to lead a war, and in this case no NATO, nor US have position to step against them who going to call at it. For this reason the Association named NATO, day in day look like more SS Waffen, where only cause to exist we said in before.   



Saturday 24 February 2024

G7 reality show

 How we said before, we are not in position to speak some things about something, out of economy, and specially economy of so call G7 group.

The main problem in all condition at the Planet stay in the way that this group has no more real power what they believe to have. But,they are now in position to make strong statement against everybody and everyone in only case to put public opinion out of knowledge about reality.

Two years they had fiat money in unprecedented mass. They had power to control much more than they have now. 

But, like fiat money have nothing but numbers at the banknotes, these group have nothing but only the dept.

If you have a time to look at the archives, than you have find the real truth what stay over all acts from this group. 

In this moment no one of the member states of this group plus EU, has capability to stay alone at the markets. They are main owner of all dept in the World, many of this countries have no possibility to  serviced national dept, out of support from the others. Like it has Italy, where from December 2023- stay red line of bankruptcy, and where GDP is 80% of all credit services, annually. 

It mean that this country have no more possibility to give money even to the public servants, without monthly support from the ECB in dimension of 128 billion euros. 

Out of this economical infusion Republic Italia still have no more way to exist like independent states, what is clear in the policy what Mrs Mellony has. She was before in the election said how she did everything different than previous government, but today, she only have "honor" to make presidency of the group.

Indeed, if you have knowledge how group was founded than you have the way to find what was main point of all. The main point of all, was domination a capitalism over others. The capitalism was idea how competition is the main way in the economy salvation. 

Today, after we have public knowledge how no one of G7 member state, have clear actives, but have only dept, who in the moment have 2/3 value of all dept in the World. 

In number it mean how they have more than 211 trillion dept, and that dept have no possibility to be serviced in normal condition. In these condition no one of them have industry, neither energetic, nor infrastructure to make little gains.

US with 34 trillion of dept isn't main credit insolvent economy. Three economy from the "Third Pact" alliance, Germany, Italy, Japan, have half of the group's dept assets. Other part stay in the EU, with more than 62 trillion, with France dept, UK has 43trillion of dept in full assets of the G7 group.

This dept going to be much highest in the May of 2024, and no one have intention to comment Ukraine or Israel, or Taiwan after these numbers.

In reality in Europe "stampede" coming to be visual in the each market, each shop, too. What was happen in the last quarter of 2023 is economical implosion?!

Euro was depreciated more than 34,3 percent! Such less goods you have to buy per hundred Euro. In way of all, in the market isn't possible to find more goods what existed two years ago. If some of this goods could be find than price of it stay 300% highest than previous.

Economic, industrial production into G7 is in decline from the 2018, and nothing what they try to did in the political or other world's theater cannot make mistake when you say how real GDP in these countries was fall for 5,4% from 2021, and how it going to fall more in the months which coming. In some prediction more than 3%. In EU like club it going at the level of  7% fall GDP to May 2024.

Much economies around G7, specially in Europe, fall in depression, and these values, like money, lost all weight. We told about Sweden, but situation is much worst in UK, where 33% of all economy stay in the whole. Deep economical whole, where no way to be change without Pound depreciation for more than 44,7%. And where inflation grow on the level of 78%, after you make consolidation between  money wealth, industrial activities, market explore, and dept of all. 

These countries in the EU south, out of Slovenia, and Croatia, is in full bankruptcy. Them dept is like dept of US or more Japan. Greece live only at the way of total control from EBC and the Commission.

Standard of people is less than it had been 36 years ago, and no way to be better in the next generations. 

In all G7 going to ride at the values what they haven't. USD is in the technical devaluation and so many countries and groups step out of them. Euro we said is in the coma, and currencies other EU member states include NOK and CHF is out of stability. More some of them no more exist like credibility currency.

It cause more problem in these states, and growing their involves into military audiences over wars at the Planet.          


Tuesday 23 January 2024

Restore to German Democratic Republic (DDR)

 Nothing new have in the GFR, and there is nothing strange if we say how local policy, specially politicians at the top, work hard to destroy the country. Which in the originally has much than 21 trillion euro dept, most of it insolvent form many years ago.

Now, when they did what they done, and after Germany stay out of any perspective to stay the fifth economy in the World, only way to be positive come in the federal cabinets from the UK. From same place where they had been imported idea of Nazism. Idea said how for Germany and Germans only way to the prosperity stay in the war against main enemy-Russia.  And how they have only way to pay insolvency in the arms and blood at the east fronts. 

But, no Brits, neither Germans, have had clear view at the elements of GFR constitutionality. 

In this act what caused in 1989 unification of west and east Germany stay some clear to be understand  to the future. 

Germany like defeated country in two WW, stay at the brink of sovereignty and Intel Law. In era of Wiemar Republic, Germans had been abandoned from the army forces, or this forces had been controlled in the number.

Only British interest to made trouble to SSSR, and imperial need to protect in years between two WW a picture how they had not bankrupt , made that Hitler did what he done.

In this calculation they had have mistakes. What in the final caused that the object went aggression against the creator. 

Today, Germany is in agony, and  only way to counter it stay in the aggression not only against Russia, and support to the Nazi regime in the Ukraine, but more in the active role at the Middle East, and what they mean, their backyard- south east Europe.

When prices into country fly over the roof and when, potential civil war knock at the Bundestag doors, new story rededicated from the Schwab   how they have right to protect the global order and institution, came to the ruled "semaphore coalition"like straw of salvation. 

Their in the federal government stay people what have not public interest, but only what they try is to prevent execution against them in the public and at the court. 

And when they came with so call public demonstration against may opposition party-AfD, they did it in support from the same guy and same institution what this guy is at the front. 

Of course that support from the British Sunak and their agency have same role, and that they have coordination to control public upraise in these German's streets.

Money to these "spontaneous protests" came from the found whom was used in the operation Brevik against Norway. And used in the situation when they need to overthrow  or support to a regimes.

Now, in moment when they have no power to make specifically gains at these fronts, and after their military had documented huge loses from Peterborough to the Uganda, only what they did is to push "reserve forces" from Germany and others ally, but predominately German forces at the brink of the hostility. 

What they did not take from these archives say, that Germany stay united only in some condition, and if this condition step out of exist, than in this moment German still stay former states.

It isn't our formulation, of formulation of Russian propaganda, but such what they had signed with Russia in the earlier nineties.

In the agreement stay how Germany did everything to make possible for undramatic retreat to the mainland for all Soviet who would take place at the column to back at the homeland. 

This place is not so well to describe all part of the agreement, but this agreement was at the official power to several months before the accident at the pipe line in the see.

In agreement stay positive role about non confrontation between two states, and such more. That GFR is in full remember and  obligatory support UN chart what scribe obligation to GFR, and other in which case. 

And even when chancellor Scholtz want to say something against far right, specially AfD, he try to say nothing that Germany officially do everything against the Agreement, and that their support to the Nazism all around World , from Ukraine to Israel, and their relation in the Baltic sea, stay a stone breaker, after Russia has full right to say how the agreement  was violated and how they have right on the chapter 9 UN Chart to take action to restore order in the GFR.

After all, from the Charter is clear how GFR have no right to have power to be military might, and how they have no right to be part of any military alliance. 

In cohabitation  of  these two acts, Germany must be restore at the situation before 1989. Or if they start to be treat to peace to be disassembled in 26 independent states. 

But now, Russia has right to say how they try to Berlin stay in the east Germany, than west  Germany  or GFR stay in the borders before so call unification act. 

DDR is not dead, but only in the coma or fridge where they put pragmatic Russian politicians in support with some western partners. 

Path what actual regime in Berlin ride, is only path to the past, bright history, what many at the German east like to have today. 

More soldiers, more units, more actions against Russia and others in the World only going to be cause to restore GDR, and take more protection acts against former GRF with capital city  in Bonn. 

All act against Germany after all, and everything what have had happen after it stay in the British count, and US support. But like it did in Ukraine, Israel or other places, both of them have do nothing against Sergei Lavrov requests for  GDR or German Democratic Rupublic. 

Finally they only must say to Scholsc how he is last federal canceler, and how he must step down  office from Berlin to Bonn. Soon is possible.                                

Monday 1 January 2024

John Biden and his hate against conpatriots

 When NATO had been decided to made some gains after "fall of the wall", and after main actors of new "way at the east" stay believe how they have be only masters of the Planet, nobody ask does it going to happen?!

Neither even then who was involved into history matter, and who had more info what and why some did not happen in the history, or did it. 

Today after main losses into global war, the main western power try to do something what even Adolf Hitler had been not done. 

Reason for it laid into education and culture pronounce. Most generals, and politicians at the far west have no more knowledge than some student at European east, and they only have for the main part for activity some teams which mostly work with so call supporters but in the native bribery commands who have an interest to push such ideas for some groups or guys.

In this moment, war is active,they try to push more European countries to be at them side, even traditional neutral countries must be put in command of main western power, which have believe, how neutrality has something what may cause problems into an operation in the war. 

But, they have not knowledge, what is history and how it have main power to today and tomorrow.

Their teams did not read archives and this had made big mess in the their plans. They did not learn how even Adolf Hitler did not want to fight Yugoslavia, and how did Admiral Canaris scribes perspectives if Nazi Germany went to occupied Yugoslavia. In the study what is main cause of lost of war, he scribe that, heavy situation at the field, caused by ethnic,cultural, social, and economic differences between population at the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, have problem to the Nazi Germany to have more power against Soviets, and other enemies, specially, because the Wehrmacht must not be able to use dozen divisions and army groups on these other fronts. 

Believe how local nationalist like Ustasa in Croatia, or Bali Comtar  in Kosovo and west Macedonia, or Serbian nationalist groups in several part of the Kingdom, had made  power to rule actively and peacefully in new reality, caused to destroy of Kingdom of Yugoslavia, is rubbish. 

After Abwer  monitoring from 1937 to 1940 find how without 12 army group had nothing to support peace in the occupant country, Nazi try to push peacefully solution for the European historical black whole. 

Nazi Germany and them ally had not loose the war in the fight with Soviets, more neither in fight against western allies, but at the Balkan front, where they have heavy losses and where they all time of the war must had serious occupation forces to not only fight National Liberation Army, but even to stop local Nazi supporters to did more worst thing than they done. 

USA did and do same mistakes what had been Nazi regime saw, and they went more wrong steps from 1987, when they take action in support to Slobodan Milosevic, their war rhetoric, and in 1990-th support to destroy one of the main UN founder,when they learn at the wrong way UN Chart.

Even Canaris had been wrote what would  been if they stay support to the local nationalists, US in favor by Democrats and President Clinton make exactly opposite of it. 

President Clinton was supported genocide in all Yugoslavia. He and Isetbegovich had active role in mass murder in east part of BiH, the some role in Croatia against main minority and support to the communist-nationalist in rule with former JNA general, and activity over Kosovo and Macedonia, where they made assassinate act against President Kiro Gligorov, after he say no to Macedonian involve into local wars. 

Much of Serbian generals was in communication with Clinton administration,where the main role had men named John Biden. The man who try to shadowed his family story. 

Serb who had name Jovan Brajevic, and which family came from the mountains on the border between Croatia and Bosnia, all time try to make something against the peace at family former homeland. 

Even he had created Slobodan Milosevic, even he created actual Bosnian Serbs President Dodik, even he supported to former Radical Vucic stay in power and now be President of Republic Serbia, he always try to said how he is against them. And he did it in favor to the others, what they believe. 

But wrong, he did it only to make place for what team of him believe, more money to them and swamp to EU, who they had saw not like ally, but like big enemy of US interest. 

The interest of local people in the Yugoslavian countries never have matter for them. They only have position in "Final Solution".

After several decades of hostility and wars, after millions losses in population, trillions in the wealth, and after US stay lost the war against main players in the Planet's arena, same Jovan try to make solution in more unification in the south east Europe. Uneder their command. 

For this reason he try to push Serbs in Bosnia,and all people in the country at the war path. To  make final solution, mostly to the both non catholic ethnic group, Serbs and Bosniak.  In Serbia, he believed how he has possible to make new regime who should be able to push more army units against what Jovan see like enemies. 

All this thing he try to made from Croatian capitol, where he put strong women which must start to created new way in the country, for reason that this country have big problem, about we had wrote before. And because, Croatia like Slovenia have not credibility to be ally for some serious decisions. 

In new way they make some gains cultural, social and even historical to change main position of Croats, where part even now believe how is the best things what US did to them is operation "Strorm"and ethnic cleansing of Serbs from the country, and where Fascist nostalgia is so hard. 

In BiH they have pay much "intellectuals" mainly in the Bosniaks population, which they use like hammer against what Jovan see like anti-west motion. Even this guys do everything against Dayton, what former State Secretary created to "stop the war", but what now have boomerang effect.

US and Jovan need now so desperately need a strong army at the southeast, like it had been JNA. They desperately know how they are lost both, Ukraine and Israel, and how they only have last post to effective still stand in Europe is not Scandinavia but Yugoslavia. If they have not clear situation with strong and effective union like it had been Yugoslavia, no one aircraft have power to stop "Final Solution" of what Canaris wrote -"fatal lost and retreat home". 

It is real reason why they push out their strong man in Serbs, and why they have interest to rebuilt unitary republic in BiH. 

Even Kosovo for them is not priority, but now problem what they have not idea to do with them. 

Army which they try to built in the territory is only parade unit, what have nothing to stop Wagner group in full posses of Pristina, for not much than four hours. Like it scribe in these documents.   

Montenegro was main goal to Jovan, when he made some cup d'etat against what he saw Russian interest. Now he can see how Podgorica play at the Balalaika melody and how NATO member feeds Moscow with info.

Canaris had full right about what will be.