Sunday 23 June 2024

CHF collaps

 In several days from last our proclamation, situation in the World have intention to be very interests.

Evan everybody, specially Germany try to stop all questions about European Football Championship, and UEFA try to did more to made shadow over blow in operation named political influence into "operation Guardiola". In this operation some from other part of Atlantic try to make shadow for operation what they did into several places at the Planet. But, after it stay in open view, and after many started to talk, the operation going to be more than disaster. Both, economical and political, for sport it have more devastate influence. 

Operation have several goals, but after all, they have noone of them. In Germany have not naff electricity to propriety work everything needed to correct work at the Championship. Nor to work in the public, and neither to common life for all population in the country. 

They, British did something what they predict like not so painful, they started to took electricity from Ukraine, but after stay clear how it would not be possible, they start to take more electricity from the neighborhood countries, and from Balkan states. What cause black turn in several days ago. 

The war method used from the Russian Army, now have finger in the eye, and it have point that no more possible to Europe live in the same values, what planed from London to be.

Of course, not only way to blow up system of the operation came from that way, described in previous text. In only week ago, started second operation "Washaganda".

This operation have point in the systematic and quick remove money from the some banks, most of them stationary in Swiss.

From four dominate bank in the Confederation, from India, over Arab nation, even Vatican removed money, in few days more than 32 bilion CHF, in all time of operation more than ten time from this amount left  the Confederation. 

In time when the Confederation was suppressed by US to made some conference about something what cause that they lost the Treaty form 1812, about total immunity and neutrality to the Confederation.

Now, CHF have no weight at the markets, and only stay in position to save some players from risk named EUR, who lost now more than 75 % of value. 

At the other way, in these transactions in the Federal reserve, where they try to pick up gold from the local banks in the operation named "Guardiola", what mean gold from the third countries, for devastate USD, cause that into these banks stay only paper, what the Confederation has not power to change back to the original owner. 

German, or UEFA try to finance the Championship with money from abroad, mostly from China, at way that they took much and give back nothing. But, after China vice Premier came in Luxembourg,where they give suggestion to Great Duke, what he did not interest to do, or he and Luxembourg risk to be back in the 1950th 20th century. For support in the words, they use exam from the Confederation.

Money insecurity and more lost of integrity cause for the some countries in Europe, Japan, and Singapore,too, insecurity and braking crushes into finance industry. And of course, in economic for all.

Few weeks before final crush in the Olympic Games,  the plan how some have plan to attack Lebanon, or make some big move at the war in East, going to be wast of time and energy. 

Israel is gone, Swiss at the path of decomposition. EU going in dark of all, and economic in US, stay at the brink of deactivation.

CHF, or nick name- gold money now is not more than paper with shine pictures at avers and metalanguages messages at it. The money have only 15% of previous value, and only what they want to prevent is to someone not speak up about it in public.            

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