Wednesday 12 June 2024

Shut down UEFA cup and Olympic games

 Several days before UEFA cup at German soil is best time to say what it have mean to global policy. 

In time where the WWIII is at the rise and where is everything organize to be blowing up in such moment. The fear and angry come at the door of most part at the Planet, and they want to say something how to explain to the Europeans that they have no possibility to live "normal". No more they have to others rights to live at the low standards of south and east population at the Planet. For this reason we have take a historian books and there we found how something same, with same sponsors had been played into  Nazi Germany and at same stadium "Olympic Stadium" where hundred years ago Adolf Hitler stay at the separate lodged and did everything to present how new order stay better than old, and how new German Reich have power and stile to make games for all. But like it have be now, only for someones, mostly from "right side of Earth".

All episode of it came in moment when economic crisis in old Europe, hundred years ago is at the peak. War had been started in Spain, and same circles stay in hand to hand with Nazi Germany.

Than Olympic games had been used in Roman stile, where people take pleasure, and joy. With little or not much bread. Everything came to had more easy to governing many elites. Prior UK. 

In this moment, situation in European Union is at the same level, what it was into century ago old era. 

No jobs, no security, no money, more hungry and much more out of propriety, with millions of farmers at the brink of existence. Like then into Nazi Germany when  much people come to take a job, and better conditions, at the other way more people try to left Germany before WWII, to not be executed. 

Like Nazi and fascist at that time, now EU stole money and propriety from them who have not support "green idea" much more same in the act with "final solution". In Europe hundred years ago for people who had not same genetics or politic stile like rulers, or ruled ideas, if they had not been happy to left to other countries or continents. Gone to had been imprisoned into concentration camps, where "human doctors" did so terrible things. 

Today, these concentration camps is combined with terror of white jackets, in cooperation and support of so call WHO. Where group of old Nazi boys try to serve global war against an "terrible treat to humanity", and who have no idea or plan to take "safe" injection than they can be remove from the life, not into gas chambers, but they have not take money from an accounts. They have no possibility to take health care, nor jobs,neither documents. Everybody who going to say something against it risk to be imprisoned without judge and juries, maybe for life. Like Mr. Assange in UK prison.     

But not only they, even their family can be in the same position,too, and even their friends. 

Simply same what had been in the Nazi Germany, and Fascist countries around Europe, and the World hundred years ago. 

What was different between Macron's France, and Vichy France, or Nazi Germany? Nothing! Same system lived in the both time, at the both place. 

And several month before Olympic Game in France, and Paris, war against Macron's France burn at these streets, and people try to take the justice. To stop this, Macron use everything, even war rhetoric comedy, where they even now lie about presence of France Army at the foot in Ukraine. 

Nothing he had told to people how several thousand Legioner and loyal officers lay down in battle against East Commonwealth. 

Local people have interest knowledge about it, and even everybody who have courage to talk about it risk prison or to be bitten in "some secret base", the truth start to be common. 

Hundreds officials, soldiers, policeman, agents of all state agencies, paramilitary group, and other make security zone around Paris center. 

In all over sea departments and colonies now not have enough forces to make state order, like it is in New Caledonia. Or in south Indian Ocean-Mayote, but mostly in all of them. 

With 5900-12930 personnel in the line against East Commonwealth in former Ukraine, Paris is at brink to be burn into domestic unrest, or much worst the civil war. 

What we want to present?

Now is time to someone take action and make shutdown both, UEFA cup in Germany  and Olympic games in France. It going to cause the revolution against old elites, and same persons what make trouble with so call COVID-19. 

We saw how is injustice to Israel have place at the games, and Eastern Commonwealth not. Or how is possible to USA and some others have right to use drugs and stimulus at Olympic games, and others not. Many questions sit at the place,and now we have only way to say, how after elections for EU Parliament now is excellent time to change in EU and the World. 

When you stop the planes, and tourist, you going to blow up whole old order in the World. WWIII would be finished momentarily, and new era stay in the power. 

None of Western supported person going to have courage to say something against, after all. For this reason, for sovereignty to small person, shut down to both, UEFA Cup in Germany,and Olympic games in France, is the mission. 

Real time to say how is not time to negotiation at the front, but time to be finish system where some live at the other count, from their money, and on the rules which not same for all. 

EU after so call election find how order into the "club" not exist and how for somebody this is, for others not. In moment where EU EURO is finished in deep inflation with rate of 75%. Support by production decline more than 25%, what  in the time have fool collapse and place in the GDP at the level near end of WWII.

Now, how we said in time which is close to situation near their war start.          

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