Thursday 19 September 2024

NATO electronic agresion against Lebanon

 Nothing specially was happen in list several days what had no place to nearest history. If anybody want to find similarity with current situation, than same have to find in big explosion in Beirut port, after half of town was destroyed and where more hundred persons left dead, and thousands wounded.  

It was in coordination between Croatia, Albania and France, and had main point to broken a war between Hezbollah and Israel. 

In this operation everything was presented like attack from Israel special forces and Mossad, and how they had plan to did it, how and when done it. But, after all we find how it was only "smoke screen" to prevent declassification of main master mind, who was sit in the Paris. 

Everything is same like now, but this time for "hands in the field" was used NATO. This organization was and is full involved in all what happen in Lebanon, several weeks ago. 

We had info, how something was prepared at the base of NATO, or regular to say, UK forces at Cyprus. 

Their flights over more than two months ago, and their control push against Lebanon in demand that Lebanon Army stay more cooperative and to put at the clear use some bases in the country to be use at not only UK forces. 

Even, when they have no possibility to find success in the it, they have way to take activity in and around Lebanon to find what they try to have, a had of all Hezbollah operation.  

In base at south of Cyprus they have several thousand mercenaries from relative ally, who came from most of them, IS formations, who was prepared to make attacks against UK enemies, Russians in Syria, across Lebanon. The plan to be base for it's attacks. 

After plan A stay out of use, and after find how situation at ME stay more doubled to them, they take another operation way and sand previously named "mercenaries" in Russia, region Kursk. 

We said how it had combination of forces from NATO, Israel, and IS. And how they had been part of the mix corp with Ukraine forces. And how they had some 22830 personnel, most of them in mechanic units, communications,  and artillery,too. 

After all most power of this corps was vanish, and now exist only in 1/3 of all number. 

This situation, with several other seriously losses, push high command in London to start to prepare big operation to spit off East Commonwealth from the east Mediterranean shores. For these reason in coordination with US Central command they put at the island more electronic devices and take more generators to produce more energy for the first time take act in the sphere of communication.

All of this we have now like knowledge, and before we have only look at activities. But, all of this activity was silly or strange, and after find how they took more operation over east Mediterranean and west Asia, with support from US fleet near Lebanon shores, we was expected to manpower operation in south Lebanon with NATO forces, in Israel uniforms. 

But, microwave and ultrasound operation, wasn't in the opinion. Reason stay in how much energy need to be use for full scale of operation. It mean how they must have power from a nuclear reactor to did what they done. 

Israel like in previous operation from France, have not knowledge and power to did it. Even if they try to said how they have involve in the it. 

Israel even haven't power in the army to make any game against Lebanon, specially after their losses in Kursk, where they lost several thousand elite soldiers, and after they have losses in Mossad and Shin Beth.

They have only power to make trouble in Gaza or some parts of West Bank, but after Houti take place near their border, they have no one men to sent in north of the country. Or to make much trouble to Palestinians.

Houti forces came in the region after several weeks negotiation between King Abdalla and opposition in Jordan. What cause changes in policy of Jordan, and preparation to the King abdicate to the end of year. 

Israel now is in position where they had pushed from their ally, and this cage have only one way to them. A war what have had prepared in the west is only final point of destruction of so call globalism and militant liberalism. 

Out of energy, influence and strategic resources they have only way to push global war. But in it they have no chance to make victory. 

The Attack was prepared in London, what have several phases, where we had saw first, second was NATO secret "invasion" of Israel, and treed they going to be deploy near border between Israel and Lebanon, in case, where they expect that UNIFIL going to have same role like it was with UN forces in Croatia 1995. 

In all, the group of naval forces in operation named Eastern Bull,  have NATO group from US and Nederland marines, and support inair and communication from Cyprus, where group have mix of NATO member states, most of them from Baltic sea region. The group have 16000 soldiers and officers, and several thousand Syrian armed refuges in the north part of Lebanon. 

Yes, they expect that local Army do nothing,and how they have only businesses with Hezbollah.

The operation have point to going to take 16 days, and after that they stay at the new posts for no less half year. 

Even it was part of previous plans, like it was several years ago, when NATO take activity against Lebanon, and when in several days they lost hundreds soldiers and officers. Some of them after all was buy from the locals for huge amount.  

Now, Israel forces is out of use. NATO must take more troops at the foot and they have against self not only Hezbollah, but all East Commonwealth with allies. US must be clear that they no more have  the fleet. How they only have way in capitulation. 

And of course, London never ever took the operation,if they had not important support from the US top. Sullivan.                    

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