Monday 9 September 2024

Double bookkiping in EU and allies

 In the actually war what no much of observers try to named like WW3, and what in the western side of the Planet continually speak like simply war, stay a continuing, where one side at other side try to present success, and try to say how they have more power than they really have. 

In this moment when electricity produce in EU stay at level 72 percent in total, and where in real it mean 42 percent, new cold time in the year stay critical for not only industry, but for all population, too in EU.

It was suggested from situation in the main front for them, in Ukraine, where serve nuclear plants now have not power to made more export. And where they only have small power to make some supply to the local entity.  

Same situation going to be with fuel, where common policy at EU levels fall, and now each country member try to find some producer what is ready to give it in reasonably conditions. Even some of the member states use smugglers and bought it at the black market, mostly steal oil from Syria. And other things from the Chad, but in much less level than it is need. 

Other materials what they need to build war industry came from the Argentina, and several other LA states, but it was not naff. Even mass media made propaganda like these countries,NATO countries have more power and more ability to produce equipment for war.

But when you try to make comparative by produce in the normal industry, than you find how production slowly but continually month per month step down and now stay in the level what was in 1952.

It mean how industry in the West part of the Planet going to be put in war mode, and they are seriously preparing to make it in coordination act against Human rights. First, right at the personal integrity, than free speech, and after all close all free information in the lager of 32, maybe such more countries. 

Of course, it was in the field more than several months, and it was at the meeting table in the Belgrade negotiation between  Mr Nariskin and Mr Bearns.  After this negotiation stay clear how only way to stay in the line for NATO and EU, to growing war incursion in all parts of an society.

Mr Berns find how Mr Nariskin has these plans to stop each influence of NATO at Balkan, in all condition, and at all ways. Even if it mean clean NATO from Serbian province Kosovo. Or at other way with more influence in the Balkan states, member of these Associations.

The some exam of NATO power point in BiH, came like satiric role, where NATO soldiers at the field find fool fear in the many no where places across the country. And they find how some part of the equipment missed, mysteriously.

The same problem in the Poland have group Army W, NATO, after several thousand soldiers from this group missed in the action somewhere in the Russia. 

On other way, Russia has some problems in these operations, after they find how some of their officials and high officers still have contact with other side. Than is possible that some part of operation plans stay public to their enemies. Fix it is necessary to general  Gerasimov  to make all orders in the finish by 31 November. 

OK. All of this is clear to NATO and allies, and than they do everything to make pressure against Minsk, but with some mistakes in the calculation. 

We are back at economy, and see how industry productions, mostly all indications what have statistic data, came in the two different book. The first is to public, and second is for the establish group in each country. It mean, in the first book you have much better calculate data, than it is in the second book. In which you have find some interest information, how situation is worst than ever before. It have be find in chapter about drug "smuggling", where drug deal from began of 2024, to now stay less for  25 percent, and where is much more chemical substations, than smuggled from abroad. This number have the "key" what open all "doors", where is clear how production, than employed, and BDP now is much than 14 percent less than two years before, and more than 1/3 than  from beginning 2024.

With this numbers, EU in the sphere of war industry come with recession,a crisis where inflation from the October going to be more than 21,3 percent at month level. 

It mean, hyperinflation knocking at the "door", and it be public after several new conferences where the 3/4 of the Planet stay owner of 95 percent all resources. Only what 3/4 of Planet  have plan, and they do, is export former colonial officials to these colonial capital, and after all it mean insecurity, more confrontation in the former colonial power, what have point at i about all WW3.   

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