Sunday, 15 December 2024

THS is nothing but MI6 clone

 After all what we predicted, and after all came to be, now is to much trouble to all to present to self and whole world what was happen in Syria!?

And now all is clear, for us. 

Even some part of these actions was gone, and after several actors fail in the history, now is totally clear that so call operation made from Mi6 have nothing than new and big headache to their creators. 

It's so embarrassing  to them when they stay in line with HTS terrorist in front  of the East Commonwealth base, or at the way where the column with Russian equipment and other going to be fixed in some of their posts around province Lataqia. 

After they had not find main goals, massive fight between East Commonwealth and HTS or other so call opposition's groups in Syria, now they try to find something to present to the western auditorium how Russia and East Commonwealth fled, humiliated from what they present liberate territory.

Never mind that so call liberators killed, abducted and desecrate churches, mosques and other temples from non Sunni groups into former Syria. 

No British, nor  American MSM take real picture from the scene, and only what they have stay to find so call western success into fight against others. 

But, after all, they have say nothing about real disaster in operation named "Aladdin Lamp", where Ukraine has take nothing from arms and equipment from former SAA. East Commonwealth  is so pleased by action of Zionist, who crush all plans from MI6 and their servants from Ukraine's GRU.

Zionist take several days to find how they make big mistake, and how their presents of situation with SAA arms is long from reality, after found how their make role in TSH growing. And specially after their boss stay clear how they have same  enemies with theorist. 

Two Nazi regime have nothing different but hate against others and only what they have is long dream how they going to make big role in energetic and mineral supply to the west. 

But, after minister Hakan find how his role in all was declassified , he is find that he is MI& agent, and how he has big pressure at the Turkish military, even they said, "how they have no time to spent in this delusion in Syria". 

Specially after top generals find how regime topple in Damascus going to make "open door" to new independent Kurdistan. What in finish would take 1/3 of Turkey.

They try to stop all process and they try to say it not only Erdogan but even to the East Commonwealth, in hope that someone tried to stop it in the minute. 

No one had intention to prevent it. East Commonwealth found reason in interior division, corruption and lack of a reforms. NATO try to make gains, and they had foolish perspective how they should stuck the East Commonwealth in battle against so call opposition. 

Turkish establishment find how is so critical to them to promote, and lead action in Syria, after was found how their role in oil and gas robbery is at end. And how they have no more fresh money for their broke economy. 

New, and old plan to Muslim Brotherhood make connection between two states who are in this ideology, about pipeline to the west, they find like help desk. 

At the same way is Zionist regime, who try to make some presence in all, maybe control over some part. Because they came in Syria, not because they have some fear against HTS, who we said it was and is their child. 

Turkey's Erdogan have problem in the family, whose continually use Zionist oil transport companies to sell stolen oil from Syria mostly in Italy and Balkan states. Where is Croatia main hub for it. 

Even we had information about that, we had not be so secure how his didn't something in favor to Palestinians. Zero point that he is leader at the Brotherhood parliamentary party in Turkey. 

Hakan at the other way with their presents Kurds in Syria, at the same way like it make Zionist with Palestinians, find how Turkish Fascism is hand by hand with Zionism. 

His great speeches. and so call accusations against East Commonwealth step down after he find that plan "Brotherhood pipeline" is over, before it built. 

East Commonwealth with only two sentence to the Qatar Emir, how they have plan to blowing up small Emirates if he going to be in final deal with Turkey and Zionist, or if someone try to use their military bases against some part of the Commonwealth. 

Second blow, come only few moments after find how, so call SAA equipment was gone in the wind, and how Zionist entity, read RAF make more than 472 flights over Syria, much more than they had in the plan. 

Specially, after they find how so call basses had only old, and irrespective arms and other military needs.

Have you any vision how was face of the Zionist Commander after he informed from his man, that they had not found even small peace of food in these bases. Nor they found Russian flavor, or something else, end how is possible that they stay out of real supply for next year. 

It was reason why Jack Sullivan came into visit to Zionist entity, and his panic face in press conference after it.  

Or his conversation with CNN and MBCS where he was insist that their reporters find and present some big against former Syrian regime. Even it mean lies and notorious constructions.  

On other way they must present all activity of East Commonwealth in Syria like lack of success, some surrender.  

He and Blinken was author of order to US Central Command to make action at the field. What was stopped from elected President in the minute, because both of them take part in comic talks with main looser.

Now is only one question, is new administration in the ties with Kremlin over situation in Syria, specially because they have same gain, to stop pipeline in the ME from Qatar, for same reason, market control. And does they take some actions to protect ally Kurd in Syria?

TSH is only few different groups, what have nothing same and nor unite ideals. They even have more fear from Taliban, and their connection by the East Commonwealth, after Kabul operate by information about cooperation and plans in Syria between TSH, Turkiye supported group to make more blood, and actions against Christians, Druze, Alavit and Kurds, in cooperation with Brits, Zionists,Jordanians Bedouins, USA IS.  And who is realy Jabany!?     

In East Commonwealth local reporters, and analytics try to said how they lost in the some what wasn't battle. How they are lost control over ME, and how they are in retreat from Syria, even no info about that. To much media confusion, like fog at the battlefield.

The only war between NATO and East stay in fabrication of new, and try to with it make some wrong conclusion and gains at the other side. Real battle has no place, and stay only in stand by mode. 

Libya is next.                   

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