Thursday, 5 December 2024

The Kursk in Syria

 NATO is at brink to be involving into new war, whose going to be fatal for them. In cooperation with Turkiye and in cooperation with fall regime in Kiev, they stay in position where they had no much information about reality in the ME.

They had only wishes and some propaganda, fabricated from them itself. 

In this narrative they going to prepared so call success into ME and they take measure to make gains over overthrow the regime in Syria. All what they had into plan stay in one word- disaster.

Turkiye take part in all of it, in change to their more prominent role at the former Ottoman's territories, specially in Europe and more money into their ruined economy. In their role they take part in many actions,what cause to logistic transport many salafites and wahabits from various parts Asia and Africa. But it was not their only part into operation "Aladdin Lamp". Main role they take in preparation at Libya against Marshal and Russian support forces. For it they had move several brigades of the regular army by air-bridge. 

This brigades replaced local tekfiri forces, what they by these ships and planes lifted to mainland and then over border into Aleppo-Syria. 

Operation was coordinated by the British Royal Navy and RAF, who was bring the support from the some Asian states, and specially from Ukraine. 

US was in contact with all, but they had not clear role into it. They only had position into preparation against of East Commonwealth actions, lead by Russia. 

After they found how operation into south Lebanon went from bad to worst, they made deal with Zionist to stop war for at moment. But this all what is now in the Syria is same plan, and only the part of common NATO operation in Gaza and Lebanon.

The all operation have several part, first preparation whose cost 13,4 million USD to Russian high commandant in Syria, and not less to the Syrian command officers at the field. Bribery stay main power in operation in their part of the Word. For them it had disaster point, after regular step up information from the officers families and other how they in the moment have lost of money. 

The mistress and black market have nice way to put information in the air, what have much more power than MI& or others. 

Now, in operation in Syria take part 5000 elite Turkish soldiers, and 3000 Netherlanders with several thousand from Scandinavia at the foot, and in air and electronic warfare take part Israel, US, UK.

With 25-28 thousand mercenaries from Albania to Uzbekistan. Local forces stay in old numbers, than full number of NATO intervention have number around 150 thousand. 

At other part we saw demoralization, obstruction,and treason. East Commonwealth is in defensive, and take only some actions, what cause that information in MSM was so confusion.

The plan from the east, named "Quran", presented by Iranian ministry of international affairs, to Hakan was and is terrible to him. 

In the plan have no place to open fight between two parts, but only to make big graves into Istanbul area, for not less than several thousand Turkish soldiers. 

In situation, where Erdogan lost all support at the home and after find how he is not thru fighter to Palestine, but only trouble maker to Arab states, it going to be some cause to them, be eliminated like it had been planed in 2016. Now without Russian and Easter Commonwealth protect to him.

India and China have main stick into hands to take revenge against him. And after implosion of the Turkish Lira, and rocketing the even now high inflation, with several earth quakes,the NATO operation in Syria would be finished. 

Erdogan now try to make some gains, to make more pressure against former partners,but he came into cage and he only have way at Damascus. At the way he have shine future in some elimination from both, East Commonwealth and NATO. 

Bashar Al Assad is finished into Syria, and now even East try to find some other, more successful, to protect their interest, and bring back whole Syria in one peace.

Operation "Aladdin Lamp" from began was in the trouble, and for it is deserving Kurds and Hezbollah.

We said before about it.  

Now, the war going to be finished like it is in Kursk. And what we have to find stay in point how incursion after all left several countries in Europe former, and their nation not existing.

Total cost of the "Aladin Lamp" operation is 203 million USD.

All losses going to be pointing in billions, 20,34 USD.   



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