Friday, 18 October 2024

US and UK with East Commonwealth behind the back at ME

 If you want to have gains in a war, than you must have public support for everything  what you do at an battlefield.Even if you did atrocities against civilians and specially against leader of your enemies. 

In this faze of the war, in industry of lie are coming full capability of Hollywood and now you and we can saw to much unreality at the table. Fabricated news, with use not to much IA, but so much old fashion model studio in preparation to the public strategy, and it be so fanny than it not be so scary.

Explain at all is IDF main lair who was posted in Cyprus, and who are so long from real front. But, more of it. They prepared in the studios at Negev and all other places, more "success footage" from these fronts,to stay actual for western MSM and their public.Of course they have knowledge how they must take advance in info war, to push all who want to say something against them to shut down. 

In reality they have memory how they still present the whole world "that they are superior military, and  civilization at well level than their enemies". 

But, after one year fights in Gaza, and fights with "resistant movement" at ME, they have no much but full degradation in each specter of life. Economy is downed five time, a population lost 1/5 of all,and losses is horrible. 

Even the mister liar try to present alternative reality, it going out of control by military censors and their contacts abroad. Even if we have that their military command is out of the country, and spy,too. 

For the situation at the field it have nothing, because US navy and air-force did everything in prepare and lead of aggression against Lebanon and Palestine. With full support of UK.About what we gave info month before. 

Now is real documented from the US strategical force how they stay deep in acts against Israel neighborhood, specially after they took bombardment  in Yemen, several days ago. At the same plane and same equipment which used in elimination of several prominent leader of "axis of resist".

Only what is clear that they are not had success. You had not kill these death man. But it is exactly long story about war in the war. 

Last "elimination" in Gaza, named "commander of Hamas" is so comic than have place in the story of B movie, filmed in Hollywood studios. Some who had been dead not less than year somewhere in Germany, in such base, now "came to be took at a table to made pathology exam with DNA test". 

How they have it if he has not had medical registration or contact with relatives, or how Israel stay in posses of it? If we had info how this guy have no more live close relatives. But, he had been in close contact with some enemies structures, and he had been installed to made fool control of what Israel believed that was military wing of the movement. And even post mortem his role in the situation in Gaza year ago stay much lauded and so call legendary, he only had role that fail to preventive inform Israel forces about operation preparation and activity in PA.

We have full list of so call prominent Hamas leader who had been eliminated after they had not find gains to Israel, and who had been in fool control by them.

No in the time of start of operation, what was full surprise to us, and what going to be continuing in the future, nor today when IDF must push more forces in the battle, neither "tomorrow", US and UK going to have no gains to push back  the"axis". Specially after the front line stay much closer and flight so difficult. With East Commonwealth in nearest 15 miles from the theirs positions in "success war against terror". Behind their back.           

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