Saturday 17 December 2022

American dream in the African swamp

 The therm and conditions at policy has never story like it has now USA. The illness man, mental ill, have post where he must work something each day, not less than 16 hours. But, he has not time to work even nigh minutes at so call Amero-Africa summit several days ago. What is stay clear after this, the old man have no knowledge to say even what was person whose he met, these mostly high officials from several African nations.

He still believe how he had met by Afro-American community chiefs and how they try to have make better relations to White House,in so growing escalation in local communities between, not only race, but even in same racial group, in case, where price to live going so deeply in the poverty. Where now step up above 72 percent of all Americans.

The attempt from  Mr. Blinkin to put at the first post, Camala Harris, stay fail. And of all in so call conference to American coordination of African unity, stand one big mess. Where even he said how disaster stay out only in case that much of called African's nation high officers had been black mailed and in some case they have even money, Dollars in the pockets, to be present at the meeting. 

In Blinkin's suppression about "democracy" and necessitate to defend her from what he saw like authoritarian regime, we had saw irony, that country which made more troubles at the "Black Continent" now try to conserve "democracy" even they had supported Islamic Fascist all around the continent, even they make coup de tath in several countries like, so known case "White Oil", or kill of Moamar el Qaddafi, and sponsored to Islamic State of North Africa and Maghreb over so call US Command for African Affairs.

There is nothing about slaver workforce in sub-Sahel states, where little children work at  the fields and where millions tons garbage came from Europe to be "sorted" from them, even in this garbage founded an medical and other poisons. Specially, when we found so call second hand clothes, mostly poisoned by dead person, dead from trouble diseases. 

All of it came in moment where is clear how not so much called high officers from African nation came to be there. And how they have nothing to stay close by fail empire, which try to ruin opponents,these countries which has most part of minerals and natural goodness, where some of this, stand in Africa, and did not find place at the so call Summit. At the end renamed to meeting.

That all is true, came like proof from Central African Republic, and attack against Russian high Commissioner for coordination by African Union. Of course that after all, we have knowledge how so call meeting in Washington DC, has nothing with US rebranding in "Black Continent", but it had been full coordinated operation from the west, to make new possess into African affairs, specially into growing industry of mining. And necessarily to take more energy for less money from there. 

Democracy which not exist nor in USA, neither in EU; have only symbolism, on  which some like Mr. Blinkin try to reduce evidentially growing Nazi support from NATO to EU, and in list case in Kosoves, they have problem to defend positions which is against UN Chart. Where, they do everything to blow up UN system, even this is so weak, and in many case insufficient. 

After all, nothing was changed in relations into Africa, where most power states, like South Africa, Uganda, Egypt, Alger, Ethiopia, Angola, but even so call US ally Senegal, try to not stay now so neutral, but at position so nice for them in cooperation with other part of the World.

49 billion dollars in three years for support "democracy and independent policy" is only 1/3 of annual support whose came from only China, and not much than 1/12 from all support came out of US. 

This money even if going to coming at the place, after 01.01.2023, has no value, because most of African nations have deal to trade into domestic currency with main US opponents. 

And such rare, if you have that banknote from 100 USD cost in produce,cost  27-34 USD, than you have possibility to find how much cost to US Treasure  have this story, and one more non realistic promise. 

All story came from Mr. Blinkig have only way to blow up any question what has lost into Ukraine, and what has possibility into Kim Jong-un to find their address in the States.

For some reason, not even we are have to comment this story but to say that fail empire by mental illness two high position persons, has problem not by others, but with self.                    

Saturday 19 November 2022

The Football

 It's so sad when we have to see what happen around new World Championship, posted to be finish into Qatar, small Arab country, somewhere in the Gulf. 

The proud country where live small group of authentic people, who find some symbiosis by desert and after they found fortune deep onto their feet, they try to stay self ruled. Not so. But at the soil they have the biggest US Air base at the Middle East, nearest big neighbor-Islamic Republic. 

In their turns of condition, they find self confronted first by "brothers" around, specially with Saudi Araby, and their proposes of faith, and their proposes of necessary to be in confrontation against big neighbor, in war what lead by SA. 

After they find that they had not interest with SA, and after they find that in the battle only Turkey stay at the side, they decided to remove collateral relations with West, and move self develop in the first role.

Four years ago, in try to make some gains against dependents from Russian's energy, these western states lead by France push to the FIFA, to give host of Championship in Football to this teeny country. 

In the aspect of all, they had plan to over this make some control on the autonomic decisions of local mostly reach founder, to make better condition to export more gas to EU, especially in Germany and France.

At second module was so much growing finance and economic crisis at the West, where had not naff money to be invested into football. All calculation created before and after competition find that money is so big, and some gains after all, small to be reliability. For this reason, small and rich Qatar, was wonderful choice to the something desperately needed to the western leader, into growing crisis.

But, all time exist some but. They find how small and rich country have some principles,and how they have not interest to be arm into some hands. Specially if that hands have some blood background. 

Even we told so long time about situation at the field with constructions, workers, condition of work and live foreigners in the country, and some strange introduction of western sponsors in all, no one MSM fine a minute to take into zone this info, but they stay out of all, and have more fear from ALZ, to be find like something.

Now, after Qatar made changes in the government, have new Emir, and new conditions with around, MSM sponsored by western politicians, try to make late justice to the all, who suffer in the operation "CS Football Qatar".

After all, now we have see the ugly face of same side who try to make the gains over Championship. These people who have the systematic and institutionally xenophobia, where into their countries existed exclusivity towns and villages to the persons of foreign originality. Where in these countries exist categorization of citizens, where stay in some south and east EU member states even  third category for groups who aren't right to make normal life, in Romania Gypsy,Bulgaria Gypsy and Turks, in Croatia all minorities, mostly Gypsy and Serbs. 

And least have right to take part into Schengen area?! Be serious and say no! Croatia has worst condition for self citizens than Qatar for foreign workers. 

But what is by clandestine who exploit around agriculture all around South Europe, or in Tourism all around EU?!

For all conclusions, the MSM fight to right into Qatar, find how the western mind have only dream of supremacy, and exclusivity. They believed how the Football is only game for them, and how no one other have right to be in it. Even now is known how they had copy  paste from these games who played from Maya to Mongolian, much early than some it stole in GB. And publish like original in imperial manure to others, like it was with cricket.

Qatar isn't fool democracy, but not even so bad place, specially if we looking about how much people work and live there, from same countries whose now have oppositions for host of  the Championship.

Yes, it's true that so much people lost life and health in construction of these objects. But true is that some architects hasn't knowledge to construct int desert. And what is crucial, some of them, British have idea to strongly make disaster in relation between Qatar and Indo-Pakistan region. To make control what they have in neighbor teeny Bahrain. Where MSM did not, and nor to see horrible condition to Shia minority.                                       

Friday 4 November 2022

Iranian rapsody

The situation at the Planet make change so easy, and now is nothing same what was several days ago. Even plan still stay at a tables, stay clear that them nobody have possibility to implement. 

For this reason, and close after midi term election in US, plane stay active to prevent Iran to become more powerful and with nuclear equipment, in operation named "Sinai crest".

Operation built at the areas of south Adriatic sea, have plan to be make like final attack at the arch enemy, in situation where these plans at the Ukraine's steps stay graves to the more and more technique and regular soldiers of several NATO member states. 

In "Sinai crest" found how is necessary to "have more control over suspicions enemy forces at east Mediterranean sea and how is much interest to make more trouble to them in Ukraine". On other side is necessary to make falls flag acts before all, to be improve enemy that they be subject of act. How stay less possible that them take more care to the real place to attack.

It mean that they in formation Anglo-French coordination group, without knowledge from Israel, and in support of some circles in Riyadh, they take active act against Iran in several day from now.

But, like we told several weeks ago, CNN isn't credibility platform for make a info, and they did more mistakes what cause miss moves into plans.

First stay some significant that they publicly said how Riyadh take connection with Oval, to made deal to be defend from US Army in an suspect aggression from Iran. In time what both side fixed deal over more issues and have never better relations. 

This mess in info sphere open more questions, than gave answers, and stay post for conclusion how  some from Oval try over somebody into royal family make not only mess into area of Gulf, but try to remove MBS from throne. 

After these mess in info sphere, second stay post how on deal by now Israel some part of Gulf states want to make deal in defense.

All of this, now is still find like "humor", what have indication to prevent Iran revenge after attacks.

Prelude for all came into so call spontaneity protests over Iran, after never cleared dead of young Kurd girl in north west part of Iran. 

These protests have coordination into Iran, in town Tabriz, and after all IRC, cleared how and who stay over this part of the plans. After that these stories came and now we are at the balcony where all have clear visibility. 

With two striking group from position in the south east Mediterranean, in triangle between Israel, Gaza and Egypt, and Al Aqaba bay. Both of this group take acts over friendly Jordanian territory. In support by fly tankers and electronic missals, at position at the ports and towns south west and north west part of Iran. At the field support would be Kurdish army groups and some elements of so call Halk army. Iranian rebellion trained and stationed into Albania. 

These groups found some acts in several main towns across Iran, where they make big mess, and war zone, first at Shiraz. Maine military post at the country. 

In this moment moves from central Asia states, where they had army corps, and where they try to make springboard against not only Arch enemy, but even against Russia, and China,too, that plan has no more secrecy. 

The plan is complex, and this is only main part in it. Date and forces is know, who and when going to doing some is clear and after all is clear that Russia is not at position where they expect to find them. 

Nor in Syria, neither in central Asia. 

In this moment attack against Iran, and after victory of Netaniahu at election in Israel, make situation with plan worst.                   

Wednesday 26 October 2022

Milly's Ukraine

 If some want to make news over platform named CNN, than he must say clearly-"where are 5000 US soldiers?".

In 2021 at these posts over Ukraine existed some 50 thousand US soldiers from various part of US military. In the began of the Russian operation at Ukraine, at these posts had such 30 thousand soldiers, and summer leave by less than 15 thousand personal, from mostly, two part of US forces. 

From this number of personal in the map, now have only in reality, some 6-7 thousand, mostly involve into operation to deliver equipment or to make intelligence. But  does have mister Milly answer where he lost 5 thousand US soldiers?

What was happen by US rangers in Georgia, where no more exist 2 thousand military man!?

Why US master plane was into Uzbekistan, and who was picked up from there to main base into Europe?

Of course that Milly's guys try to make some goods about this questions, they did neurotic acts over several areas into the world.

What they did into demilitarization zone in Korea with 360 Korean soldiers leaded by US commanders? How they stay missed in the action, after several hours into delirium mess, made from some guys around mister Milly?

In the fact, 6th,7th,5th, and 3th US Navy Fleet is captured by Russian forces. These positions of US fleets find not to much from the Russian navy and Air Force. What has done into Romanian port of Galatea, where Russians find US command ship, over which US make deliver information to the forces at the ground and reactions from Shoigu at it, create schizophrenic situation at the Oval!

After all stay clear how operation into Ukraine, has three part of NATO involving. In the country still fight on the Ukraine side 3th and 9th Polish army, regular army, NATO member state army. With several Romanian brigades, and with Bulgarian medical corps. 

In the perspectives, found how at the western border of Belarus stay several US brigade, 88th and 92th, where at the nearest border area existed Polish armor squadrons and artillery support brigades from several others member states, first from them-"Blue division" from Spain.

At the left flange of this formations stay Finish army, who are nearest border still built defensive fortification, but in really has several armor squadrons mixed from US, UK and Swedes, prepared to take acts against North Fleet and garrisons around Seversk, at the self back. 

All this formations have only one indication, that had believed, how is possible to make gains across more territory of the enemy, by support of local agents. 

The plan was built into middle of June, and now it has not to much with reality. Especially, after this plan had much problem at the battlefield. Specially after in the country imported more than 60 per cent of all NATO equipment. 

In this operation main logistic and other support acts had mister Milly. Now he has big problem to explain the real chef at the Oval, what he miss to done.

How he going to come and explain US citizens that they lost only in the several weeks same number of soldiers like it had been in Vietnam?

Or who have plan into Oval to release the Junta members from the military prison in Oregon? Before they step up and make some glorious acts to save USA.

Of course, that we looked at the Turkey position and their try to upload Bayractar to Avatar 3 and their believe how they have more areas to going to create some gain over front in Ukraine, by weapons delivery to one side. 

We do not say to much, but we have knowledge that plan is over, and how the Avatar 3 drone has multiple miscalculation.

After all we only have to say how mister Vladimir had our vision of situation at the World and what he must did to prevent all of it. What we had saw, that mister Xi find correctly.  

And if some want to have more wars at the Planet, than he must find where they lost some of their soldiers, their equipment, and of course, what would be after first push on a trigger?              

Friday 7 October 2022

"EU energy plan"

 An stories have some logical conclusion, and even some story have unrealistic theme, this story have some things to say. 

Same is now with story named "EU energy plan". Now we have more knowledge that they have not any plan and that they planed to make more war zones around western hemisphere, where they make what they planed from 2008. 

Same story what we read in not so far history. But in different assemble, where the same high circles made motivation to changes into Wiemar Republic. In both case the present is close into situation where the mane player over Atlantic, has tectonic crisis and try to change path, which is at the way to disaster. 

All things what they try to make now is simple and closely describe what is in the reality. 

And this reality coming to be more unpredictably more dark, and more harsh to common people, controlled and posted into areal prison by electronic waves. All what was, isn't and going to be different to next year.

In deal war, at the east Europe, both side came in position where they lost main point, when controlled "Special Operation" occupied more and more resources. 

In positions what exist at the time, Western compound have more than 60 thousand soldiers implement by hundred machines and heavy arms systems. 

On the opposite side still is not so much equipment and soldiers, especially not so much electronic and air force units. This is reason why situation at the front line looks what it look like.   

The Ukraine forces does not exist, and not exist main part of local infrastructure. Even Eastern Commonwealth did not to much to destroy strategic points at rivers and dumps. Neither tunnel at Carpathian Alps. 

Everything is simply same what have Stalin in the began of WWII, when he like Vladimir now have believe how other side did not something against reached deal. But, in simplicity both was in deep abuse. 

Or if they are not been in abuse than they had been a "enemy friend".  

Both had information how other side have such plans, and that these plans would be implement not so long time after they could take positions into orders. 

In both time same problems came at the same post, with some like same personality whose not be interest in same point with this couple. 

In Oregon, the Junta came into phase where different part of the Navy and Army have self policy, and where so call President, have only time to stop ugly stories from his son. And Secretary of State has only time to look at new job, after he find how he isn't in position to make and say what he want to do.

For this reason, the High COMM has only way to be watcher at these games. By no force to make something different, to stop what is clear, dissolution of US. 

Maybe some have plane to import half of EU capacity, but what is with local capacity? Or some made plan to dystopia named "New green order" going to starting into US. In this case, some has plan to stole these elections for Senate and Congress, again. 

For this reason, most of these war games have only way to divorce public opinion from real situation at the field. 

War is in the open global area, but no one in these story have interest to make big move against other, for separate selfish interest. Interests which has not main point with common Europe. And where Europe lost not only identity, but future, too. And where they have only way against this who are not satisfied to be part of something to much lunatic, to much against humanity, what EU try to do with Balkan, Moldova, and others. 

We have time to wait.           

Wednesday 14 September 2022

Operation "Heraclion"

 The situation at the battlefield at eastern European have nothing by strategy and war science. In the moment we have something what look like deal between two separate side, where these sides try to overthrow some other side, who had deal with some of these sides. But now they want to do what they planed into Geneva treaty, where they came with cause, how they going to reset all world. And how they make same, after all, what they try do did before everything. Specially with so call disease named C-19, planed and put at the "market" after stay clear, how these resources in the global market, leave the dominate white north to dominate colored south. 

It cause panic into high circles, and than make possible deal with arch enemy, Nazi movement to made some.

For it they try and make the theater in Ukraine,  where they believe how it is so far, and so close to be take for "drama".

We had info in the began.

In this reason we said, what we have to say, and now we are open to promote what role in the "drama" have someone. We going to say that so call Kremlin anti-Nazi rhetoric have nothing by truth. Like no truth stay position of EU, and specially of USA Military Junta, where they lost control over situation in these acts, and now have dreams by nightmare. 

In these actions came China and India. Both  of them have interest where they try to make more harsh control over an personality, and where they in new order have interest to make high rings of power more powerful. 

The Congress of China Communist Party came so close, and rebellions in the ranks isn't so strong, but with coordination by some minorities movement into country could be so unpleasant to Central Comity and the man in power.  Reason is same, what have into Kremlin. To much strong words, without real courage to make big move against it, what they proclaimed to enemies. 

In India many young people try to take more happy and they believe how only way for it stay in dismantle old casts system, and how so call democracy into country has nothing by reality if to much population leave above poverty. And where only several dozen percents have real well life and prosperity. 

The policy of Prime Minister Modi has not real effect to common people, and they are not so happy to be use for some future war games. Not against Pakistan, nor against China, but they have not so well mine against India's contact by the West. Reason which stay in colonial era, where they have well knowledge what had been, and what can be if they have unconditional relations with former western powers. 

All three country, believe how they have good agreement by other part, and how after all, they going to make some gain after all they, blow up Council.

But we had only only the message, and Artemis still stay at Earth, we do some, to presented what could be if Indonesia have earthquake magnitude 8.9. And what could be if Romania, take magnitude 6.9. 

Or what could be, if main European river going to changing a route. 

At the same mode, you have only 38 percent of energy at the reserves and if some like Ursula fon der something believe, that she can make a deal with Africa or Norway for coal, oil, gas, and uranium, than she can only to stop a dreaming, or she would dream nightmare. So,so long dark night, and vast days. 

Kremlin in the situation what they make, only have cause long and so pain dissolution of Russian Federation. President Putin now is in risk to be fortified into open prison, after their opponents become start a chant about his deal with USA. And role of Russia Army into war at Europe east. What going to be present like high treason and unprofessional.

In all of this, Ukraine is nothing, and they are only polygon for operation named "Heraclion".            

Saturday 20 August 2022

These ships leave ports from Ukraine not to give a food, but to hide the truth

 In several months mass media from the Western Treaty produced info that some situation with Ukraine grains could cause more poverty and hungry into Sub Sahara states. Where in that moment more than ten million people starve from hungry. 

The part of the EU and US try to impose propaganda injection into world mind how it is necessary to push against Russia and East Commonwealth all measure to make them softly for Ukraine export of grains. 

Day per day the mass media make the song "how pour south would stay out of food if something not be done to Russia and East Commonwealth do not give a word how the export would be possible." 

In this days too much stupidity we heard, even it had been clear how 4 percent of all export grains in the world,stay at part of Ukraine involve. After all, a independent experts find how that number is not correct and how in the final case, it has less than in actual annual export rate.

But, after all the most dangerous problem to the Western Treaty came in moment when stay clear how in the all production into Ukraine existed "death number". It mean that in the projection local government with local oligarchs gave numbers what was some two time highest than is real. Other mean, they at the table put even this grain what grow in the two new republics, and Crimea. 

Nor it had be naff, than when ships with grains leave the ports, and take course to the port of buyers, found how most of this grains isn't fine to feed the cattle and slope,too. In the main transport find how the grains is mix between ordinary, normal grain, and GMO grains, with high percentage of it, what have not be able to import in many countries around world. 

For this reason all production, and each ship which leave Black Sea, changed route and leave to the EU. 

The structure of grains has problem for most users, because what cause in high vaccinated states new pandemic situation. Pandemic of death.

After all,is so silly to say how Sub Sahara states have more luck than they have money.

Now, the Ukraine grain would be used into west to promoted how somebody use somewhat to poisons population in these countries, and that is necessary to make some hard measures.  

If you mean that they call the locals to take arms and went to war, you are wrong.

They do everything to promote less food, normal food, and more new food- cockroaches. 

Nothing stay at the way of this guys who was planed to occupant whole planet, and make new order, to this order import into EU.

Energy is over, the dry weather is there, and winter is near.

It is big mistake when some so call analyst made decisions how more weapon and more money would take change at the east front. Now the bomb is not by explosives, but with flour, full of strange material.

Notorious believers into West side, who believe in democracy, must be surprised when they into few months or weeks start to detect how it not exist anymore. And how their countries have huge problems not only in energy or food, but in Euro, who stay the low bridge for governments dept and budgets,what will push all of them in bankrupt. With war who going to be so close and so hard to their forces.   

Even now to much of them is vanish from the rank, and not so much stay usefully for what their command try to do, to make the war without fight with the East Commonwealth at their streets.

But, situation is clear and now we have to much info what the proxy-war going to be real fight. 

 All to hide strange story about country which used like platform for huge inhuman experiment. Where all Protocols and Charts was broken.  


Wednesday 20 July 2022

Hiden things above corner in EU and Oceania cause blowing up situation

 Nothing new in so call dark side of the Moon! In this moment most power what existed into Western side of the Planet now haven't power to rule over the whole situation and now they try only to make a loses less hard to them. But in the moment where they are clear how the energy goes from them hands and how they have not to much choice to stole from the some nations, they going to preparing the local population on the something new, what "learned" in least two years in which no one have right to say how the Democracy is gone from these countries. 

Now, in moment where is clear how energy is less than ever before, not because it cause the actual war in the Europe, but most old oil producers declared how they have much less reserves and of course they have much more problem to pump more oil and gas in the market. 

With 13 percent less produce, what cause less 27 percent to the market, and what cause finally more than 50 percent losses into primary industry, especially into agriculture what mixed by climate "change", and actual two year policy with incursion of GMO, cause lost more than 43 percent of work posts. And what have real connection that food would be more expensive and less available to the common people.

What happen and what is real situation into market, we have to see into big "indicator" to EU economy.

In this moment tourism,  these "indicator", have damp over seven percent, what is indicated of less travel abroad and booking at the Mediterranean part of the Union. The "indicator" call us in moment where is find how the so call syndicate unrest haven't any cause to the real situation at the holiday's market. 

In the reality, the situation with hard grow inflation, and unemployed,too, hide by administrative acts,  where so much people was removed from these evidences, and highest insecurity into public relations, made disaster into industry of most countries at south of the Union. Seven percent less income, cause less one-third income for the final industry investors, and after all more than 43 percent grow into new depths, what in final going to cause more than half investors in these industry come insolvent and make crisis at October worst.   

In these relations the bank  system would be not able to fixed plans of EU member states to BDP stay in planed process. 

What we have at a table call at the big dangers not only for south of EU, but even into east and north. With high risk of military coup in Paris. 

  In automotive industry, what is a locomotive in German's industry, we see how possibility to be changed aggregates, to electricity, is unreal and how so call silver oil- Litium have no point to be implement massive at an vehicles. Really, it have necessity to take more energy in produce, and more real problem into atmosphere, and climate. 

We are ready to stop produce of it, because it is much dangerous than Uranium.

Same we have to indicate into so call green wind mild electricity turbine. 

But in automotive industry, something would be come with highest crisis into electronic components. It going to cause stop of produce in September. What some in the Union planed to accuse PRC. 

Growing unrest and demonstrations at the streets of European towns, local politicians planed to pool out with combination of so call medical protection, and military incursions at a streets. 

So, in finally we have all plans and expectations at the Union. We now how Australia, and NZ would take finale point against so call PRC incursions and great dangerous. All of it because they have no more money to serviced public necessities and finally full bankruptcy into mine industry. 

After the terrible dry weather and losses into agriculture, only way to solve the problems would be impose methods what they had into two so call epidemic years. Without any positive results.       




Friday 24 June 2022

We was in right, we know what is new truth in EU

 European Union with yesterday decisions clear everybody who had notice about this Union like Adolf Hitler doter and the place where new/old ideology going to make same gains like it had been in the WWII.

The same ideology of supremacy and resist exclusivity came to be modern and fool social engine. The fuel of this came from the old stories of necessity to protect some what this ideologists see what must be "democracy", even it have nothing with it. 

In the World who want to be different than than they need to be, these personnel born after broken in 2012, today have only the mission to promote some things what was strange at all history. They try to promote a liberty by more restrictions and more break in the common human rights. The convention and declaration now is out of charge, and only exist volunteerism in a decisions, where some of bureaucrats from some places make decision what is good and what isn't to persons, close to personal rights and make only collective rights like it had been in Third Reich. All of it coming with full censorship in the communications and especially in the public conversation. In so call new modern conversation named "correct speech" you have to see how is expression of speech is controlling and how it use to expelled all who have say something different than it have to hear in officials.

How situation in the Union going to worst example have in the last elections in France. where was clear how actually president have no legitimacy, and how he with support in the part of army stolen the presidential election. What know cause political crisis in the country. What have to make economic situation much worst into economy which scrambled so hard with shortages in all cases.

The situation with Cesar in the East front, going to giving nail into coffin of "democracy" not only into France but more in the main players in the front. 

Cesar artillery instrument is not only what had changed owner. So many of western but even eastern army equipment had same history. Differences came into ages. The western is modern, and eastern is oldest.  What mean how clear how have gains into an battles. 

With inflation which going to breaking all history record and with to much soldiers dead into battle at East front, so call democratic structure in EU have pressure,what have cause that in not so long time be back blue ausweis, to "protect" public security against so call pandemic and "give better way for free and secure move over continent",too.

With this from the Mediterranean ports of EU to east transport more and more arms, explosives and other to stop, now not  to change a way of war. 

After, NATO broken neutrality into the war, and attacked and sunk  several Eastern Commonwealth  ships, these countermeasure came in blockade of Galati port. What have disaster point at the global picture on the front. 

And where the "export" of green form Ukraine stopped, make the picture into market drastically unusually, like it has into Germany, where they open the state and federal reserve to protect public standard. So long it has be possible. But what after August? 

Have we going to see new Dachau or Mathausen or Treblinka, where they make a better places to live all of them who would be rebellion, who not want to take "success injection" against "invisible enemy".

Or they take change into Constitution where all of them who try to say something different than officials said, would be sleep down from citizenship.

With yesterday decision about Ukraine and Moldavia, all of them who said what is modern EU, know in right, and no body have right to clash them.

If they take the state with Nazi sentiment incorporated into laws. and second which is not united, but make from three part, than we have right to say what we said. 

Specially after we have Cyprus where existed same rule, that christian south is in EU, but not Islamic north, even everybody into EU in speech said that they support united Cyprus.      

Not so long, we predict two month from now, EU wold take drastic measure and close all, to protect some new "ideology", what have nothing with ordinary EU's idea. 

Sunday 12 June 2022

We saw how clime must be take to protect the World

 So in time when everything coming to be in the full order and when so much people leave the former positions onto the new not so best post, where these prices and supplies going to be highest  and supplies rear, where they have no possibility to have "normal" income different from some what is close to the state subsides.

They need desperately more and more holidays  or drugs and trips to the over broad, over mind,  but not so far from the home. 

The reason for that we found in solutions that the prices at the home stay in the rocket position and that they have no so much open info what some going to take after something, what is clear happen at the east front, in nearest time. 

This situation going to be very pleasant for the Eastern Commonwealth, but not so. They need more, and it stay into two points. First in climate, second in the Earth.

To definitely broke to EU, they must take acts in the protection of the climate and it mean more pressure at ion-magnetic installation in Spain and UK. These posts where most things did and do to climate be change. 

Both posts, with some installation near some military posts in Italy, must be locked. In this time they take acts, where they have more actions against ionosphere and where they day per day try to change temperature at the north part of the Planet. Specially in the so call ally states which live from a tourism.

But, their they create some weather creature which cause more damage at the east. 

With counterattack, from some posts and change temperatures at the north, with more wet than it existing now,very soon going to causing two thing neurotics broke and famine. A broke at travel in the south or somewhere still stay incompatible with necessary for common people. Or more, came to be not profitable to agencies and air companies. This moment going to pushing the Nazi orientated EU commission, to make a lock down.The reactions in the World on it, will be devastate  for EU international positions. 

If  Eastern Commonwealth take the methods for "Poseidon", than it would cause not so long capitulation in Nantes. Not so long from September this year.                 

Sunday 22 May 2022

Trhee point in finish of the Union

 In the World nothing new have exist from far time history. Neither new came from the time when we are broken old Roman Empire. Same style and same way now still stay in the wrold's arena, where a money and greed have power over humanity. 

In time when some stay clear how they are loosing what they had in the history, and how the world what they had known was gone in the wind, nothing make them different from old times. 

Now, like it had been in old Rome, some try to buy what they believed that they had right to have. And they use a money to fead selfish greed by it, even they have see how nobody want to take it, no more. 

They are printing more and more money in believe, how it make some incredible change in the reality, and how it can stop what in history, never hapend, to change the route of the story. 

This time, we have to see how bilions coming to be trilions, and how more money leave usully places in social and economic sphera  to these war games. 

But, if we look at back, than we see what cause the fall of much more Empires, in first time, Roman Empire, at which history fully built Europe and more of them, the States. 

More money at the table, mean that this money loosing the power. The less products at the table mean inflation. And more arms with a wrong heads mean implosion, with final result, dismantel of the West.

Like it had been 476. o.e. , when fall Western part of Roman Empire. 

For the Europe, which try to take actions against main and what we had saw in history biggest enemy, Russia, but not only, the main problem or something what would cause European disaster is not oil and natural gas. No, Romans has not that, but they use same sistem what is mengine in Europe, pleasure and hedonism. 

Without it, the idea of united continent, is only frase who had even nothorious Adolf Hitler. Who had been created by British and some circless into US. Like we registreted today in the Ukraine. 

But, we are returning at the main point of this article. It is short time who has need to be broke the not only Europe, but whole western comunitay. 

The Eastern Commowealth has not to much to do, but only to broke what had been the three point like engines in the social, economy, and people readiness to lead politic of the somebody. 

First is tourism. Main lever in the all activity at the Europe and other western side is possibility to people flee from problems at a home to holidays, not to take a rest, but to be easly control after they came back at a home. If they have no possibility to do it , than they start to be more ancxiety, more vulnerable and than they can be easly exposed to ease influence from the radical groups who are against existed capitalist order or sombody else.

Yes, in this time the western someboy, can take acts against it or measure to protect self, but it is not for  so long time. The famine is second way to brocke west. It mean, and what we have to saw in some western towns and regions, people going to be more agressive and they start to act like animals. What in final cause more violations and of cours more deaths. 

And 3th, electricity. Without that, the western population, had never find to live. It cause same things like famine. But in more and worst episodes. What have be hapend if London area stay out of electricity, for some three or four days?! Or how have be nice to live into NY without it? Nothing less worst have be into other towns and villages all around Western Alliance.

When you blow up the tourism in Europe, half of European states immediately step into bancrupcy.

For this reason ECB printed in several months 12% more banknotes than it made usual. What cause that some EU countries have better bilance than it real case. 

The money printet to make false filing that situation is well, and that nothing had changed after all. Even the more of 1/3 population into the Union live in the zone of full powerty.  

Reason stay in fact that some people have mistacken calculation, and after all miss knowled of histoy. 

Monday 9 May 2022

Score of the war world 3

 In actual WWIII, what have not only battlefield into Ukraine but more and more at the other part of the Planet, we have only reason to put this post in the place for exactly reason to say the truth. 

And truth is number of lost in combat soldiers at all sides. Most of whom have never been named like human beans. Because, these countries what made war don't want to say the truth for self public. 

The main reason stay in a fear from public opinion and in these situations possible revolution at a streets. 

But now we are there, and start to talk.

After we find all things what cause situation at the Planet, specially at the Ukraine, than we find some strange moves at the fields of the country. 

In these operational plans to destroy east Ukraine's regions, stay how in the position for attack existed around 200 thousand soldiers. It mean that in the active post stand around two third all Ukraine army. 

It had been so strange, and we had little invade at the posts of information and disinformation in the local forces. 

In messages what came from strange part of Europe, we found how at the field situation isn't what some try to produced. From Stockholm, in few weeks from the war started, came some strange info at the contact between  Swedish army high command and some high commando at the central Ukraine. 

In correspondence messages fined how at the field Swedes have some 2800 soldiers and some 240 engineers for electronic support and warfare. They have instruction to be a bridge between west and some army group at the east. 

But in all correspondence, we find number about 70 thousand soldiers. 


And what was strange in all, the correspondence had nothing to Ukraine's language. They took only six, seven European languages. 

Now, after two months in the war, these correspondence have only one way, from east to west. At the messages we had to saw harsh calls for help, or some strange messages without callback.

What was happen with the army into east? How is possible that Ukraine army now stay at the posts with reservist? 

In total number, find that now exist only 20 thousand soldiers, most of them posted around Pavlograd, 

In the battle for east, Russians lost 14 thousand soldiers, but now they have east, and they are in posses of all what they try to take. Its mean, when you have clear  view at the messages from the Russian high command than you have strange info about fight British forces inside, and around Russia. You have info who had been in the first column when war started. And why they had say nothing about so much death high officers. 

About it we said in previous post. Because that, the official lost in the Russian army stay at the number of 4670 soldiers. 

If we take soldiers from eastern Ukraine than we have number around 9000 soldiers, most of them killed into first days of the war. The main reason stay in ordinary treason.

And back, the Swedish Army has main role into coordination and lead the aggressive acts against east Ukraine, but when war escalated and situation stay worst for the NATO at the field, the operation came into command of Canadian. In these actions, the Canadian High command lost some half part of members. Several generals, colonels, and other staff members. Who now at the some place make interview, or they lied at mortgage. 

Israelis live three high command stuff, and some 280 officers at the field. US live more than 45 officers, generals, and admiral. British leave 18 high former officers and third part of active command. Nederland lost 17 high officers and more than two thousand soldiers. Belgium, four thousand, and two high officers. Poland, 45 generals and admirals. and more than 10 thousand soldiers. Slovakia, more than 5000 soldiers. Bulgaria, two generals, admiral, and some 8 thousand man.  Australia, lost five to ten thousand soldiers. Romania have high lost in equipment and special forces, where they leave some nine thousand around Popasna. 

This is only small part of all what stay forever in the field and who have never come back. In this reason situation with so call COVID-19 would start to be worst in west so close. 

How is possible to explain more than 50 thousand death!? 

Today at the great day of liberation and salvation from the Nazi, the result of their child and grandchild is disaster. Catastrophe what history named "Late Spring academy". Time when the might idea of supremacy stay into ruin. 

If you try to listen without censorship than you have heard how much so call fighters for democracy now try to live the battle, and how much so call help never came at the place. 

Numbers say to much, and now this numbers call everybody in the so call free world, where missed our neighbors, who gone into army? What is happen with so call help which MSM presented like big cause to Eastern Commonwealth, did not implemented a plans,too? 

Or, some plans never had been taken from the place, and only what they have was fake, created to destroy something?!


Friday 29 April 2022

Operation Moldova

The only few days before war in Moldova, what was projected and planed into high command of British Commonwealth to 4th May in 16.30, at local time,here we have to say something about it.

In all plans what stay active after huge losses of UK officers at the land, and specially at the see, high command of UK forces, stay in position to put at the battle some other forces, than in the moment it has role to Australian army, which units take place at around  Moldavia, and into country,too.

This troops numbered 3700 active soldiers and officers, who have role to take act against Russians peace keeping forces into Transdinistria. Main point to them going to be taking control over ammunition storage near Ukraine border with Trandnistria, and to open a gates to invasion from Romanian and Lithuanian army. Who have role in plan to take position into north and central part of Moldova, to come to catch so call pro-Russian element in the Republic government and society. 

All action, stay at the plan, would be lead and coordinated from Galata,Romania. If Russian forces start to take active attack at the forces of NATO into Moldavia, than they, Australians and Lithuanians have order to have rocket lunch against Crimea. 

Plan stay in minute timing and they expect to actions going to be finished to three days.  

Ukraine army with parts of foreignness take active role at all, and they have order to stop all acts which mine foot print at the land, from the enemy side. Even if it mean massive loses of them. 

This action planed and created like second front, if something going wrong at the first front. For this reason, they took action against Russian Black sea fleet flagman ship few weeks ago. In believe how it took massive power from the enemy hands. 

But, after five hundred dead US Marines and Rangers in three days of actual week, and situation that so call free media have order to publish only one killed in the situation, we have no doubt how situation going out of these projects. 

Of course, everything of it was pointed into Old Man transcript where he yelled that they need more money to stop a catastrophe.  

On other side, we see some interest moves. Some new faces came at the first plane, and now we find that Putin, and them high command fight not only Ukraine at the battlefield but much more fifth column. 

How it is clear?

If you look at the messages from Kiev and Lvov. What is there it isn't place to say,now. But stay clear, how numbered agents was eliminated into first two to three weeks, what cause now that other side no more have hands and ease into Kremlin and around then. 

Much worst for UK intellectual forces came today, from Guangdong. Neuroses into UK government growing, and if something goes wrong into Moldavia, than they have new plan, and it is global war. 

But Kremlin have finger at the right button, and only pres at it, have cause horror in London. 

Switch the electricity.

In final all plans have some problems, and this plan have gross problem, it has problem named Romania. After the operation, Bucharest would be finished for not much time.                   

Friday 22 April 2022

The French actual Mussolini

 Now have three days to final decision at the ballot post who would be new leader of France. Decision which did has most dangerous situation at the Planet in the last decade, where from Sarcosi to the actual President, France make more and more mistakes and broken all international rules, even than what they had place in built at WWII the end. 

Crisis or much more, broke all fundamental principles which had made to protect privacy and personal integrity of all. The actual president take these roles in most dangerous act against humanitarian law, and international law,too. He try to reopened new-old era in France history, which try to put them in positions what France had in 19-th century. 

Intervention into Africa, acts against Azerbaijan in war against Armenia, where France special and other forces try to destabilize South Caucasus, and border between Iran and Turkey, personal involved the actual French president into Beirut's blast, where killed more than 200 person, and half of this town smashed into ruins, what they predict to use for accuse Israel that they did something, but finally stay clear who and why made nitrogen phosphorous imported into local port. 

After all he try to change Algerian regime, to start new era in energy sovereignty of France. But after some find what have had been planed than local army take action and macerated France legion post in south and some town at coastal area. 

For this action the actual French president take position into Tunisian border with Alger,too.

In home affairs he did everything to built France Vichy state, where no place for other, minorities, ethnic and religions group,personal and human rights. He had been  organised several acts against Catholic Church, burn of Norte  Damn, assassination of priests and pushes against Bishops. 

What he took against common people is clear, and now this man try to be reelected for new turn at French Presidency. 

He is Mussolini supported by fascist in some high economic circle into France, he has nothing with democracy, and he has only way to serve some who have place before common interests and international law based at WWII Charter from Nuremberg cases 1947.

We are opposite to idea, that actual French president have place in Presidential Palace, and we strongly recommended  Madam Mary LePenn, who are clearly take post at right side of political arena, but who are not involved into crimes what we numbered and what did not against actual French president. 

We say nothing about actual French president social and personal life. Nothing about health, psychical,too. But all what we say in pretext is same into it. And cause that this guy can not and must not be reelected. 

If France reelect this guy, the German Reich would stay historical small coffee. Specially after find what he formed in African states, the biological weaponry fabrics and laboratories from Finland to Greece, from Croatia to Turkmenistan.   

The economical post in France stay at the brink of sword and only one check mat from Moscow have cause nothing but full bankrupt.                  

Monday 4 April 2022

Ukrainian tragedy

 In hysteria about war in Ukraine, no body to say what really happen in the place. No one to say how in this war some countries lead WW and how at the same side in some case, we see some enemies. 

EU try to say something, after openly broken all rules constructed in WWII, and after stay to look like a " Adolf's doter", speeches about democracy and autocracy, in reality, when you look at map, heard so grottoes.

But here we are with the questions, who have nothing to say in MSM, specially into EU editions. Where they have open segregation against immigrants from other continents, in favor to Ukrainians, who are so "blue and Aries."

Second question is simply, where missed more than half Ukrainian soldiers. Where missed equipment mounted several years at position near border with Romania and Hungary?

What was with electronic staff centers at the place near one Georgian port, and what was with airports in this country prepared and in the moment used to took part into actual war?

If you looked at these questions, than you have find more stupidity, and much more fake news than reality.

First, in the begun of at all, officially was into domestic military more than 300 thousand personnel into several military rang. In the army they had supply with old Soviet armor from Slovakia. Artillery from Croatia, electronic and spy systems from US. Intelligent service from UK. But finally. The Ukraine taken from the ally several thousand personal rocket lancer, more than ten thousand. More than 326 Bayractar drones, more than 500 different drones incorporated into fool air control at the field. 

Long distance artillery was rebuilt in support from Israel and Croatia. Where motors came from first, and heads from other. What caused that this systems stay more mobile and with more effective. 

This arms with tactic what used in the first part of war, have not so well surprise to Russian military. 

The tactic what they used against it, would be teach at the military academies.

In this actions, Ukraine army lost so many personnel. Second was acts against Anti air defend system.

 Ukraine bought and import some parts of  long and middle distance air defend ballistic rocket from some eastern countries, what they smuggled from main partner and what was incorporated by Finnish air defense engineers.

What they made at the Nokia platform.  

Indeed, so well preparation for something what they predict to never would happen. But they have it. 

And where is two hundred thousand Ukraine soldiers. if they had it?

Where is 56 generals. and more than 200 high officers?? 

Why top commander of military intelligence live country and take info with self? How is possible that several hundred thousand Russians and Ukrainian ally soldiers lost only sixty high officers, and only less than ten percent of military staff and less than five percent of equipment?

Even, that all operation at the territory controlled by more than 213 flights daily of Ukrainian allies.

Than how was possible that in only several weeks at the war we have at the list same number soldiers at the both side?! If you take so call Territorial defense corps at Ukraine military at it.

All so call military success in Ukraine military we find into studios in London and Lisbon.  But numbers was and is reality, and now we have what we have, reality. That into Ukraine army main positions have western army personal who was payed daily with new printed money shipment to the front by Red Cross and UN humanitarian equipment. 

Even with this support they have 60 percent losses at the field. For this reason they try to produce some ugly things at the field. With more innocent blood at the MSM hands.  




Wednesday 16 March 2022

The big reset

 The war in economy and economy in the war have disaster points to the more countries at the EU. Where is more and more printed money in these markets. Even there is clear how inflation grow and how the deep recession stay at these streets,but no one have courage to create story about that, but only in the US. 

Crisis is harsh to the small and semi industry and investors, where shortages knock at the door, for some reason official policy started with nationalization in Russian wealth at the Western Alliance, not to punish somebody, but to stole more money to prolong in this moment clear look at economic and social starvation after May. 

Maybe this is reason why Russia and Eastern Commonwealth did nothing so much to finished operation in the war immediately. 

We have more information, how in the battle do not have simple involve two sides, but into it we see more than 54 countries. Where some of them stay on one side, and give support to the Nazi regime into Kiev. Most of  them like to say how they are democracy, even in the West Alliance it was vanished in actions what had created local and global alliance with Nazi at the World in two least years .

But, in the Union exist some countries, most of them into east part of the club, where in near history we had seen same action what cause the war in Ukraine. Ethnic cleansing and nationalistic revival to neo-Nazi moves is deeply introduce in half member states. Even Sweden have the big problem into ethnic relation, and with growing Nazi movement. 

For this reason, weak to solve too much problems at home, the Union try to create new crisis over board. And going to spreading  self innovation at the territories what they see,interest zone. 

In Ukraine they make everything to create massive ethnic cleansing and mass murder against not only Russian population, but against everybody who are not ready to be so call good Ukrainen. 

For two years in the country exported six billion euros in arms and equipment, relocated some 56 thousand personnel from several army, like French Legion Stranger and British Scots First Guard Regiment.  At the rocket system step up people from Balkan states, most of them from Slovenia, and Croatia. Italian forces involve in logistic, Swedes into anti armor, and of course in special forces involved americanes. 

It is only little part of all what it have now into battle against Eater Commonwealth. For some reason perceptual across Russian domination.

On the way, in the back of all, we see how economy going to changing and how USD domination is over. Battle into Ukraine, now is more WW than local war, and this war have in every case disaster condition for the West and their theory from the Adolf- European Fortress. Where walls have only reason to exist, to protect elites to stolen more goods from local population. And it had been created several years ago in project named Genesis. In public known like Agenda 2030-or Great Reset. 

About this theories and plans we had story in the time. Now we are in the situation where against predominantly  Russian lead Commonwealth "fight" second or third Hollywood column with to mach not so smart and realistic small moves what they spread over these platforms. 

To much fake, have not power to change situation at the battlefield, but only have possibility to make more medical distortion in Biden. Who try to do something in "cooperation with US Junta". Or the Junta haven't courage to stop the adventure in which US pushed Democrats and some guy from so call independent economy sector. 

Like Musk, who now clean who stay in the back of the project X. And what he is in reality, like more others "independent" tycoon in US and Western Alliance. All of so call economy financed by public founds and lead by persons who are so close with extreme ideologies. 

Now, when they close ties with other world they have only way to print more money, who are not have real wealth, and where hyperinflation they try to solve with new political and medical restrictions. 

On other side, Russia has naff money and wealth to step up in our support to new level, where they must stop all transactions and economical relations with all Westerns. It mean, what we try to explain the President, Uranium. But in electricity and natural gas,too. 

China has new real and strong position after they stop the Union's plan to make fraud in  more than five hundred billion euro two years ago, credits and invests loans.  

We expect to Ester Commonwealth going to make massive assault and bombing over front, to blow up more than 32 chemical platforms, 14 concentration camps, 154 military posts with arms and equipment prepared to be "invested" at the middle Asia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Where the Western Alliance, even we said that do not made it, introduce more and more troops and hardware. 

About this problem we say something in the next editions.                         

Sunday 27 February 2022

When some planed the war, and war start earlier

 If you like a war than you must know what it is. On this moment any real reason stay in the public to say what it happen in the place of war, if you have no ears and fingers there. In this moment we are ready to say how we have info, what cause the situation. 

You have not send to the front people who are not knowledge about place and people, and where they came to make info fake. They are not need the truth, and no one of them have courage to say what see, but only what he have at the paper what they took somewhere out, before they took a place at same town.

On other way is not so clear why some army try to be "correct"  and did not what is necessary to broke all job for few minutes. 

Is anybody care in the Western Alliance for locals. or specially for these soldiers. No! 

For this reason is most scary to take harsh measure to broke the enemy, and took all potential to finish it in the moment. 

The example is the best way to take cool so much hot heads at the opposite side. 

If some came with protest how they going to sell army to some, than is right to the other side to take not only economic act, but so violent act. like it is cuts energy supplies and food supply, too. 

Only one finger at the right post, can make so big trouble to Western Alliance than is SWIFT cut of to Easter Commonwealth.

So, at all, in few mounts to the summer, east can take act, and send more frozen and more dark than it they predicted ever before.

This war is not local, it was prepared to be global, but Eastern take action first, and now they have post to take damage to opponents. 

West had used everything what they had into a bag, but it not naff to make what they expect, and now them must going to be present what would be after all.

This is new-normal, and have nothing with old time. Especially in cold war.  

Wednesday 16 February 2022

Never Articulated and Trustfully Organisation

 Never articulated and trustfully organisation(NATO)try to solve self promotion "that they are some factor at the planetary stage", "some what is not possible to be put into corner and some what have power to make what they believe so long that they are". 

But after two days in Almaty where they had lost more than 28 thousand servicemen and where they lost more than two billion euro, the organisation so desperately needed to have some gains against main enemy. For this reason they put into function more than 8 thousand personnel into main point at the Ukraine soil. They had plan to take more hardware against Russian forces, in planed operation what they try to established from November, and what had the point in what they try to presented for western public like "freedom operation" in east Ukraine. 

Operation was trained at the all ways, and in main decision had plan to Ukraine forces use like feast, in support by the organisation tactic groups at the sea and air. Something take part into wars at former Yugoslavia.

All plans was find like plans what have connection with these action in Kazakhstan, where they expect much more trouble for Russia and ally.  No one from the organisation had expected how they lost what they had lost. 

What atmosphere was into top of organisation explain situation around General Secretary, who lost most part of their operation plans into area over east Ukraine. And who had lost even serenity after no so nice conversation from State Secretary. Who after all stay so ugly when in conversation against Russian counterpart find how this have more than they expected. 

Always, lack of authority and impose to much lack of knowledge about problems what they had into organisation, build huge pressure against him than he try to "organized Russian aggression" against peacefully Ukraine and against "European democratic values", even is clear how into western side situation have more and more significant closure with dictatorship in the Reich. 

The war start so far from begun, because was started clear how the Presidency of EU has these fingers into huge bribery, and criminal case against Nuremberg Trials and orders. 

But, at the back, in finish, last days of 2021, several members in organisation made deal with Russian Federation on situation into war. Where they try to keep neutrality. In this case was even the Secretary homeland. 

Russia put at the table more than it was necessary, and after several situation where they captured the planes and ships which flied over Ukraine, the organisation started changing operation and made more  modification in the actual plan, what the Secretary find in contact by counterpart. 

For final, the prices at the markets, from food price to energy price, rise ten time.  Caused that USD no more establish world currency, and where Euro have only way to going to lost more than 35 per cent of real wealth in several months, and full finish to the end of the year. 

The war was, and what we saw at the battle ground it was so fast demolition of the enemy in the history. 

Russian forces take only day to pick up all part of Ukraine, and only several hours to remove the organisation from Mediterranean sea. Where they had captured 6 th US Fleet. Italian battle group, and France fleet.

After first US 1th Army in Georgia, 2 th Army in Kazakhstan, now the Fleet, the reaction from Biden was only possible, and more logical than he had cognitive capacity.

These fail in war at Ukraine, clear situation at the US forces, and open question "what going to be if they take acts against PRC"? Never is possibility before that some state have power to take act at the USA soil like it have PRC.

In war at Ukraine, organisation and USA lost same money what had been lost in Afghanistan. But in the difference in once, the lost going to grow hard and quickly in weeks what coming. 

These prices of everything do not stop any measure from the States or EU. Inflation stay main problem into April, and energy shock took a place in the middle of summer season. Cause bankruptcy in countries which had main income over tourism. 

The food supplies coming to be short in several weeks, after Russia close export nitrates.

About what humiliation into one day war have to be for organisation, and results of it in the future, into next time.                   

Monday 31 January 2022

War and why it is necessary to some, even they had fear before

 So,after all, we have what we predicted in the past. The World came into new era of what was mix between several systems what existed at the past, and was totally opposite each other. But now, in brutal madness made from several groups, stay clear, how had been possible to Hitler and NSPD step up into power 80 years ago. What had been in democracy if some came to build up solution for full state and economical crisis!? And who are still have same manner what existed in the Third Reich. Or what existed in Stalin Soviet era. 

In most part of democratic state, democracy was gone, and now in name of some so call high ideals, people was pushed and treated into public at same way like it was into totalitarian regimes what we spoke few sentence before. 

What cause a fear to ordinary and free mining people, stay in positions of so call free media, who are now in the best way to be copy of Nazi or Stalinist originals. They still stand at the position how is correct to make some tirade against this who are against what they see like and what is really against Nuremberg's trials and Protocols against medical violation in the future, against Nazi treatments into these concentration camps, where in vivo had been experimented into medical-biological, and where thousands died after horrific and inhuman tests at the people. Mostly Jews and Slavs.

We told you how COVID-SARS 2 was made, and who had cooperation into it. We told you what was main point into all. And how it was came to be demolition for all what we had have into least century. At the same matrix, what Ford and several far right prominent financial and military moguls into USA try to impose against what they saw like main problem to the States existence, when they took part into Nazi rise, at the same way, on the same place, with same people we find how in collaboration by Nazi groups around the World, with Nazi sleepers into mass media, and with bribery into PRC, they had made plan how in help by COVID they have without blood take what they think what Russia have undeserved. What they try to pick up, before crisis not smash them.

But, they had not success. 

Now, in moment when more and more people rise against dictatorship and against oppression, this so call democratic leader  try to doing some, what have nothing with real tries from these streets, and from the free net. 

They did only what they had in command over phone from their masters, and nothing else. At the West, they are into deep panic, these plans wasn't in functions and now they have more and more problems not to solve real goals, but to solve their heads. 

In these reason we found answers why they try to push Ukraine onto Russia, and it have nothing with Ukraine's independence or prosperity. Or because they have something against Russia, even they had it. But in situation where Plandemia have more and more violent shots against domestic programs, in economy and social sphere. 

Where real shortages into monetary mass, cause massive bancrupcy from the some eminent players in the history. German now is position to broke more than 350 billions Euro new dept, what have impose onto social situation, and growing unemployment. Specially into metal industry and chemical industry,too.

Italy, after communication with Kremlin find how they are not in positive economic zone, from February this year, and how they have no money for servicing of dept. Only way to big shuts at the market stay a way to Siberia, what is impossible after current actions on the borders.

Plan in Austria, where they take the army to impose brutal fascistic regime, in name of national salvation, now have only open hole where we saw how they had not much than it had Ukraine.

Denmark, after they find how Scandinavian cousins haven't interest to take part at the hysteria, and after so call vaccine cause more deaths than illness, and after find how they make bribery to health industry to have fabrication in COVID, and after one call to Prime Minister, too. First, make some illogically military moves, than try to push Greenland to war against Russia, made invasion at Mali, and after all try to put ship across Baltic sea. Now declared how everything is nice. Even economy and health situation stay worst than two years ago. And they have no money to public services. Than they must have actions to sell some state's propriety. 

How situation going to be worst, we had saw in Australia. There from democracy stay only plutocracy and dept to PRC in 4/5 all national wealth. 

Yes, they are preparing to war against PRC. But no one have idea, with whom, and what they have to use into it. Because, they have need full supplied from main player, USA. What is not plan into Westminster. 

China on the other way have problems. But in situation, what have in the West, this problem looks like mild water. Because, they never had problem with democracy, which no place at these local streets.                      

Thursday 20 January 2022

Situation at these front, war is reality

 Ah, how is nice to see when some of so call big players at global arena, try to make some things, like it is a war in solution to wait and make an aggression. It so untypical war strategy coming at the table in several negotiation at the north-west Europe. They believe how on this way war would be impossible. But not because they are some seance for peace, but reel reason stay in situation where they have not power even to make regular war games in these least maneuvers.

Yes, in their contact line against East Commonwealth they made some fortifications and put more armor vehicles in woods and swans to theoretically stop opponents in fast advance.

In East Commonwealth forces now is introduce more full modern equipment, armor is full electricity powered, and these thanks have more HP, what cause that this modern beast have possibility to rolls on the front line with speed high than hundred kilometres at hour. The gun was balanced with new technology what make precision fire against multiple point in several minutes by only several centimetres decline. 

In ordinary, the tanks from the est have autonomy which is tree to five time high. Summary it mean, that they need only tree days to come into middle of Germany.  

On opposite side, main tank-Leopard, have more problems into mood and wood roads. But, second problem came into big noise, and thermometric silhouette.

Other problem for west is in east army of NATO have east equipment into forces. Most of that is not so young, and in some real actions, going to be more dangerous for a serving force  than to opponents. 

In our vision at the situation, we saw Iran with more forces near south, and south-east NATO gates. Their Iran combined forces make several success and destroy several opponent's post, cause high rate causality to mostly american forces. 

Even IAF try to push aggression against Syria into new orbit, and with attacks against post into coastal areas  in the country, have nothing to help main partner to stay intact. Especially after several IDF commando was strife from the Shiite movement into Lebanon, and Syria.

Iran do everything to prevent some neighbor in the Gulf to say away from these crisis or they can be collateral. 

India try to be neutral, but in some status, where two big player form East Commonwealth have plan to play only with loyal ally,what Modi's India, did not.

With China at the border, and with Russia who started more contacts with horrific enemy-Pakistan, India have only way to stay visual with more playground at the sea. Even is clear , how they have gross problem in supply for military fleet. Not only, their problem into economy, where something what was happen into Kazakhstan, is open to play at the New Deli streets. 

What was happen in Astana, we predicted and now we have info what had been with second US Army. How they prepared actions and what they used into aggression. What had been role of Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, former Afghanistan military, groups from the Balkan states, and of course from east Europe. They have nice place into Siberia cold north. 

In near Alaska, economy lost more and more, what have reason in several point. One of them is some geological process, what push more changes into soil and specially into ocean coastal region. Situation is more and more unstable and for this reason US force started with maneuvers in which they change place for hardware, what some look like advance positions against East Commonwealth. What is wrong. This changes have colossal impact onto economy and global human crisis into former Russian province. Home and jobs is more and more out of a hand many people at the state. 

Near Antarctica NATO with Holland ship try to make some spy mission, but all time have problem with equipment and sailors. 

We are not against your war, even we have possibility to stop everything. Opposite, after sixth US Navy fleet take place in the garage on middle of Mediterranean, and after seismic activity around them, activation in the Greek island Santorin going to have big mess on these war's plans. 

Etna have plan to erupt massive, after some solar system activity cause moving into Earth.           

Monday 10 January 2022

Does Pope see reality or he look away from holocaust like Pio XI

 What we have now in the public, is it true or we only have to see what some of so call players try to present?

Nothing what they try to have now, haven't too much with reality. From Bosnia and Herzegovina, over Antarctica to Kazakhstan we only registered how they want to preserve situation what they have at these homes. 

In reality it is loud knocking of hyperinflation from Los Angeles to Tokyo and from Reykjavik to Wellington. 

Prices rise, and with them, rise brutal theory how some what in reality is weapon may be reach health by some injection. These rules what was we said in several months ago now is broken, many international stone corner of law was blow up, and people was treated like they live in the some dark years. 

But, at the back, we say how money is gone, price rise, and more and more at the market exist only shortages. At the west they have love to dream on democracy in moment when is clear how they are not possibility to stole some from somebody, again. Like it had been in the past. In face at the mirror they find how they are so poor and how they have no money to pay real price for policy which they led in the centuries before. 

In action with Wuhan virus, and these plans to use it for new world order, they find now in situation where they are only use the shit what they had invent. 

How crisis is so deep, we find in Pope Apostolic Palace, where they have problem to explain what is happen by money what they invested into some cartels like it now have main part into so call Pandemic. 

They have problem to check it and bring money for real things, after find how this money was washed and changed for nothing. So after this, some into Catholic Church find moment to call believers to take sing of dark side. 

What should be after angry governments start to open Mathausen and Dachau for these who want'n to take a so call vaccine. Or why Pope did everything to silences priests who ordinary call him and other into Curia to say what is realty at the streets. And how they have not so nice story to speak for something what Pope look two time into self. 

Nothing about fear, poverty, hungry, deaths from the vaccines, loosing of wealth all around world where so call therapy came to be dominated. From Jerusalem, where everything look like Nazi camp, to Rome where people try to escape something what they see like arm of final day. 

The reality what common priests tell is far from even what Segretario di Stato have to find into cabinets of most governments. 

Their have nothing about money missing or stolen facilities, food stuck or energy shortages. Where if only exist planes for so call justly war. In which they have interest to find, or in real stolen from some other. 

We said how we are ready to do what we have been done in the past. It is nice to know how many of so call power people at the Planet find it seriously, and try to think what to do. But if they believe, how marathon in Antarctica, or military drill near their, is something what we have stay and watched or have fear, they are group of lunatic.

In final, at the year beginning, we are see that in the fallen EU, 4/5 member state haven't sources to stay a wealth into several months, than others have only way to try peace and money from the PRC. In USA, only existed doom, in which trillion dept came like comet to smash industry, and blow up stocks. 

Where is the Francis? With Alice or with common people. With God or with a jab of dark?

Does he stay look away after government open concentration camps for these who are not ready to be eliminated by so call vaccine.  Like his predecessor in WWII did with Nazi?!