Wednesday 16 March 2022

The big reset

 The war in economy and economy in the war have disaster points to the more countries at the EU. Where is more and more printed money in these markets. Even there is clear how inflation grow and how the deep recession stay at these streets,but no one have courage to create story about that, but only in the US. 

Crisis is harsh to the small and semi industry and investors, where shortages knock at the door, for some reason official policy started with nationalization in Russian wealth at the Western Alliance, not to punish somebody, but to stole more money to prolong in this moment clear look at economic and social starvation after May. 

Maybe this is reason why Russia and Eastern Commonwealth did nothing so much to finished operation in the war immediately. 

We have more information, how in the battle do not have simple involve two sides, but into it we see more than 54 countries. Where some of them stay on one side, and give support to the Nazi regime into Kiev. Most of  them like to say how they are democracy, even in the West Alliance it was vanished in actions what had created local and global alliance with Nazi at the World in two least years .

But, in the Union exist some countries, most of them into east part of the club, where in near history we had seen same action what cause the war in Ukraine. Ethnic cleansing and nationalistic revival to neo-Nazi moves is deeply introduce in half member states. Even Sweden have the big problem into ethnic relation, and with growing Nazi movement. 

For this reason, weak to solve too much problems at home, the Union try to create new crisis over board. And going to spreading  self innovation at the territories what they see,interest zone. 

In Ukraine they make everything to create massive ethnic cleansing and mass murder against not only Russian population, but against everybody who are not ready to be so call good Ukrainen. 

For two years in the country exported six billion euros in arms and equipment, relocated some 56 thousand personnel from several army, like French Legion Stranger and British Scots First Guard Regiment.  At the rocket system step up people from Balkan states, most of them from Slovenia, and Croatia. Italian forces involve in logistic, Swedes into anti armor, and of course in special forces involved americanes. 

It is only little part of all what it have now into battle against Eater Commonwealth. For some reason perceptual across Russian domination.

On the way, in the back of all, we see how economy going to changing and how USD domination is over. Battle into Ukraine, now is more WW than local war, and this war have in every case disaster condition for the West and their theory from the Adolf- European Fortress. Where walls have only reason to exist, to protect elites to stolen more goods from local population. And it had been created several years ago in project named Genesis. In public known like Agenda 2030-or Great Reset. 

About this theories and plans we had story in the time. Now we are in the situation where against predominantly  Russian lead Commonwealth "fight" second or third Hollywood column with to mach not so smart and realistic small moves what they spread over these platforms. 

To much fake, have not power to change situation at the battlefield, but only have possibility to make more medical distortion in Biden. Who try to do something in "cooperation with US Junta". Or the Junta haven't courage to stop the adventure in which US pushed Democrats and some guy from so call independent economy sector. 

Like Musk, who now clean who stay in the back of the project X. And what he is in reality, like more others "independent" tycoon in US and Western Alliance. All of so call economy financed by public founds and lead by persons who are so close with extreme ideologies. 

Now, when they close ties with other world they have only way to print more money, who are not have real wealth, and where hyperinflation they try to solve with new political and medical restrictions. 

On other side, Russia has naff money and wealth to step up in our support to new level, where they must stop all transactions and economical relations with all Westerns. It mean, what we try to explain the President, Uranium. But in electricity and natural gas,too. 

China has new real and strong position after they stop the Union's plan to make fraud in  more than five hundred billion euro two years ago, credits and invests loans.  

We expect to Ester Commonwealth going to make massive assault and bombing over front, to blow up more than 32 chemical platforms, 14 concentration camps, 154 military posts with arms and equipment prepared to be "invested" at the middle Asia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Where the Western Alliance, even we said that do not made it, introduce more and more troops and hardware. 

About this problem we say something in the next editions.                         

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