Friday 22 April 2022

The French actual Mussolini

 Now have three days to final decision at the ballot post who would be new leader of France. Decision which did has most dangerous situation at the Planet in the last decade, where from Sarcosi to the actual President, France make more and more mistakes and broken all international rules, even than what they had place in built at WWII the end. 

Crisis or much more, broke all fundamental principles which had made to protect privacy and personal integrity of all. The actual president take these roles in most dangerous act against humanitarian law, and international law,too. He try to reopened new-old era in France history, which try to put them in positions what France had in 19-th century. 

Intervention into Africa, acts against Azerbaijan in war against Armenia, where France special and other forces try to destabilize South Caucasus, and border between Iran and Turkey, personal involved the actual French president into Beirut's blast, where killed more than 200 person, and half of this town smashed into ruins, what they predict to use for accuse Israel that they did something, but finally stay clear who and why made nitrogen phosphorous imported into local port. 

After all he try to change Algerian regime, to start new era in energy sovereignty of France. But after some find what have had been planed than local army take action and macerated France legion post in south and some town at coastal area. 

For this action the actual French president take position into Tunisian border with Alger,too.

In home affairs he did everything to built France Vichy state, where no place for other, minorities, ethnic and religions group,personal and human rights. He had been  organised several acts against Catholic Church, burn of Norte  Damn, assassination of priests and pushes against Bishops. 

What he took against common people is clear, and now this man try to be reelected for new turn at French Presidency. 

He is Mussolini supported by fascist in some high economic circle into France, he has nothing with democracy, and he has only way to serve some who have place before common interests and international law based at WWII Charter from Nuremberg cases 1947.

We are opposite to idea, that actual French president have place in Presidential Palace, and we strongly recommended  Madam Mary LePenn, who are clearly take post at right side of political arena, but who are not involved into crimes what we numbered and what did not against actual French president. 

We say nothing about actual French president social and personal life. Nothing about health, psychical,too. But all what we say in pretext is same into it. And cause that this guy can not and must not be reelected. 

If France reelect this guy, the German Reich would stay historical small coffee. Specially after find what he formed in African states, the biological weaponry fabrics and laboratories from Finland to Greece, from Croatia to Turkmenistan.   

The economical post in France stay at the brink of sword and only one check mat from Moscow have cause nothing but full bankrupt.                  

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