Monday 31 January 2022

War and why it is necessary to some, even they had fear before

 So,after all, we have what we predicted in the past. The World came into new era of what was mix between several systems what existed at the past, and was totally opposite each other. But now, in brutal madness made from several groups, stay clear, how had been possible to Hitler and NSPD step up into power 80 years ago. What had been in democracy if some came to build up solution for full state and economical crisis!? And who are still have same manner what existed in the Third Reich. Or what existed in Stalin Soviet era. 

In most part of democratic state, democracy was gone, and now in name of some so call high ideals, people was pushed and treated into public at same way like it was into totalitarian regimes what we spoke few sentence before. 

What cause a fear to ordinary and free mining people, stay in positions of so call free media, who are now in the best way to be copy of Nazi or Stalinist originals. They still stand at the position how is correct to make some tirade against this who are against what they see like and what is really against Nuremberg's trials and Protocols against medical violation in the future, against Nazi treatments into these concentration camps, where in vivo had been experimented into medical-biological, and where thousands died after horrific and inhuman tests at the people. Mostly Jews and Slavs.

We told you how COVID-SARS 2 was made, and who had cooperation into it. We told you what was main point into all. And how it was came to be demolition for all what we had have into least century. At the same matrix, what Ford and several far right prominent financial and military moguls into USA try to impose against what they saw like main problem to the States existence, when they took part into Nazi rise, at the same way, on the same place, with same people we find how in collaboration by Nazi groups around the World, with Nazi sleepers into mass media, and with bribery into PRC, they had made plan how in help by COVID they have without blood take what they think what Russia have undeserved. What they try to pick up, before crisis not smash them.

But, they had not success. 

Now, in moment when more and more people rise against dictatorship and against oppression, this so call democratic leader  try to doing some, what have nothing with real tries from these streets, and from the free net. 

They did only what they had in command over phone from their masters, and nothing else. At the West, they are into deep panic, these plans wasn't in functions and now they have more and more problems not to solve real goals, but to solve their heads. 

In these reason we found answers why they try to push Ukraine onto Russia, and it have nothing with Ukraine's independence or prosperity. Or because they have something against Russia, even they had it. But in situation where Plandemia have more and more violent shots against domestic programs, in economy and social sphere. 

Where real shortages into monetary mass, cause massive bancrupcy from the some eminent players in the history. German now is position to broke more than 350 billions Euro new dept, what have impose onto social situation, and growing unemployment. Specially into metal industry and chemical industry,too.

Italy, after communication with Kremlin find how they are not in positive economic zone, from February this year, and how they have no money for servicing of dept. Only way to big shuts at the market stay a way to Siberia, what is impossible after current actions on the borders.

Plan in Austria, where they take the army to impose brutal fascistic regime, in name of national salvation, now have only open hole where we saw how they had not much than it had Ukraine.

Denmark, after they find how Scandinavian cousins haven't interest to take part at the hysteria, and after so call vaccine cause more deaths than illness, and after find how they make bribery to health industry to have fabrication in COVID, and after one call to Prime Minister, too. First, make some illogically military moves, than try to push Greenland to war against Russia, made invasion at Mali, and after all try to put ship across Baltic sea. Now declared how everything is nice. Even economy and health situation stay worst than two years ago. And they have no money to public services. Than they must have actions to sell some state's propriety. 

How situation going to be worst, we had saw in Australia. There from democracy stay only plutocracy and dept to PRC in 4/5 all national wealth. 

Yes, they are preparing to war against PRC. But no one have idea, with whom, and what they have to use into it. Because, they have need full supplied from main player, USA. What is not plan into Westminster. 

China on the other way have problems. But in situation, what have in the West, this problem looks like mild water. Because, they never had problem with democracy, which no place at these local streets.                      

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