Friday 4 November 2022

Iranian rapsody

The situation at the Planet make change so easy, and now is nothing same what was several days ago. Even plan still stay at a tables, stay clear that them nobody have possibility to implement. 

For this reason, and close after midi term election in US, plane stay active to prevent Iran to become more powerful and with nuclear equipment, in operation named "Sinai crest".

Operation built at the areas of south Adriatic sea, have plan to be make like final attack at the arch enemy, in situation where these plans at the Ukraine's steps stay graves to the more and more technique and regular soldiers of several NATO member states. 

In "Sinai crest" found how is necessary to "have more control over suspicions enemy forces at east Mediterranean sea and how is much interest to make more trouble to them in Ukraine". On other side is necessary to make falls flag acts before all, to be improve enemy that they be subject of act. How stay less possible that them take more care to the real place to attack.

It mean that they in formation Anglo-French coordination group, without knowledge from Israel, and in support of some circles in Riyadh, they take active act against Iran in several day from now.

But, like we told several weeks ago, CNN isn't credibility platform for make a info, and they did more mistakes what cause miss moves into plans.

First stay some significant that they publicly said how Riyadh take connection with Oval, to made deal to be defend from US Army in an suspect aggression from Iran. In time what both side fixed deal over more issues and have never better relations. 

This mess in info sphere open more questions, than gave answers, and stay post for conclusion how  some from Oval try over somebody into royal family make not only mess into area of Gulf, but try to remove MBS from throne. 

After these mess in info sphere, second stay post how on deal by now Israel some part of Gulf states want to make deal in defense.

All of this, now is still find like "humor", what have indication to prevent Iran revenge after attacks.

Prelude for all came into so call spontaneity protests over Iran, after never cleared dead of young Kurd girl in north west part of Iran. 

These protests have coordination into Iran, in town Tabriz, and after all IRC, cleared how and who stay over this part of the plans. After that these stories came and now we are at the balcony where all have clear visibility. 

With two striking group from position in the south east Mediterranean, in triangle between Israel, Gaza and Egypt, and Al Aqaba bay. Both of this group take acts over friendly Jordanian territory. In support by fly tankers and electronic missals, at position at the ports and towns south west and north west part of Iran. At the field support would be Kurdish army groups and some elements of so call Halk army. Iranian rebellion trained and stationed into Albania. 

These groups found some acts in several main towns across Iran, where they make big mess, and war zone, first at Shiraz. Maine military post at the country. 

In this moment moves from central Asia states, where they had army corps, and where they try to make springboard against not only Arch enemy, but even against Russia, and China,too, that plan has no more secrecy. 

The plan is complex, and this is only main part in it. Date and forces is know, who and when going to doing some is clear and after all is clear that Russia is not at position where they expect to find them. 

Nor in Syria, neither in central Asia. 

In this moment attack against Iran, and after victory of Netaniahu at election in Israel, make situation with plan worst.                   

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