Monday 9 May 2022

Score of the war world 3

 In actual WWIII, what have not only battlefield into Ukraine but more and more at the other part of the Planet, we have only reason to put this post in the place for exactly reason to say the truth. 

And truth is number of lost in combat soldiers at all sides. Most of whom have never been named like human beans. Because, these countries what made war don't want to say the truth for self public. 

The main reason stay in a fear from public opinion and in these situations possible revolution at a streets. 

But now we are there, and start to talk.

After we find all things what cause situation at the Planet, specially at the Ukraine, than we find some strange moves at the fields of the country. 

In these operational plans to destroy east Ukraine's regions, stay how in the position for attack existed around 200 thousand soldiers. It mean that in the active post stand around two third all Ukraine army. 

It had been so strange, and we had little invade at the posts of information and disinformation in the local forces. 

In messages what came from strange part of Europe, we found how at the field situation isn't what some try to produced. From Stockholm, in few weeks from the war started, came some strange info at the contact between  Swedish army high command and some high commando at the central Ukraine. 

In correspondence messages fined how at the field Swedes have some 2800 soldiers and some 240 engineers for electronic support and warfare. They have instruction to be a bridge between west and some army group at the east. 

But in all correspondence, we find number about 70 thousand soldiers. 


And what was strange in all, the correspondence had nothing to Ukraine's language. They took only six, seven European languages. 

Now, after two months in the war, these correspondence have only one way, from east to west. At the messages we had to saw harsh calls for help, or some strange messages without callback.

What was happen with the army into east? How is possible that Ukraine army now stay at the posts with reservist? 

In total number, find that now exist only 20 thousand soldiers, most of them posted around Pavlograd, 

In the battle for east, Russians lost 14 thousand soldiers, but now they have east, and they are in posses of all what they try to take. Its mean, when you have clear  view at the messages from the Russian high command than you have strange info about fight British forces inside, and around Russia. You have info who had been in the first column when war started. And why they had say nothing about so much death high officers. 

About it we said in previous post. Because that, the official lost in the Russian army stay at the number of 4670 soldiers. 

If we take soldiers from eastern Ukraine than we have number around 9000 soldiers, most of them killed into first days of the war. The main reason stay in ordinary treason.

And back, the Swedish Army has main role into coordination and lead the aggressive acts against east Ukraine, but when war escalated and situation stay worst for the NATO at the field, the operation came into command of Canadian. In these actions, the Canadian High command lost some half part of members. Several generals, colonels, and other staff members. Who now at the some place make interview, or they lied at mortgage. 

Israelis live three high command stuff, and some 280 officers at the field. US live more than 45 officers, generals, and admiral. British leave 18 high former officers and third part of active command. Nederland lost 17 high officers and more than two thousand soldiers. Belgium, four thousand, and two high officers. Poland, 45 generals and admirals. and more than 10 thousand soldiers. Slovakia, more than 5000 soldiers. Bulgaria, two generals, admiral, and some 8 thousand man.  Australia, lost five to ten thousand soldiers. Romania have high lost in equipment and special forces, where they leave some nine thousand around Popasna. 

This is only small part of all what stay forever in the field and who have never come back. In this reason situation with so call COVID-19 would start to be worst in west so close. 

How is possible to explain more than 50 thousand death!? 

Today at the great day of liberation and salvation from the Nazi, the result of their child and grandchild is disaster. Catastrophe what history named "Late Spring academy". Time when the might idea of supremacy stay into ruin. 

If you try to listen without censorship than you have heard how much so call fighters for democracy now try to live the battle, and how much so call help never came at the place. 

Numbers say to much, and now this numbers call everybody in the so call free world, where missed our neighbors, who gone into army? What is happen with so call help which MSM presented like big cause to Eastern Commonwealth, did not implemented a plans,too? 

Or, some plans never had been taken from the place, and only what they have was fake, created to destroy something?!


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