Sunday 12 June 2022

We saw how clime must be take to protect the World

 So in time when everything coming to be in the full order and when so much people leave the former positions onto the new not so best post, where these prices and supplies going to be highest  and supplies rear, where they have no possibility to have "normal" income different from some what is close to the state subsides.

They need desperately more and more holidays  or drugs and trips to the over broad, over mind,  but not so far from the home. 

The reason for that we found in solutions that the prices at the home stay in the rocket position and that they have no so much open info what some going to take after something, what is clear happen at the east front, in nearest time. 

This situation going to be very pleasant for the Eastern Commonwealth, but not so. They need more, and it stay into two points. First in climate, second in the Earth.

To definitely broke to EU, they must take acts in the protection of the climate and it mean more pressure at ion-magnetic installation in Spain and UK. These posts where most things did and do to climate be change. 

Both posts, with some installation near some military posts in Italy, must be locked. In this time they take acts, where they have more actions against ionosphere and where they day per day try to change temperature at the north part of the Planet. Specially in the so call ally states which live from a tourism.

But, their they create some weather creature which cause more damage at the east. 

With counterattack, from some posts and change temperatures at the north, with more wet than it existing now,very soon going to causing two thing neurotics broke and famine. A broke at travel in the south or somewhere still stay incompatible with necessary for common people. Or more, came to be not profitable to agencies and air companies. This moment going to pushing the Nazi orientated EU commission, to make a lock down.The reactions in the World on it, will be devastate  for EU international positions. 

If  Eastern Commonwealth take the methods for "Poseidon", than it would cause not so long capitulation in Nantes. Not so long from September this year.                 

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