Wednesday 20 July 2022

Hiden things above corner in EU and Oceania cause blowing up situation

 Nothing new in so call dark side of the Moon! In this moment most power what existed into Western side of the Planet now haven't power to rule over the whole situation and now they try only to make a loses less hard to them. But in the moment where they are clear how the energy goes from them hands and how they have not to much choice to stole from the some nations, they going to preparing the local population on the something new, what "learned" in least two years in which no one have right to say how the Democracy is gone from these countries. 

Now, in moment where is clear how energy is less than ever before, not because it cause the actual war in the Europe, but most old oil producers declared how they have much less reserves and of course they have much more problem to pump more oil and gas in the market. 

With 13 percent less produce, what cause less 27 percent to the market, and what cause finally more than 50 percent losses into primary industry, especially into agriculture what mixed by climate "change", and actual two year policy with incursion of GMO, cause lost more than 43 percent of work posts. And what have real connection that food would be more expensive and less available to the common people.

What happen and what is real situation into market, we have to see into big "indicator" to EU economy.

In this moment tourism,  these "indicator", have damp over seven percent, what is indicated of less travel abroad and booking at the Mediterranean part of the Union. The "indicator" call us in moment where is find how the so call syndicate unrest haven't any cause to the real situation at the holiday's market. 

In the reality, the situation with hard grow inflation, and unemployed,too, hide by administrative acts,  where so much people was removed from these evidences, and highest insecurity into public relations, made disaster into industry of most countries at south of the Union. Seven percent less income, cause less one-third income for the final industry investors, and after all more than 43 percent grow into new depths, what in final going to cause more than half investors in these industry come insolvent and make crisis at October worst.   

In these relations the bank  system would be not able to fixed plans of EU member states to BDP stay in planed process. 

What we have at a table call at the big dangers not only for south of EU, but even into east and north. With high risk of military coup in Paris. 

  In automotive industry, what is a locomotive in German's industry, we see how possibility to be changed aggregates, to electricity, is unreal and how so call silver oil- Litium have no point to be implement massive at an vehicles. Really, it have necessity to take more energy in produce, and more real problem into atmosphere, and climate. 

We are ready to stop produce of it, because it is much dangerous than Uranium.

Same we have to indicate into so call green wind mild electricity turbine. 

But in automotive industry, something would be come with highest crisis into electronic components. It going to cause stop of produce in September. What some in the Union planed to accuse PRC. 

Growing unrest and demonstrations at the streets of European towns, local politicians planed to pool out with combination of so call medical protection, and military incursions at a streets. 

So, in finally we have all plans and expectations at the Union. We now how Australia, and NZ would take finale point against so call PRC incursions and great dangerous. All of it because they have no more money to serviced public necessities and finally full bankruptcy into mine industry. 

After the terrible dry weather and losses into agriculture, only way to solve the problems would be impose methods what they had into two so call epidemic years. Without any positive results.       




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