Sunday, 20 December 2020

Interent, Covid and Jewish tragedy

The time what we have now is total immoral and dehumanization! In the top of story stay  these persons and organizations which have nothing with intellectual exercise and scientific work. In the moment we have to find how most worst things to the Planet coming from the same place, and how this place has so close relation with some former ideology of evil. 
What we have now is total thru, how current situation in the most part of human life now has predict in the close cooperation between some circles in the several countries at the Planet with Nazi scientist in the south of Latin America. It was and now is clear cooperation in creation of several viruses from the some part of Ebola to exist problem with Sars-2. 
The treaty for cooperation was created in 1965 in time after some of this story coming in the possession of Intelligence from a men with high ranching position in post war era, because he was successful in battles against Nazi-fascism and their compartment.
In 1959 he was informed how some part of the so call liberal capitalist have intensive activity in "hunting" against some scientist who was fled to the Latin America, and who have main role in some activity in time before WWII and in war war at several Nazi scientific organisation. Most of them worked and lived in the areas with brutal concentration camp system in east Europe in the WWII.
The main interest of them start to be find new form of human bean.Than they can make new super men  they believed, and how they can take more goals in fight against less valuable people, in Nazi terminology "untermancsh",too.
They find how it can be possible only in contraction between molecular science and anthropology. Where in the main mind grown idea how after victorious war for them, they can have more problem to control new era, when they have not supremacy in population number. The idea growing high-speedy after 1942, when started to been clear how war would ended. 
Year ago, the  Nazi regime start to collected the famous scientist not only from Germany, but even from the neutral states, to fight war after war. 
In this operations they used so much gold and goods from the concentration lager victim. These worth  transported and cleaned over neutral states, not only in Europe, but even in the US.
In information collected by the intelligence significantly stay how in Nazi special actions at the US soil, they found and stolen hundred of documents and several key scientist, some of them executed after they had not interest to be involve at new program.
But one of the main projects in the Nazi science had been virology. They find how it can be much worst arms then nukes. And how they can create place for self after war in precise attacks against enemies. 
In motion to spread quickly diseases between former ally, on minding  to create more tragedy and more conflicts between them.
From Colombia in north, to Patagonia in south Nazi scientific program formed more than twelfth towns and regions, close for the outside world.  There they have total impunity and autonomy to did what they want. No body have knowledge that they exist and no body can come inside. 
Everything started to changed after meeting in the Camp David 1962. Year before some assassinated US President, and created the biggest conspiracy in the new world history.
Several years after,1965, these town and regions across Latin America dismissed and finally we had to saw how in the Latin America coming new era in science. They came in possess of new institutes and new faculties.
This institution started to produce some things what never had been explained, like now with role in the pandemic spread from HIV to Sars-2. In time before 1990 this institutions have base in the states where had been sponsored military coups, like it was Argentina, or Brasil. Where persons whose missed in the regime actions against leftist activist, used in experiments.
After drop down of USSR and east socialist countries, the organisation take in the ranks hundred scientist who fled from the chaos and anarchy. 
In new situation, where they have no more position what they have in so call Cold War, these organisation made comeback at the basic position and after 1993 they started to produce more independent project. 
First of it, was invest in the new born industry, IT industry. Where they took methods what they had in the past to form what they have in the plan.
For this reason they use connections in the intelligence, to be backed by free and strong hand in not so clear actions, from the Russian Federation to California.
Many Nazi organisation have more money than it had in Jews and they have interest to squeeze arch enemy from the market power.
After all they have internet what they found in some old cultures, whose they investigate several decades around WWII. Only what they try to did was to find so call smart guys who would be presenters of this ideas. 
In creation of new order they have acts, like they are in defensive, controlled from some state secret institution, but in reality, they use human intention to be corrupt, with every possibility of money and blackmail. After all in new decades they come in the position to create world on the own picture.
What is so sad in the story, was things how most prominent guards of this things coming from UK, and how money had not laundry in Luxembourg or Panama, but so democratic and neutral Sweden. Where the new Nazi order has the main headquarter. 
From these places they start to change EU policy and nativity, bring at these high posts in the Union mostly not so well known persons, where all of them have some black spot in the CV. What is nice to control someone. 
To 1994, they have hard influence at the White House, and US elections, where they always tried to have a President who have no spine, and who have readiness to burn war at some place at the Planet.
In China they try to make some goals at the same waves, even several months ago, but without more success. What they try to change with more aggressive action from the US and some international Islamic military group.
And here we are stop. Intention with the story is to present full tragedy of Jews, who started to been arms in arch enemy's hand, over so call Jews richest families and owner of billions in wort. 
Now billions people at the Planet believe how some Jewish circles have fingers in the COVID, and how they have power to do something, but even the accused players haven't knowledge, how they are only dolls in the hands of black dark and Nazism.          


Monday, 30 November 2020

Mr. Fakhrizadeh

About the assassination of main Iranian nuclear scientist and weapon watch dog, we have different knowledge.

It is opposite than it want to present some circles in Iran, and world,too.

Like we said, who was behind great blast in Beirut's port, and it was confirmed , than we have info who can be in opp against Mr. Fakhrizadeh.

Same people who was in Beirut, and no one in contact with any Israel security or military agency. 

The story about it coming in new dimension where top scientist did some great mistakes, when he coming in contact with some west sides, from where he expect to take some technology to nuke program in Iran.

It was part of so call valve elbow, what he did not had bought from other partners. In exchange for it, he must bring some type of technology for the western partner. But the part what they need to take is part of secret produce of the most populated country at planet. 

To be short, they find how somebody try to take it, and who is it. It wasn't first time that they had "problem" with Mr. Fakhrizadeh. But it was the "drop over the glass". 

That something was not clear in Iranian nuke program, find even RF, when they saw, how the partners took the technology from two nuke plants for something more, and how it have connection with North Korea, where they found several part of Russian war masterpiece. 

But it had been resolved in several direct contact. 

In the new case what cussed assassination to Mr. Fakhrizadeh, is was only way to two enemies resolved problems between each other. And how they bury this not nice story.

In this moment any action from Israel isn't good for them. Because, they had "good" relation with Iranian counterparts in several actions against radicals from ME, where they assassinated several of them at the Iranian soil. And because they have not trust to the new "ally" in Arab world.

Yes, Israel Defense Forces attacked IRCG at Syria soil, but the actions was dropped so narrow in several months ago. 

Like Beirut story, the main point what Israel looking now is in position where they have no active support from new Washington, and where they are not clear with situation in mainland. The crisis in Israel growing on and still is so far from resolve. The war against Iran, for Israel going to be fatal. Maybe they can find some goals in it, but in the future, they know what was war in Gaza several years ago. Where IDF find to much difficulty, and Israel find billions USD dept.

Even they find victory in war against Iran, they have not now money to restore Israel after that, and after serious casualties.

Help from USAF they have not except, and they know how the "ally" so poor in efficiency in these war actions. On Arab forces, Houti demonstrated in Yemen, they can only expect a trouble. 

In Iran the main fist against Iranian government and top officials come from the same player who made the last Caucasus war, where they lost. 

In finish of the story we found that several senior official in Iran have connections what created to bring more operative substance in several state program. Iran must change a way how do it, or they risk more actions like it had several days ago in the assassination. 

And Supreme Leader must take action against mafia stile in work of  officials in these state programs, where much of these scientist find dead in obscure situation, where they try to say something about bribery and corruption. What like the last assassination put on Israel count.                        

Friday, 20 November 2020

New normal extermination with Mengele methods in EU

 Everybody believed how Nazi-fascist was finished in 1945. at Nuremberg process where Allies made the trial against prominent Nazi regime persons, and when all World saw real truth about crimes against humanity in WWII. 

Then, the Planet found how monsters ruled over Reich and who was the the master minds in operation of 1942- Final Solution.

75 years after, we have same scenario, with new old method born in the concentration camps in war Europe. Where monsters in the white coats made experiments at humane beans and where they used infection and disease in combination with a vaccine to reduce the millions prisoners. 

Six million Jews, millions Roman, several million Soviet POw was used in this program, millions of invalids. 

After war the master of this hell escaped from Europe to Latin America in help by mostly prominent western supporters, and part of Catholic Church, gave them second chance to made the job in the new places, with new identities. 

In this program from 1947-1965, in experiments find too much horrible than it can be normal for human mind. They experimented by human and animal hybrid. Where they used Peruvian bats to find how is possible to over blood make the genetic structure into humans. 

In Colombia, they have laboratories  where they produced so call a biblical creatures, what is nice word for horribly creature with human-animal structure of body.

It was only small segment which was after 1965. came in the south-east Asia, than from there, going to move into Europe and the States, where it came a marginal, but now so important business, whose give a billions USD without real material produce, and it came at only promises how some can be effective and important to global interest, specially now in the so call pandemic era. But in real great Third War.

This war start in 2008. After economical and social crisis explained,how project named EU was fall, and how is not possible to find next grow in structure whose have not high integration, but live at partial interests each member country.

On other side USA have biggest problem inside, where cohesion and unity came to melt like ice at North Pole. Too much people live in the prisons, at social card, in status where they have not problem to eat everything, but to buy it with only one salary. 

The system made before 1965. collapsed, and only way to it stay at the way coming in solution of "controlling number of birth". Eugenic theory started to celebrate idea how only way to human existence at the Planet stay in the control of the number a people who live in the Planet.

But war, global war has not be possible in an reason that it cannot be controlled. They start to chants how liberalism and democracy must be except all over humanity, and how these former colonial powers have exclusive right to lead it. 

It mean that everybody whose been out of Western club, or named G-7 could be "liberated from a freedom". The first act in this plan was in the Hungary, and after in other East European states, but not only, because the plan was impose in  far east, and in Latin America.

And the planers find how they have made good job with it, but situation came to change in moment when several other countries, out of this club created BRICS.

From then to today the crisis of the plan came to grow and after all, they found how the program did not work and how they are so insufficient to change new world.

About all we told too much before, and now it isn't place to repeat it, but to say what they believe to have now.

They  believe, how they have success in the war, only if they took the chemical weapons in hand, and use it against so call enemies. Everything was good in mind, theory. But in the reality everything goes wrong. 

Now we known, how they have three series of chemical-biotin weapons and that they have not control over them. In mind, they have two biggest problem, and now they believe how Sahara is nice place to be use like disposal for fail Nazi technology.    

Stopped at all fronts, and cleared in the intention to make overrule at the Planet, now they are coming  with order how to make - "New Normal", or "Second Final Solution".

After they have not places to remove disaster material whose we named and scribe, start new way to make a progress.

In some reason they find how is excellent to take in process several vaccine made in Latin America from the Nazi chemists several decades ago and how it must be present like caring for the special and needy groups in the old place of crime against humanity- EU.

Without real progress in tests, and with no security code in the products, EU in command by Nazi friend in the high structure of the Union, come to make the guests how they have quick and life-saving process, where they have protection against pandemic for millions in the Union.

But reality is so dark and so scary. This not vaccine for life, but same what in Nazi determination concentration camp, had been the gas chambers and crematoriums. 

Decision to going to realization of it coming two weeks ago, when start to be clear how acts in war against enemies had not results. 

Like 75 years ago they predicted to determinate half of Slavic population, stole them goods and fortune, and than make the pressing and crush "economy and state" in China.

Now after, they promoted mister Biden for so call President, what we said that he do not. They believe, with same persons who stolen virus from China's University and had spread it in NATO military exercise, how they have good time to "change a history". In  name of grandfathers and old day of national glory and supremacy.  

In this memory they have plan to remove 65 million EU citizen from life, at same way like predecessors did it.             

Friday, 6 November 2020

USA is without of elected government and President

 In the history we have to see more and more situation in which a empires fall and after that rise something else. 

Most of this historian situation have intention to make a new creation at the maps, but no one have same waves what we have see now in the States. Or we saw it in the history of Wiemar Republic, when on same way liberals came at idea how to save the state. And made historic error, inauguration Adolf Hitler like Wiemar Chancellor. All after that is history.

Now, after present the monument-serial "Men in High Castle", we are looking how the serial starting to be reality. In USA where the serial have the similarity for today situation at the places all over the States. 

So call democracy fall in the dust, after started to be clear how in USA is possible to vote more than hundred percent of voters. Than we had saw how in the vote process was included people which have more than hundred year old who had past away several year ago, and how is possible to non citizen to voted, if they have some political connection with local political elite.

It was even clearly saw in some states over voting by mail. There votes come from the person whose have nothing with people who they got the voting material. In some cases, who are documented, find more than hundred thousand ballots from post without date, and in the trash. In some cases find how voting by mail came from the persons who was past away several years, some more than ten years from the election day. 

The intensive investigation find that some ballots come from the same address, more of them dated more earlier date than final, after they was "found" in the post offices, mostly in the deeply province, at towns which has to less people than had voters by mail. 

The investigation find something like we have in the some part of EU,where at same address we can found more than forty person who had no family relation each other.  

In some cases find relation between the local government, where they try to abort all action to find what is fake in the election process. 

After all, this situation is deeply disturbing and call us to say how we have to much document to say how USA after this so call ballots in second time in history has not President. 

Joe Biden, if he came the favor at the this criminal acts against democracy, in position to be winner, we can not call a mister President. US now going to be treat like fall democracy where the Constitution, and human right have not power, and where is possible to make the ballot fraud with help of institution. 

No only ballot to President post, but even both the election for Senate, and House of Representatives from begging is out of law, and for this reason, all action from the new ruling group at the Capitol or White House would be find the illegal and non-binding. 

Action against other nation and states would be treat like criminal act. So Biden who are came in the race at same way how he drive in the final election process, can not be treat like President of USA.

If some case be changes and President stay  in the post, situation stay same. The persons who are elected in election process 2020, have not legitimate and not found legal elected person.

Now we are clear how we are find that in the shadow we found "coup d'tat" and we have to say what we said. 

In US has not democratic process, the elections is fake, the ballot process is fake, and the result of it is fake. 

For liberals who try to find a man in the "High Castle" who coming to block real democratic process and differences at the Planet, we can say only how the power who they see in USD do not exist more than two decades. And how is impossible on the bribery for young population,gave in the six Federal States, making the prosperity and gains. The bribery has when the local government find how is normal to legalize hard drugs, for "reason to help people who had not power to fight common life problems". In expect for bigger ballot rate from young.

More drugs, more arms and more money in the hard drug industry. Nice. 

After all the States no more be light house of democratic process, and if some believe how they could make several wars to change US, he is in the way to mental institution.       

Thursday, 22 October 2020

EU has no more problem for China, and China has no more scare from USA

In several weeks intensive negotiation between EU and People Republic of China was end it without any consensus. These two party come in the position that each other do not believe each other and now they come in the full combat  contact. 

In this moment, EU member states do everything to close so call China influence, close job and business to big PRC players, mostly to the Huawei. Even business what gone with older contracts and what was financed by the EU Found.

Reason for this coming from the Union desperately need to find a money for reconciliation and for new measure in the EU found. In reality, the Union hasn't money to regular work and support all acts to even to the end of this year. 

EU has projection how it be interest to animate PRC to give them more than 483 billion Euros in loans and quick invest in the some projects mostly in the middle Europe and mostly in the so call strategic industries like it has shipyards, carmaker, windmills, bur even they had plan to try from PRC agreement for free trade between two entities. 

PRC, the High Comity and Guards find how it is not so serious, and how is not possible to say that EU is entity, but only the block of states, what EU did not want to hear. 

EU senior negotiator was Germany, because they are in presidency over EU, and they are coordinator for political and economical affairs in the Union six months to the end of this year.

Germany has plan to relocate car maker industry into China, and to take components for electric cars from the China partners, mostly batteries and parts of store and charge the energy. This plan was found like best way to EU change quickly depends for the oil and gas from both not so friendly side, USA and Russia. 

From the China EU plan to import components for photovoltaic panels, and with it create self products in the industry. It is not only product what they plan to do.

For money the EU did not have intention to make incursion in the human right at the China mainland. 

It must been the big chain for China Communist Party to raised his thumb for deal. 

Wrong projection in the head of  EU politicians, mostly from EPP and SD who had know nothing about interest of the other side.

Problem for EU came in out of action against USA sanctions against Iran, and acts to the ME, where EU and PRC stay on the opposite side, and where both side had different view on IL. 

PRC expect from the Union to make more independent foreign policy and to make close ties withe China main world partner Russia. EU did mistakes and find how they had card blanches to going to overthrow in Belarus and with more oppression against several China partners in Europe, and the World,too.

PRC find after silence on the our call to make some clear about COVID-19 creation declare founding investors, how some so call EU partners and one former EU member state did strong influence in the technology colleges in several China area, including Hong Kong and Taiwan. The comity find that so many financial transaction came and gone over two autonomous China territories, where was it invested and who was involve in it. 

From the Union they try to take info about end post from where invests come in the institutes who was involved in bio-research. No one answer come in the Comity.

Nothing EU did in China ask to create a pressure against Canada to be relist Huawei CEO. 

Problem from the Union came the situation with these ports what China buy for self plan to make connection with project  Silk way. Close and quick connection between China mainland industry and EU market. EU did everything to make more money from the China, to them use without EU interruption this facilities. This EU want to sell for more than new 160 billion Euros. Mostly invest in the EU treasure loans.

China find how this is not real, and make more risks to the investor, specially if EU come into dissolution. 

After all China find how in the Union has not cohesion and how is not possible to believe that money would be invested properly, and how is not so clear what is real intention in the Union foreign affairs. 

Specially when they closely monitored an British group, where they find plans clear same like them had  can see in Minsk. New color revolution, was planed to change situation when EU going to pay dept to China creditors.

For this reason and after several weeks hard negotiation, two side find how is not possible to create consensus and how is not real to PRC have intervene at the Union market.

Not so far than forty-eight hours of then, EU is coming into war with PRC, and did what we have to saw on the media and in the diplomatic notes.

In final, EU now has not money. Nothing they can financing and they have big problem to make secure way to bring money out of printing new bunts of Euro, to close ergiant place like social supports, industry supports, and earnings for millions in the Union.

On other side China has place to reopen interior market and find not super high rise of BDP, but much best results what can we saw in the EU, which after this coming in the situation to be stand by for months and be finished in new year. It has nothing with COVID-19, but with crisis from several years ago, what was close monitored by crisis in Ukraine and whose bring the EU budgets more than 72 billion Euros, and in six years more than 182 billion for industry. 

We scribe how EU made plan to reopen process of democracy in Belarus, and on this way bring into EU budget and market, more than 380 billion Euros. Now after Russia intervention, and local government reconstruction this plan is finished.

New plan was war in Nagorno Karabah, but we said how it was plan from Paris to involve Moscow, and open way to new change regime in Minsk and now in Moldova. 

In this war, the Union lost battle to battle, and we have no idea where it was gone. Maybe in the great movements into great cities in the Union, where in this reason make close areas in name to suspend spread of the infection.     

New great war we not expect, because we expect to president Trump win in new term at elections in USA for several weeks. 

Specially because that Seventh USN Fleet have not capacity to do anything against PRC. They have multiplication dept and problems.  



Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Napoleon syndrome in the Macron head, make mistakenly decision for Pashinyan and Aliev

 Even the world want to say how now we can see new war in Caucasus, we are not see same.

In the region do not exist nothing but the penetration of the French president, and his not so clear psychical health. In situation where he have worst situation in the country, where they must look up to sell some overseas territories, and where he try to find more money in some international institution for regular state dept services, he try to growing up French presents in too much region over planet to remove public view against worst situation int the country after WWII. 

We told about it, and say how he try to manage in Lebanon, over Croatia in biggest explosion in the port, after he did not successful penetration with French fleet against Syria and Russia. Now he try to make the peak with actions in the east Mediterranean, at side of Greece, and when he found how he have no chance against Turkish President, in the open straggle, he dislocate above 134 million Euro to Armenian Prime Minister and what they saw new Armenian Elite. Something same we had been saw in Libya  by French former president Sarcossy.

It was plan over plan, and the situation what we saw,was unclear in first moment. The escalation in the region was possible after frau Merkel did great mistake and give the alibi to him in case of Navalny,even we found that poise came like gift to the person in Navalny inner circle, who have clear order to bring the blogger dead.

Poison coming like label who was made in place near Paris. 

But even the frau Merkel had it, she decide to make great objection and give support to sick man, sick in the head.

The Macron has great fiction in the head how he can be something between Napoleon and De Gaulle.

But now we have to say how situation with so call war between Azerbaijan and Armenia, can be solve for the minute. And how it can be created in situation where is clear that price for it must coming to pay EU, specially France, which find after at clear interrupted actions at Belarus territory, over support to Litvania and Polan, over coordination with actions from Croatian Adriatic.

The fact is that crush of gas and oil transport system whose coming from the Azerbaijan and going in Georgians ports, and in Turkey,too, make Azerbaijan army impose to make big actions, and make great crisis, much worst, than it is now in Turkey.

On other way, we see how Armenian Prime minster Pashinyan must be removed from the post and than how so call new elite must be send in Paris, with ask to pay more than several billion dept to Russia and China.

We expect to Iran be involve in these actions, and how they have biggest role in it. With right to say that Azerbaijan was and is corner of Iranian history and political reality. Specially when we see how Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamnei  is Azer. And because, Iranian interest is to have clear background in some possible war dispute by Arabs. 

In this situation, Turkey have no chase to make any gains at the area. 

For Erdogan we have advice, to step out from this, because if he make lost in the current actions he risk to be removed by military and inner circle, not so far.

After all in the actions coming to play China, who has interest in this region to preserve quickest rout to the European markets by the train and to have  strong supply  with energy to back in the mainland.

American don't like anything where they see close step of  Iran. They have only plan to buy somebody, but after several Aliev's experience with them, we have no reason to believe how, few months before election, they had intention to make introduction in the situation. The next reason stay in good condition where they have gift against EU, where main state of  the block did new great mistake,and blowing up EU credibility, open large gape in the whole name EU demolition.  About we known more, after talks between frau Merkel and German political and economical elite,today.                    

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Belarus operation from the Adriatic sea

 After long investigation we found what was happen in the Belarus, and who was poised Navalnij. Now we found all part of the operation puzzle in whose EU try to find money for so call rebuild of Union's economy.

In October year before the EU Commission find how they have no money to stay stable in most part of common life. In this time, no one predict to be exposed COVID-19 and how it was made situation much worst. 
In April of this year EC made decide how would be necessarily to prevent social and economical protest moves. In this situation, they made plan how it be made in coordination with so call democratic move in the Belarus.

For this reason EU had decide to make new-normal tourist season, and make order to all member states whose have coast at the Mediterranean sea, to make everything to it be possible. In first, to stop accounted a illness from COVID-19, to be better picture for how they had the plan, to make better atmosphere and optimism for more people in the EU, possible from the west states, whose had biggest lost in the two quarter of this year. 

Situation in the Benelux, and big part of Germany, but not only in this country came in disaster. Situation with infected people in the Sweden and Switzerland stay not so clear in this moment, because they had different approach to pandemic situation, and after all everything was packed in the war game what start two years ago, when in the operation named "justified warrior", in Europe came to many equipment for new actions against East. 

In this equipment we found even some strange substance, what now know how COVID-19. A gelatin substance in yellow. The absolute military poise what was put in several EU towns, and near border with Russian Federation.

But, when something go wrong with operation in the field, and when in the non combat action many army lost several hundred officers and soldiers, and after start massive spreed over the continent, the operation commit to be abandon from NATO.

Situation in the EU start to be worst day by day, and after all started to be clear how, economy in this situation going to be worst than ever before. 

For reason to solve it and to made new-normal, EU came in the plan to tourist season 2020 take for  an umbrella  for operation in the east neighborhood.   

First they planed to open so call implementation camps in the several country at the Mediterranean and for it they decide to it would be Croatia, and Greece. This two country had same situation, where they desperately need the money and who had not so big infect rate. 

In Croatia, we found how in island Losinj was mounted Polish base, where they planed, and made exercise to be involve in the so call peace overthrow in Belarus. In logistic operation they have support of local military and civil secret services. And they made coordination with Ukraine's military, who have servicemen in the "tourist visit" to Croatia. 

In Greece we found how Lithuanians have post in the west coast. And how they have cooperation in the Romanian criminals.

These plans stay operative in late July, but something coming wrong after in Croatia, Polish part of the action, lost high commander.

After that, we found how in EU try to on the same scenario like they had in Ukraine in 2014, try to change regime in Minsk. How they prepared to change with buble action somewhere in the Middle East, and with some action in the Russian Federation.

On the other side, they had plan to open new front in the USA. Because they need self defense, in so call liberal point.

What we found in the plans, look like a book for James Bond move script. In the operation, plan said would be involve neutral Sweden in operation against military post of RF in the Kaliningrad, electronic suppression and coordination attack against military communication. 

In operation, do not be involve NATO. Because it had planed to be make in the low level hybrid war action. Whose lead Paris, and finish Croatia,Greece,Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, Sweden, Romania.

For action they prepared 56-58 million euros. They pay several million to prominent opposition person in the Belarus, and several hundred thousand for operation in Russian Federation.

All of this was planed, financed, involved to desperately needed to EU for reason what we published before.

EU have the war not against East, but against Senat. Some guy in the Brussels made decide to remove member of it. In this operation, they pay Polish criminal group, whose used in operation in Dombas region, Ukraine, for reason that they had big fear how we speak after all. 

In prediction, we try to said how the operation is over, and how we do everything to make Poland and others in ruins. First, Zlot, Polish currency must be destroy in not more than two mounts. Economy in Lithuania must be ruined for two to four weeks. 

No body have right to did something against us, and we have not reason to believe the Union, which now look like Third Reich, so much.

Revisionism, national supremacy, racism, established Fascism in many country at EU level. 

This is only the part what we know about so call democratic spreed against world, from EU in time where EU  came with laws who annulled elementary human rights, in so call new-normal COVID-19 democracy.                           

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

European Union Norwegian gambit( not so long from popular serious "Okkupant")

 After EU stay out of gains in Minsk, and after Russia gave support to the local government. For EU it is not only problem! The biggest problem stay in situation with the money. They are not so happy after they find how Beijing do noting to support economy of the Union, and how in this time they have no reason to say something positive against crisis which ride in the big speed on the Union institution and specially in the several state members, from Baltic to Adriatic,

ECB in this moment have more problems to open new way to proclaim so call recovery fund. They in the great speed need not what was proclaimed two months ago, now they try to have more than 600 billion  Euro, whose do not come from the primary emission. Reason coming in the situation with industry and real economy at the most part of EU. The new money at market without some shadow in the real obligation like it is China credit or some money transformation in the real market, make Euro very insecure and put the all in the moment, where the market start to growing, in inflation or in this situation in deflation. 

With to much free Euro at the market, not Germany, nor Holland have power to solve so call good situation on the global European market. The two biggest economy in the Euro zone and in the Union in global. now have great problem with production, and situation with employers. The input price in real product stay stable or growing slowly but constantly. In other way situation with eminent market in the Union stay not so nice. Many of states have different problems what COVID-19 made more worst, but it had not some crucial point in the game at the markets. Reality came from time when  in 2008 EU try to solve crisis with what it had been projected from Berlin in the so call structural change and saving.

But in member state whose have so big dept like it have Greece, Spain, Italy, and France, this solution stay only at the paper point. nothing else.

They need to have more spending and more involve the state in the real process, not like it had several north countries.

Now in this time reality crash all expectations. For EU budget the Union need more money than they have real reserves. In first step they find how they can stolen money from Minsk, but after counterattack and hard Russian speech over situation at the place, EU start to change strategy.

In new strategy named "Sea Sword" EC try to complete plan how to take money at the real politic playground. Now they find that only one country in the neighborhood have so naff money what now is desperate need to 27 EU members.

The strategy with plane call to be made new Maidan in Oslo. They try to find what can be interest to the local population for change to be put like agenda, and be make more contagious for ears of the small people to make they what EC expect, Norway in the Union, and the Union in theirs pockets.

Start of the plan come now because predictions say how not more than month, EU can be progressively insolvent.

First it going to coming from two main member state involved in the Minsk's putsch, Lithuania and Poland.

To this two players EC has some debits and this can cost more than ten billion Euros each. But in situation where they have not money from operations in Minsk and Moscow , but more from Beijing, they have problem, where the local currencies for not than month coming in plunge, and where out of EU donation they could not made even army move from the barracks, push them in the lateral crisis, whose with growing pandemic, make from them detonator of EU demolition.        

After them in the line so quickly going to be present Sweden and after that Germany. 

Both of them have problem in expanding trade and export mostly what we say before in the countries around. Whose in the situation had not money, and no ideas how to made at the market.

Yes, after all actions in the Norway not be so same like we had saw in the Minsk, but similar, coming not so long time from today. Local government did nothing to change it, with bought more and more equipment from the EU. or invested more money around there. 

EU now urgently need money, more than 1700 billions Euros to solve situation at the market, society, economy. This stolen theory growing and now have not scrupulously against anybody. 

The author of scenarios series "Occupation" really had not intention to say how it would be real in the future, maybe somewhere, but not there in the north Europe. Now, in the same club.

It come real in reason that EU and NATO have not intention to going in war against East. It have not be war with winner, but holocaust.

On the other way. without actions, in next 2021. you have to see new composition of EU. at the three part. Where some of this parts be in war each other, and with authoritarian regimes in the power.

But EU has not money to change self, and Euro is only reason, why the Club did not broke up two years ago.  

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Aggression against humanity and theory of stolen economy in EU policy

 In Europe and around, nothing new. In some part of Europe some others want to make new reality, with people who have not knowledge about leadership and real life in the working place at the industrial or other real jobs. 

Now we are discus by situation in Belarus, but not on so popular main stream way. In reality we looking at situation in the place, like EU try to make new place with crisis to do nothing to solve crisis in self house.

Everything what we have at this time in the reaction of the Union, and contra reaction from others side, stay at the plan, war plane made in the NATO cabinets, how is possible to make change in Minsk, what have to be first step to overthrow in Moscow. 

But it has not, like in many years and plans ago, anything with reality. Somebody in the somewhere at the West try to solve deep crisis in the all part of society by aggression against everybody who have some to be stolen and selling it,to make falls filing that prosperity is at the way.

In the control info system, with over present censors and with bribery to everybody who are not at the way to make a gain. Who are not like to take money or something else than he like Navalnij in Russia, coming with help from people around a poison gift. And than same who gave it start to yelling how regime did it. Maybe it had be true than the person have not special intention of the Kremlin. Specially after the poisoned guy said that "he never give the promise to be stolen all Russia,"

The poison coming from the Paris with champagne for the killer. Like it had be in the Beirut week ago, where coordination of several western agencies did everything to blowing up not Lebanon, but Middle East.

Situation in Minsk coming after start to be clear who and why smuggling the rocket fuel, and who had sponsor in the businesses. To shadowing a crash operation and players in it.

Minsk is brutto owner of  more than several hundred billions euro. More of that is modern industry, and more of that is direct competition to many western industry of heavy duty machinery and vehicles.

Belarus exist with more than 70 billion financial reserve, and what is not so not important the east border of the country is less than several hundred kilometres from Moscow.

Now we have to see how situation in Belarus, and so call EU cry for democracy and free elections have nothing with real life, and how people which EU put at the position to stolen result of real elections has not there but to give them possibility and open path for theft, like it was Jacenuk and company did in the maidan riots six years ago in Kiev.

Isn't so insane situation where some from the cabinet try to do something what had not success in USA action against Venezuela and Bolivia. In Europe, where 27 member states have different  view at situation in the Union, and where main actors in the aggression against Minsk,have states who lived on the supports of EU budget, and where they have not possibility to stay normal if they step out of this help.

Ukraine is not in EU but they want to see self like some important player at the scene. Nothing of that is important to understood how everything going hand by hand with cooperation to be removed strong positioned Lady in Berlin.   


Sunday, 26 July 2020

Does Mike Pompeo the key to Trump overthrow...

In several days we had saw how politic isn't place for a secret agent or some who was in the CIA. He did not know to much in the job, and after all he did not more in the place where he had to be in the Administration.
Mike Pompeo, the State Secretary in charge, did to much things against regular policy and international law, what did not even former Secretary Condolise Rice. He is better than former Secretary Hillary Rodman, but he did nothing to fix to much fails in foreign policy made from her and start to make policy - USA is the better,too.
He made some actions in time where is so desperately needed to be made better situation in the domestic policy. No, he made more and more wrong move, what now have situation, where he did everything to preserve and make safe him from the dark side. He did nothing to made actions in the Chinese Non-paper, what he have at the table to long to say what he can, or cannot to do against domestic guys who did actions against US security, and world responsibility. 
He only make speeches where he going against China, and he did nothing to said about situation where some guys from the "same house" try to presented "some Chinese scientist" "who had some info about situation from Institute in Wuhan", even we had info how it was not originally come from there, but from the Georgian Institute, US. And how it was payed with some amount to some guys in the PNLA of China, and some local CPP officials. So long and out of the view at Beijing.
In the list he found so interest name and now he try to fix it in personal actions what he think that can made a close eyes to all at the Planet.
We have only one message to him, you must going to make the legal actions against this guys or you must leave the position. You are very,very dangerous man for reelections the President, and you have really small potential to create some better than we have to see now.
What we have to say about your policy in the Europe?
You come to make better positions in the relations with countries like it UK and Denmark. But why?
The some guys from the Academy told you how situation in the both states is. And how you have nothing to find there. In London, they did everything to stay united with Scotland, Wales, North Ireland, and Iles. Even you have knowledge how more of them, try to be much independent and more inclusive in the EU. You have info from the High Royal Staff what they have in power to make some actions against sudden actions from the Russian side.
After that you coming to ask Denmark for more acts over north in the face of the RUAF, and Navy,too.
But, after short conversation with Prime minister and without contact with local army, you have only place for support in Poland. On other side, RUAF and Navy coming to shown all credibility, and power in several  quick and massive actions what we had to radar in the several weeks.
On the side what you try to proclaimed in Denmark, what is Arctic, you have knowledge how official Denmark do nothing in at Greenland, if they hadn't official call from Nuunuk, and official proposals from Beijing.You really have knowledge why, and what is in the issues!?
You had saw how had been finished  exercise in the high north and what was happen with fleet when they try to move narrowly to the north territories in North Ocean?!
Or you hadn't properly relations with USHC?
For other places, like Iran, Syria, Libya we call you to going to make a war. You have the war in Yemen, where you lost to much from the personnel to credibility, even the Yemenis hadn't serious arms and ammunition. But know, they have  to sophisticate arms that Fifth fleet stay several hundred kilometres long distance. In low war actions few weeks ago at Iranian coast city, and some site in the Syria, you have nothing much but problem. You have the problem in Afghanistan where the program with Taliban goes at the wrong trail, after they found what you had actions before contract from Doha.
To much stories stay in the side against you and try to be call with real name. You said too much against China in several weeks, against Chinese government and rule, but when you impose with the facts, you try to push Navy in open war at the China South East Sea. Can we start to believe how you are the traitor in President staff?

Monday, 6 July 2020

Parliamentary elections process in Croatia like a mirror of EU precipice

Yesterday EU find how it is fallen idea, and how so call high officer in the EC did something against common rules what we have see that scribe in the Lisabon Agreement.
Not only, but some other things what we had seen when same organisation stay to interfere in the Brasil inter policy, where in coordination these few intell agencies, they broke President Dilma Rousuf and give the power than find far right populist and today President Bolsonaro. It was made to "prevent close ties with some forces out from EU control, mostly Russia and China and to preserve democracy against corruption and clientelism" .
It was tragicomedy, who have so far repercussions for international position of EU, and to democracy all over the South America.
Democratic EU to supported ordinary Fascist, who had been removed from Brasilian Army, after to much controversial  actions in active duty.
All analyst from the liberal to left called the EU to have clear position at the Mr Bolsonaro, and how he did not so nice what some agent from the field tried to presented to high command from London to Brussels.
Not so far from the analyse, now President Bolsonaro find how he have face,much ugly than analyst predict, and what he usually is.
EU in moment for many people in the Latin America started to be second high level enemy. Some worst than it for them is USA. The Union for selfish reason, and corrupted officials, used democracy to make oligarchy in biggest Latin America state, and now EU is main criminal organisation whose have main guilty for disaster with COVID-19 in Brasil. But not only. In Venezuela EU did same things when against international law say how some guy from the street can be President, out from elections and out of democratic rule. Some who was self-proclamation  President. Who have some so sad title "Interim President". The guy who live out of real power, who stolen from national reserves. And who did it not to protect democracy but only oil what some in EU structure need for self-proclamation.
This few explains stay how lighthouse in the dark of broken democracy in main part of EU, specially at the south and east, where obscured nationalist movement try to make new history, in retrograde policy. Same policy what Brussels supported at Latin America soil. These policies going to be against different groups from the society,LGBT, mental ill, antifascist movements, woman movements, national and old nation organisations and persons from this groups,Romans, independent scientist and social analyst, wist-blower and anti mobs fighter like it is independent reporters and brave prosecutors. Against memory on real heroism and heroes in WWII.
In these parts of EU at the power existed right nationalist parties and far right populist party, where many of them have membership  in European Popular Party. Group who in political actions several years ago to today did everything to say how "collaboration of fathers with Nazism" something what was necessary in fight with progressive left idea at the Continent.
In these case is possible that in crescendo, yesterday  say nothing against Parliamentary elections in the "youngest member states".
Many from the Union told how is nice that local part of EPP, "Croatian Democratic Union did excellent job by stopping far right move", what have rise in the rest of the Unions new, but even in the some old member states. What they do not want to see is how same CDU is far right party where more members stay in the line of the Prime Minister and lieder of Party A. Plenkovic for particular  reason that they have lucrative connections in support of party. They take a jobs, work places, or state and local commercial  contract. But they are mostly in connections with far right mind and actions against minorities and progressive democratic NGO person and  organisations. With no meter that proclaimed  state and party policy was more conservative, than what they are.
But reason to say something about it, stay in 2012. and "case Orban", where actual Hungary Premier had been supported from official Brussels and some prominent member of EPP, in same words like it do some with Mr Plenkovic,too.
Result we have in real time, in Hungary.
Something new and good news today come from official advertisement in EU EC, where they said how Mrs Leyen did something what is against rules and not usually act when she had support to CDU, at Croatian Parliamentary election.
Now we expect from the EU to make an investigation, to clear who and how ordered to members of the Croatian Democratic Union(member of local voting posts and committees ), to have obstruction actions against regular work of polling station and against from the State Polling Committee elected Presidents and vice-Presidents of  polling stations and committees at Sunday voting day,  Parliamentary election for Parliament of Republic Croatia. To be clear how democracy still live in EU, and how people who are work in the front of antidemocratic actions like yesterday can be secure that they can have support in fight. How they have right to protect democratic vote and elections against manipulation and criminal acts of local politicians at voting process, when they have state give them order and power to make election process to end. EU must have action!

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Xi Ji President of PRC silence, why?

Nothing is finish, and nothing was fixed. In the World the battle is going on, between good and bad. Situation at the battlefield is not so nice for many big player and now we had saw how many groups involved in the fight is not so clear how they want to present in the public.
Everything in the current crisis started four years ago in the USA. It was private initiative, and money for it coming from curators which have interest to see what would happen if something be change at the Planet. For this military exercise they come in cooperation with small military lab near east coast of Atlantic. In first point they have some exams on the theory, and than year later they find how is it not so possible to do in the place, because they had not all components for mechanic change of the basic module.
For this reason they going to make negotiation with strategic partner somewhere in the world. The first place in the early 17' they find a partner in the India Punjab. where they have even before some lucrative businesses in molecular bio-medicine. And not only in the it.
Few mounts later, the factory in the place had been blow up and production was finished. Reason for it stay in massive riots of local population against what they saw dark side of life.
In correction after it, the main prototype, or what was survive live India, and come back at the States.
After many mounts in search to another so call partner they find a Chines partner, whom they told how it is not so danger job. and how it is research to find Malaria disease best protection serum. Who can be serve even for battle against several others. The guy who took it was a high ranging comander in the Chinese for it he was took several million bribery. The main points of Chine government and Army had been not involved in it.
The partner  say to the local government how it is usually and very lucrative investment from abroad, what need to be point with high secrecy and cover against public present in it or some not friendly incorporate.
In the factory, people was not found some unusually moments, and they did nothing to make more preventive measure. All things was nice to the August 19'. In half of this mount in the factory investors come with new component and than everything going to be worst.
The China supreme leader in this time looked how to make secure energy supply from Siberia, and try to make change in economic policy against President Trump "Tariff war".
A group in the several level down, in this moment make a plans how to take the power, and going to  overthrow  the President.
Reason stay in most widespread poverty in which live the third Chines, most of them in the rural areas at the middle west and in the north at Russian border.
Situation was not clear when crisis in Wuhan crisis erupted. No body in the civil secret services in Chine, didn't find to much reason to put a nose somewhere so close to the hurt of the state. It is looked so secure. But something was interest to the military agencies, who find how some people from the local army corp and several others from the south coming and gone to much frequently, and what was strange, they traveled even in Hong Kong.
When the young doctor find what is in reality of the point, he made some mistake, and call a locals to stop it in the factory. He did not know how they believe, that they have command from the to"to protect a project". What it mean we know now. He was killed, and the deflected army commanders killed several others who try to spread info about disaster in the factory.
When  the crisis start in the public, the so call international investors from the UK, US, France, came with action plan to remove all potential evidence of them presents in the project. For another several million USD they pick up from the China soil several kilo of the active substance, what was transported by military planes and weasels far from there. First they transported from Guangdong to the South Korea, and than in Osaka, by container ships. Same containers was put at the military weasel and transported around world.
By plane from the Hong Kong in the regular flights they evacuated the key researchers in the base.
What was in Chine, mostly is presented in the media, but underground battle between the President and  deflectors was not present in no one public media, but even in the Agency instagram messages.
When loyal  military forces find what was really happen in the  Wuhan, they start the mass headquarters  action in the history of the civilization. 
First they made assault in support by special forces and parachutist force against local garrison and heavy armor units.
After several days they find how  action is finished, the deflectors was disarmed and putter in the lagers, after then in the area by massive command action coming a forces from the several far west China military regions.
In Beijing the President was make massive arrests against civilian who are took contact with deflectors to make change against present government and President.
In this moment the President was leave place and no body have info where he is. Know we know how he was in North Korea. Why? Let remain it a secret.
In the war games, whose started and finished in the two week, more persons from the Army and local, but even from central point in the ruling government and the Party lost more than position.
All time the active monitoring did not find why the President stay silence, and what is reason that he did not say what is in the fact, even now when is clear how he had the big problem in the house.
That are something unusually, start to be clear, when he say the notion, "now we going to do everything to cease poverty and we are ready to make our domestic power to make better future for all in Chine". 
We know that Chines doctrine and civilization philosophy  have different mind than it has in the rest of the Word, but why the China President still stay mute about people who was involved onto cup against him, and in creation of this world crisis?
The elimination of the evacuated players isn't right path to solve the problem. They must be leprous and convicted in public. And that you must give to the US President in the hand.       

Saturday, 11 April 2020

Who are the riders of hell who had came with disaster against humanity

The Armageddon was come in several mounts ago, and opened a gates of hell. From this gates in the World ride five horseman.
They had same sign on the front. All of them have a number in the front of head, and hand full with a poison.
They came with order from the down to make aggression against humanity, society and all religions of light. These five riders came in the Christian high point and with number,they try to buy loyalty from princes of Church.
On mind they have interest to overthrow Pope Francisco. Not only it. but to give him so dark dead to be illustration for other, with not matched parole how "God not exist", and how money and fortune is everything.
On the masks how they are real new heroes, who have good will to help and give for a  needed,poor people, they call everything what was built so many era long now is incompatible with new society where place have not more than billion people at whole Earth.
In the late autumn they put the idea at the path, and we can saw how Holly Father have some problems. We saw some problems into Vatican, and some persons who did things opposite from the Holly Bible and Gospel. Nothing was clear even several months later, but now, we are secure, how in side of some war games, behind  of it stay the plan whose five riders come to impose.
When they buy several Orthodox priests in Ukraine, to made some thing against Holly Order. In the plan to confront to biggest Christian Churches like they did and done in the Middle East between two major shrine of Islam. And how they buy Mody from India.
The final goal was Siberia and rear metals and crystals from there, for reason to going to make global net, whose would be control over person and states.
The five riders, made fabulous plan, with unprecedented support in money and army logistic. Everything have to be in the function for several weeks, but something was gone in the wind.
Something for them came at wrong trail when Holly Father make the clear message in the dark and empty St Peter square. Message to them, we know who are you, where you are, and what you want to do.
But God see everything, and everybody, with holly army in command.
Now stay only ask to everybody who down neck at this new rulers who are coming with sign of the beast, do they ready to make repent, and step again in the shine of Holly God?
The five riders have more problems from several big players in the World, who are not so happy that some outside of politic and religion try to overthrow them, and took in poses them states and money, in reopened Nazi ideology.
The war which they planed and now we have, still stay like global disaster, but after all, when humanity find enemies, the fight to end of them is clear.
First what is need is close to finance services, and close money laundering at the whole Planet. These markets must be down from the bonds who are denominated in USD.
Action against high price of oil and do everything to change energetic policy at the top. In action against aggression take same actions like it did several years ago with Syrian chemical weapons. Withdrawal of all non European army forces from the continent, all non legal army forces from the ME. After all the final judgment against all who make so terrible thing against all of us. We support idea to UN or some new international organisation stay like controller of global markets, to it not have cause against humanity, and than no body ever have power over several billion lives.                 

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

War with worst plan for the invaders

In every war first what take casualties is truth, and money. Nothing different we have to see now in these battles of this war.
In this war like in the many other wars at the end of all actions, coming new construction of the World. Some empires would be gone, and others coming to growing up and lead whole world.
In more time what we have to detect what was happen in the World last several mounts, start to be clear how some states at the Planet have impression that are coming time that some who have more, collect more, and how humanism must gone in the operation.
Money start to be point for the action, points at the stock markets must be only clear and right point of view at the whole World and civilization. For small persons in this world, new projected world have not place to exist, and only what is necessary coming to create planet with less number of upper race.
The single person or some group have no chance to make it successfully, without coordination in some state or group of them. It mean than in some case like in the past, at the Planet somebody had start with a ideology and asks to something be done. And now we have the results.
The results who had not so expected in the plans, and who are produce the worst situation at the markets. Situation coming to make reality worst than it had been after both former world wars. Now two trillion of USD was gone, and have not  possibility that it be solve for decade. These countries who come in the plan like a mover, cold be brace from the world economic map.
In questions come part named USD, and does it can be global money after all?
The structure of oil industry going to be change. Drugging from the stone in whole world coming in the bancrupcy, and no money, even fresh printed have power to  prevent it.
Problem for some part of world coming in the agriculture industry, specially because, that without real money in the pocket and with high price in produce, they stay at brink of hungry. In case that they start to collecting an food around the World, a local agriculture would be gone for one year.
Now, what we predict that will be happen in the several months. it has be clear that money production combat all economic reason. More money at the market, without real economic support in the action, coming to create inflation like it had been in Wiemar.
If some want to have better condition and much better income after all, than he must see how in the history the same ideas had been pass.
How long this insecurity stay exist, now is clear. Even is clear what we could see in the several weeks. This only coming to be total stocks plunge, and the end of economic system created at the end of WWII.
The engine of EU stopped with German economy decline 12,95 %. In other member states only few days of flu create deep crisis, not because they have problem in industry, but they in the most things existed in favor of EU found protection and support. Out of the Union money, they have no chance to stay independent subject. It not situation only at the east or southeast of Union but even in the south and west.
North now have not power to do much, because they lost two hundred percent in only several days in industry. Some of them more in the infrastructure lost.
Solidarity what was corner stone in EU constituency now is gone. Euro in opposite of it have not expect to change a position, in reason that it not necessary others part, and remove of this money could create an black whole at the World map. For long time.
In reaction against created crisis, we are expecting changes. This changes is not possible to round. 

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Idlib place to new race

The attack against general Soulemany had not so logical point when it was happened, but now in the middle of war between so call ally in the Syria, we have right to say how actions was built in Jerusalem, now come more logical.
On one side three partners, and on other part "Troian horse" in the suite of Turkish army, who have support from the posts in the Mediterranean sea and from Israel soil. In the action plan was,to Turkish forces with so call moderate Syrian fighters squeeze SAA from the front, than with attacks against dominate Syrian supporters at the battlefield, this forces bind to themselves.
In "rouge action" than coming others from the sea, and field in Syria. They start to attack specially Russians and than start to promote so quite nice video graphic at the net and other platforms, in suggest messages how is horrible war lost, and how Russian President is now finished.
In second front, action coming at the Caspian sea,where Azerbaijan going with action with so call freedom fighters from Iran, coordinate who coming from neighborhood states from the north, in cooperation with specialist from west, try to engage so many Iranian force, to open path for real action which come from the east and south to inside of Iran. Finish point is toppling of the regime.
But after Corona flu coming in the area, and after mister Putin say how he had not intention to have war against some-other, situation start be insecure.
The two fleets of US Navy still stand at the position in the middle Mediterranean sea, the UK action group is still active at Cyprus. Israel have daily actions over south Syria. And Turkey have open battle against both, Russian and Iranians.
The chess boards named ME now is so far from an sleep. Everybody have knowledge. what other side expect and what is real point in everything. The proxy war isn't it if you have the military at near border of the conflict. No one have intense to say how it can be finished without big bang. But what is in the head of some guys in the pentagram square, when they at situation in the world looking like ti is Marvel comics. The modern world is complex place, and simplicity isn't  reality. Reality  is it, what big. three states, have different view at the civilization and future.

Come back at the Syrian front, and see how situation is really complex to be comment. On one side Turks have some gains, specially in the part of the middle of front line, but on other way they have big loss on the other part of front, where they lost not only territory, but equipment, too. After they lost several hundred tanks and armored vehicles, today they are starting  with deploying modern art  hardware from barracks from the north east of Syria, and north east of Turkey. From the west part of the Turkey, position around Izmir, they relocated at the field antiaircraft launchers. On other sides of the front the changes is not so clear, but now we have to see clear that Russian forces start to rebuild power, make more air post, and Iranians start to re-deployed massive part of surface to surface rocket launchers.
In field we saw tonight how action in the area take not only the actors in the field but even other "sponsors".
In the end of this drama, we have only see that action planed to be an war at several fronts, whose now going to be action for salvation of Taib Erdogan.
Of course, that something goes wrong in the moment when the France find that this mister have deal to somebody in new "refugee crisis".                   

Friday, 3 January 2020

After Sulemani murder, we have the Former President, and the predictable war

When we said how is not so smart to be in the conflict with thousand years old empire who had never be defeated in the history, we truly mean it!
In conflict with Iran, US have not chance to win, not because that US Army has not potential to do some long war. Reason in defeat of US Army and Navy stay in the reason that one shot in the general, did not made to prevent some acts from Iran, but in reason to prevent to US Senate make impeachment against actual US President.  Who give the advise to the President, he shot the President in the legs, and described self like moron in the uniform.
The person which make decision to give some advise to the President, must know how the shot in general Sulemani is a declaration of war against half billion person at the Planet. But not only to them. In ally connections  these people have more than next half billion. US at opposite have no more than several million soldiers spotted at several hundred places. And they haven't to much cohesion between. They are so vulnerable and open to be attack  in real time at the real place, with so many killed and wounded.
In example we coming with marks at the war in Iraq. There in one decade, US troops lost 30000 personnel, and in only two wars in the actions on the Syrian soil, they lost officially several hundred, but out of mark it was ten time more. Afghanistan was and is real problem for US troops. In an real war, these troops with ally have be in the trap. Between two enemies. In European country haven't exist will to support US new adventure. Only Poland and several east NATO ally, be side by side with US at the battlefield. But they have not power and motivation to stay longer than it be necessary, what mean several dead and wounded. More from that, have be very big risk for a governments. The losses from the Corps would coming to be same like it was in two years in Syria, but now for several day or weeks.
On the other fronts, any moves from Saudi Araby will be harsh push back.
The Fifth Fleet in this moment stay like clay pigeon in the front of Iran forces. Several thousand soldiers and contractors with family member in Saudi Arabia is in same position.
The not so clever person in the General Staff, after had briefed about situation at the field, from some in the Israel Arial Force, now have only way to push things in the same way. After this, the former President Donald, can be clear how he cannot stay at the place, and how is not so smart when he believe obscure persons.
Some inter action agenda planed how US cannot win, but can make to much destroys in Iran, what can cause domestic riot against the Iranian clerics. What have do much to demolition historical enemy.
In the agenda did not stay what would price for it, and who will pay it?!
In the agenda not so clever person put how is clear that US can count at NATO support!? But without where and how.
There nothing say what with an retaliation from opposite side, with an back front, and total deletion of Israel?!
The war have not be some quick push and back action, but so long and so expensive acts,what in only few minutes have blowing up all stock, and rocketing fuel price in the stratosphere.
Delusion in some head in two army headquarters now would cause some what the writers of  synopsis try to by pass.
We had message before about that, and now we say, against war we do nothing. US alone stay against famous empire and civilization. NO ONE HAVE will or power to stay alongside with them in this war. Sorry guys but great problem in the US Army and Navy stay in lack of education.