Friday 6 November 2020

USA is without of elected government and President

 In the history we have to see more and more situation in which a empires fall and after that rise something else. 

Most of this historian situation have intention to make a new creation at the maps, but no one have same waves what we have see now in the States. Or we saw it in the history of Wiemar Republic, when on same way liberals came at idea how to save the state. And made historic error, inauguration Adolf Hitler like Wiemar Chancellor. All after that is history.

Now, after present the monument-serial "Men in High Castle", we are looking how the serial starting to be reality. In USA where the serial have the similarity for today situation at the places all over the States. 

So call democracy fall in the dust, after started to be clear how in USA is possible to vote more than hundred percent of voters. Than we had saw how in the vote process was included people which have more than hundred year old who had past away several year ago, and how is possible to non citizen to voted, if they have some political connection with local political elite.

It was even clearly saw in some states over voting by mail. There votes come from the person whose have nothing with people who they got the voting material. In some cases, who are documented, find more than hundred thousand ballots from post without date, and in the trash. In some cases find how voting by mail came from the persons who was past away several years, some more than ten years from the election day. 

The intensive investigation find that some ballots come from the same address, more of them dated more earlier date than final, after they was "found" in the post offices, mostly in the deeply province, at towns which has to less people than had voters by mail. 

The investigation find something like we have in the some part of EU,where at same address we can found more than forty person who had no family relation each other.  

In some cases find relation between the local government, where they try to abort all action to find what is fake in the election process. 

After all, this situation is deeply disturbing and call us to say how we have to much document to say how USA after this so call ballots in second time in history has not President. 

Joe Biden, if he came the favor at the this criminal acts against democracy, in position to be winner, we can not call a mister President. US now going to be treat like fall democracy where the Constitution, and human right have not power, and where is possible to make the ballot fraud with help of institution. 

No only ballot to President post, but even both the election for Senate, and House of Representatives from begging is out of law, and for this reason, all action from the new ruling group at the Capitol or White House would be find the illegal and non-binding. 

Action against other nation and states would be treat like criminal act. So Biden who are came in the race at same way how he drive in the final election process, can not be treat like President of USA.

If some case be changes and President stay  in the post, situation stay same. The persons who are elected in election process 2020, have not legitimate and not found legal elected person.

Now we are clear how we are find that in the shadow we found "coup d'tat" and we have to say what we said. 

In US has not democratic process, the elections is fake, the ballot process is fake, and the result of it is fake. 

For liberals who try to find a man in the "High Castle" who coming to block real democratic process and differences at the Planet, we can say only how the power who they see in USD do not exist more than two decades. And how is impossible on the bribery for young population,gave in the six Federal States, making the prosperity and gains. The bribery has when the local government find how is normal to legalize hard drugs, for "reason to help people who had not power to fight common life problems". In expect for bigger ballot rate from young.

More drugs, more arms and more money in the hard drug industry. Nice. 

After all the States no more be light house of democratic process, and if some believe how they could make several wars to change US, he is in the way to mental institution.       

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