Friday 20 November 2020

New normal extermination with Mengele methods in EU

 Everybody believed how Nazi-fascist was finished in 1945. at Nuremberg process where Allies made the trial against prominent Nazi regime persons, and when all World saw real truth about crimes against humanity in WWII. 

Then, the Planet found how monsters ruled over Reich and who was the the master minds in operation of 1942- Final Solution.

75 years after, we have same scenario, with new old method born in the concentration camps in war Europe. Where monsters in the white coats made experiments at humane beans and where they used infection and disease in combination with a vaccine to reduce the millions prisoners. 

Six million Jews, millions Roman, several million Soviet POw was used in this program, millions of invalids. 

After war the master of this hell escaped from Europe to Latin America in help by mostly prominent western supporters, and part of Catholic Church, gave them second chance to made the job in the new places, with new identities. 

In this program from 1947-1965, in experiments find too much horrible than it can be normal for human mind. They experimented by human and animal hybrid. Where they used Peruvian bats to find how is possible to over blood make the genetic structure into humans. 

In Colombia, they have laboratories  where they produced so call a biblical creatures, what is nice word for horribly creature with human-animal structure of body.

It was only small segment which was after 1965. came in the south-east Asia, than from there, going to move into Europe and the States, where it came a marginal, but now so important business, whose give a billions USD without real material produce, and it came at only promises how some can be effective and important to global interest, specially now in the so call pandemic era. But in real great Third War.

This war start in 2008. After economical and social crisis explained,how project named EU was fall, and how is not possible to find next grow in structure whose have not high integration, but live at partial interests each member country.

On other side USA have biggest problem inside, where cohesion and unity came to melt like ice at North Pole. Too much people live in the prisons, at social card, in status where they have not problem to eat everything, but to buy it with only one salary. 

The system made before 1965. collapsed, and only way to it stay at the way coming in solution of "controlling number of birth". Eugenic theory started to celebrate idea how only way to human existence at the Planet stay in the control of the number a people who live in the Planet.

But war, global war has not be possible in an reason that it cannot be controlled. They start to chants how liberalism and democracy must be except all over humanity, and how these former colonial powers have exclusive right to lead it. 

It mean that everybody whose been out of Western club, or named G-7 could be "liberated from a freedom". The first act in this plan was in the Hungary, and after in other East European states, but not only, because the plan was impose in  far east, and in Latin America.

And the planers find how they have made good job with it, but situation came to change in moment when several other countries, out of this club created BRICS.

From then to today the crisis of the plan came to grow and after all, they found how the program did not work and how they are so insufficient to change new world.

About all we told too much before, and now it isn't place to repeat it, but to say what they believe to have now.

They  believe, how they have success in the war, only if they took the chemical weapons in hand, and use it against so call enemies. Everything was good in mind, theory. But in the reality everything goes wrong. 

Now we known, how they have three series of chemical-biotin weapons and that they have not control over them. In mind, they have two biggest problem, and now they believe how Sahara is nice place to be use like disposal for fail Nazi technology.    

Stopped at all fronts, and cleared in the intention to make overrule at the Planet, now they are coming  with order how to make - "New Normal", or "Second Final Solution".

After they have not places to remove disaster material whose we named and scribe, start new way to make a progress.

In some reason they find how is excellent to take in process several vaccine made in Latin America from the Nazi chemists several decades ago and how it must be present like caring for the special and needy groups in the old place of crime against humanity- EU.

Without real progress in tests, and with no security code in the products, EU in command by Nazi friend in the high structure of the Union, come to make the guests how they have quick and life-saving process, where they have protection against pandemic for millions in the Union.

But reality is so dark and so scary. This not vaccine for life, but same what in Nazi determination concentration camp, had been the gas chambers and crematoriums. 

Decision to going to realization of it coming two weeks ago, when start to be clear how acts in war against enemies had not results. 

Like 75 years ago they predicted to determinate half of Slavic population, stole them goods and fortune, and than make the pressing and crush "economy and state" in China.

Now after, they promoted mister Biden for so call President, what we said that he do not. They believe, with same persons who stolen virus from China's University and had spread it in NATO military exercise, how they have good time to "change a history". In  name of grandfathers and old day of national glory and supremacy.  

In this memory they have plan to remove 65 million EU citizen from life, at same way like predecessors did it.             

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