Wednesday 30 September 2020

Napoleon syndrome in the Macron head, make mistakenly decision for Pashinyan and Aliev

 Even the world want to say how now we can see new war in Caucasus, we are not see same.

In the region do not exist nothing but the penetration of the French president, and his not so clear psychical health. In situation where he have worst situation in the country, where they must look up to sell some overseas territories, and where he try to find more money in some international institution for regular state dept services, he try to growing up French presents in too much region over planet to remove public view against worst situation int the country after WWII. 

We told about it, and say how he try to manage in Lebanon, over Croatia in biggest explosion in the port, after he did not successful penetration with French fleet against Syria and Russia. Now he try to make the peak with actions in the east Mediterranean, at side of Greece, and when he found how he have no chance against Turkish President, in the open straggle, he dislocate above 134 million Euro to Armenian Prime Minister and what they saw new Armenian Elite. Something same we had been saw in Libya  by French former president Sarcossy.

It was plan over plan, and the situation what we saw,was unclear in first moment. The escalation in the region was possible after frau Merkel did great mistake and give the alibi to him in case of Navalny,even we found that poise came like gift to the person in Navalny inner circle, who have clear order to bring the blogger dead.

Poison coming like label who was made in place near Paris. 

But even the frau Merkel had it, she decide to make great objection and give support to sick man, sick in the head.

The Macron has great fiction in the head how he can be something between Napoleon and De Gaulle.

But now we have to say how situation with so call war between Azerbaijan and Armenia, can be solve for the minute. And how it can be created in situation where is clear that price for it must coming to pay EU, specially France, which find after at clear interrupted actions at Belarus territory, over support to Litvania and Polan, over coordination with actions from Croatian Adriatic.

The fact is that crush of gas and oil transport system whose coming from the Azerbaijan and going in Georgians ports, and in Turkey,too, make Azerbaijan army impose to make big actions, and make great crisis, much worst, than it is now in Turkey.

On other way, we see how Armenian Prime minster Pashinyan must be removed from the post and than how so call new elite must be send in Paris, with ask to pay more than several billion dept to Russia and China.

We expect to Iran be involve in these actions, and how they have biggest role in it. With right to say that Azerbaijan was and is corner of Iranian history and political reality. Specially when we see how Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamnei  is Azer. And because, Iranian interest is to have clear background in some possible war dispute by Arabs. 

In this situation, Turkey have no chase to make any gains at the area. 

For Erdogan we have advice, to step out from this, because if he make lost in the current actions he risk to be removed by military and inner circle, not so far.

After all in the actions coming to play China, who has interest in this region to preserve quickest rout to the European markets by the train and to have  strong supply  with energy to back in the mainland.

American don't like anything where they see close step of  Iran. They have only plan to buy somebody, but after several Aliev's experience with them, we have no reason to believe how, few months before election, they had intention to make introduction in the situation. The next reason stay in good condition where they have gift against EU, where main state of  the block did new great mistake,and blowing up EU credibility, open large gape in the whole name EU demolition.  About we known more, after talks between frau Merkel and German political and economical elite,today.                    

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