Tuesday 8 September 2020

Belarus operation from the Adriatic sea

 After long investigation we found what was happen in the Belarus, and who was poised Navalnij. Now we found all part of the operation puzzle in whose EU try to find money for so call rebuild of Union's economy.

In October year before the EU Commission find how they have no money to stay stable in most part of common life. In this time, no one predict to be exposed COVID-19 and how it was made situation much worst. 
In April of this year EC made decide how would be necessarily to prevent social and economical protest moves. In this situation, they made plan how it be made in coordination with so call democratic move in the Belarus.

For this reason EU had decide to make new-normal tourist season, and make order to all member states whose have coast at the Mediterranean sea, to make everything to it be possible. In first, to stop accounted a illness from COVID-19, to be better picture for how they had the plan, to make better atmosphere and optimism for more people in the EU, possible from the west states, whose had biggest lost in the two quarter of this year. 

Situation in the Benelux, and big part of Germany, but not only in this country came in disaster. Situation with infected people in the Sweden and Switzerland stay not so clear in this moment, because they had different approach to pandemic situation, and after all everything was packed in the war game what start two years ago, when in the operation named "justified warrior", in Europe came to many equipment for new actions against East. 

In this equipment we found even some strange substance, what now know how COVID-19. A gelatin substance in yellow. The absolute military poise what was put in several EU towns, and near border with Russian Federation.

But, when something go wrong with operation in the field, and when in the non combat action many army lost several hundred officers and soldiers, and after start massive spreed over the continent, the operation commit to be abandon from NATO.

Situation in the EU start to be worst day by day, and after all started to be clear how, economy in this situation going to be worst than ever before. 

For reason to solve it and to made new-normal, EU came in the plan to tourist season 2020 take for  an umbrella  for operation in the east neighborhood.   

First they planed to open so call implementation camps in the several country at the Mediterranean and for it they decide to it would be Croatia, and Greece. This two country had same situation, where they desperately need the money and who had not so big infect rate. 

In Croatia, we found how in island Losinj was mounted Polish base, where they planed, and made exercise to be involve in the so call peace overthrow in Belarus. In logistic operation they have support of local military and civil secret services. And they made coordination with Ukraine's military, who have servicemen in the "tourist visit" to Croatia. 

In Greece we found how Lithuanians have post in the west coast. And how they have cooperation in the Romanian criminals.

These plans stay operative in late July, but something coming wrong after in Croatia, Polish part of the action, lost high commander.

After that, we found how in EU try to on the same scenario like they had in Ukraine in 2014, try to change regime in Minsk. How they prepared to change with buble action somewhere in the Middle East, and with some action in the Russian Federation.

On the other side, they had plan to open new front in the USA. Because they need self defense, in so call liberal point.

What we found in the plans, look like a book for James Bond move script. In the operation, plan said would be involve neutral Sweden in operation against military post of RF in the Kaliningrad, electronic suppression and coordination attack against military communication. 

In operation, do not be involve NATO. Because it had planed to be make in the low level hybrid war action. Whose lead Paris, and finish Croatia,Greece,Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, Sweden, Romania.

For action they prepared 56-58 million euros. They pay several million to prominent opposition person in the Belarus, and several hundred thousand for operation in Russian Federation.

All of this was planed, financed, involved to desperately needed to EU for reason what we published before.

EU have the war not against East, but against Senat. Some guy in the Brussels made decide to remove member of it. In this operation, they pay Polish criminal group, whose used in operation in Dombas region, Ukraine, for reason that they had big fear how we speak after all. 

In prediction, we try to said how the operation is over, and how we do everything to make Poland and others in ruins. First, Zlot, Polish currency must be destroy in not more than two mounts. Economy in Lithuania must be ruined for two to four weeks. 

No body have right to did something against us, and we have not reason to believe the Union, which now look like Third Reich, so much.

Revisionism, national supremacy, racism, established Fascism in many country at EU level. 

This is only the part what we know about so call democratic spreed against world, from EU in time where EU  came with laws who annulled elementary human rights, in so call new-normal COVID-19 democracy.                           

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