Saturday 11 April 2020

Who are the riders of hell who had came with disaster against humanity

The Armageddon was come in several mounts ago, and opened a gates of hell. From this gates in the World ride five horseman.
They had same sign on the front. All of them have a number in the front of head, and hand full with a poison.
They came with order from the down to make aggression against humanity, society and all religions of light. These five riders came in the Christian high point and with number,they try to buy loyalty from princes of Church.
On mind they have interest to overthrow Pope Francisco. Not only it. but to give him so dark dead to be illustration for other, with not matched parole how "God not exist", and how money and fortune is everything.
On the masks how they are real new heroes, who have good will to help and give for a  needed,poor people, they call everything what was built so many era long now is incompatible with new society where place have not more than billion people at whole Earth.
In the late autumn they put the idea at the path, and we can saw how Holly Father have some problems. We saw some problems into Vatican, and some persons who did things opposite from the Holly Bible and Gospel. Nothing was clear even several months later, but now, we are secure, how in side of some war games, behind  of it stay the plan whose five riders come to impose.
When they buy several Orthodox priests in Ukraine, to made some thing against Holly Order. In the plan to confront to biggest Christian Churches like they did and done in the Middle East between two major shrine of Islam. And how they buy Mody from India.
The final goal was Siberia and rear metals and crystals from there, for reason to going to make global net, whose would be control over person and states.
The five riders, made fabulous plan, with unprecedented support in money and army logistic. Everything have to be in the function for several weeks, but something was gone in the wind.
Something for them came at wrong trail when Holly Father make the clear message in the dark and empty St Peter square. Message to them, we know who are you, where you are, and what you want to do.
But God see everything, and everybody, with holly army in command.
Now stay only ask to everybody who down neck at this new rulers who are coming with sign of the beast, do they ready to make repent, and step again in the shine of Holly God?
The five riders have more problems from several big players in the World, who are not so happy that some outside of politic and religion try to overthrow them, and took in poses them states and money, in reopened Nazi ideology.
The war which they planed and now we have, still stay like global disaster, but after all, when humanity find enemies, the fight to end of them is clear.
First what is need is close to finance services, and close money laundering at the whole Planet. These markets must be down from the bonds who are denominated in USD.
Action against high price of oil and do everything to change energetic policy at the top. In action against aggression take same actions like it did several years ago with Syrian chemical weapons. Withdrawal of all non European army forces from the continent, all non legal army forces from the ME. After all the final judgment against all who make so terrible thing against all of us. We support idea to UN or some new international organisation stay like controller of global markets, to it not have cause against humanity, and than no body ever have power over several billion lives.                 

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