Friday 3 January 2020

After Sulemani murder, we have the Former President, and the predictable war

When we said how is not so smart to be in the conflict with thousand years old empire who had never be defeated in the history, we truly mean it!
In conflict with Iran, US have not chance to win, not because that US Army has not potential to do some long war. Reason in defeat of US Army and Navy stay in the reason that one shot in the general, did not made to prevent some acts from Iran, but in reason to prevent to US Senate make impeachment against actual US President.  Who give the advise to the President, he shot the President in the legs, and described self like moron in the uniform.
The person which make decision to give some advise to the President, must know how the shot in general Sulemani is a declaration of war against half billion person at the Planet. But not only to them. In ally connections  these people have more than next half billion. US at opposite have no more than several million soldiers spotted at several hundred places. And they haven't to much cohesion between. They are so vulnerable and open to be attack  in real time at the real place, with so many killed and wounded.
In example we coming with marks at the war in Iraq. There in one decade, US troops lost 30000 personnel, and in only two wars in the actions on the Syrian soil, they lost officially several hundred, but out of mark it was ten time more. Afghanistan was and is real problem for US troops. In an real war, these troops with ally have be in the trap. Between two enemies. In European country haven't exist will to support US new adventure. Only Poland and several east NATO ally, be side by side with US at the battlefield. But they have not power and motivation to stay longer than it be necessary, what mean several dead and wounded. More from that, have be very big risk for a governments. The losses from the Corps would coming to be same like it was in two years in Syria, but now for several day or weeks.
On the other fronts, any moves from Saudi Araby will be harsh push back.
The Fifth Fleet in this moment stay like clay pigeon in the front of Iran forces. Several thousand soldiers and contractors with family member in Saudi Arabia is in same position.
The not so clever person in the General Staff, after had briefed about situation at the field, from some in the Israel Arial Force, now have only way to push things in the same way. After this, the former President Donald, can be clear how he cannot stay at the place, and how is not so smart when he believe obscure persons.
Some inter action agenda planed how US cannot win, but can make to much destroys in Iran, what can cause domestic riot against the Iranian clerics. What have do much to demolition historical enemy.
In the agenda did not stay what would price for it, and who will pay it?!
In the agenda not so clever person put how is clear that US can count at NATO support!? But without where and how.
There nothing say what with an retaliation from opposite side, with an back front, and total deletion of Israel?!
The war have not be some quick push and back action, but so long and so expensive acts,what in only few minutes have blowing up all stock, and rocketing fuel price in the stratosphere.
Delusion in some head in two army headquarters now would cause some what the writers of  synopsis try to by pass.
We had message before about that, and now we say, against war we do nothing. US alone stay against famous empire and civilization. NO ONE HAVE will or power to stay alongside with them in this war. Sorry guys but great problem in the US Army and Navy stay in lack of education.       

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