Saturday 7 December 2019

When the Alliance coming to be the problem

NATO had anniversary several days ago, and try to make a picture how inside everything is OK. But in close ease, the men and women, and others whose stay in the place, have witness that more things stay out of control. 
Real things what must be solve in the Alliance had no place in the actions at conferences and around. Much time had been spent in a quarreling between US and rest of member states, but more between old member states with new member states. The reason stay in Russia.
New and several old member state, want to create something like sanitary corridor what exist in the early 20th century, and what some try to use like machine for pressure onto Kremlin. In reason to make some goals at the east. 
But problem stay in moment when two-third member states stay opposite at the idea, and predict how more presence in the regions near borders with Russia would have only way in raise of instability at the European soil.
In this fight, and pressure from the President to these member states coming up with more money in the NATO construction, these things which was the reason to some guys had founded the Alliance,slipped aside over hands. No meter when in the south east part of NATO exist several member states whose have not capability to protect open borders, but even they have not capability to created combat units for regular exercise. Several of them have not naff arms and munitions to equip all army forces, others have hardware, but they have not regular troops in the barracks. Other member state have personality who is openly against military present of this country in the Alliance. 
The Alliance in reality have frozen complicit at the border, with neutral Serbia, which have close ties with several word and regional powers, most of them out of NATO. In this complicit and wrong political decisions in the nearest past, NATO look like a open gate for people whose try to come in the European hurt. 
New member states which stay in the so call Balkan's migrant route, now have less military power than it had been in past, when some of them had regular state army, and over it some common army.Only army who grown up in the several decades is Romanian army, but even them, they had most problems, what stay in predict how they have war-for power for only several hours against neighbor Russian Federation. And several day with neighbor support, too. 
Others army forces, even neutral Serbian army force have constantly suffer in population decline, and what is more serious they have not economical  power to have effective, strong, mobile and professional army corps.
Bulgarian army force used not to protect someone but to create insecurity overboard in nearest neighborhood. Like it stay with Albanian and force, too. What we had saw in the last week earthquake near port Durech. 
Both of this army have strong support from the old member states, first from Germany and some part from the States, and second from Italy and Turkey, but not anymore, because Tirana support Erdogan's enemy.
In this situation, we had only reason to say how NATO anniversary was only show for mass to create PR about strong unity into Alliance, and nothing else. 
When we collect it and strong words from EPP congress in Zagreb last month, and add on it resolution from the EC,everything looks like miles out from the real goals what creators of NATO try to have 70th years ago in foundation act.
NATO like gate for the rest of planet, now look like, what we said in the pretext like open call to everybody who was in some period against democracy, equity and solidarity, and who was used to be battle meat in several so call colored revolutions to come and migrate in Europe, but not in the Union. 
For this reason, more than ten millions people at European roads and ports, NATO what we have see now is not solvent to fight other big mug, but even to prevent inter European security,too. Reason whose we presented. 
This make conclusion how NATO must coming with new security and defense agenda, whose coming with more clear answers about situation at new member states army forces, specially at the Balkan's route state, Spine, between Greece and Turkey, what to do with extremism mostly from far conservative establishment in the UK army.
In opposite, more spending and more hard words only for result have it that so call enemies stay unit and ready to put last brick on the Alliance had. And that it is not the same what Alliance's Assembles put at conclusion.  

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