Thursday 14 November 2019

EPP and migrants

After more than thirteen years from the Wall fall, we are in connection that some things at the Planet and specially at the Old lady stay much worst than in this time.
Even at the west and some so call new democracy, want to present how this moment is equitably with win in the Cold War, and how they now have some right, what they had never bring up in any real treaty, to do what they believe that they must to do, or what they have in the agenda to protect self national interest. Where this interests is so different against other national interests of other so call partner, that they look like such insufficient.

The Union whose they have now, we look like some worst organisation at the Planet. The place, where some democratic ideals lost credibility, and where democracy is removed from top priority places like it is EC and EU parliament. And where some other continental organisations stay  in collision with history, try to change historical data.

But in most of activity in the some part of European institution, we see an attempt to legislate some things from darkness part of European and world history. What is reason, it is so crystal clear  that no body in the world have nothing to say but word - revisionism.

This Nazi resurrection in the most part of EU coming with no more than clear  impotent policy of several crucial governments at the west, but even more with clear momentum in the east part of Europe, where Nazi movements have the public right to be promote in the air over public services and a private media, and where is no more freedom to be independent news editor or something else,somebody who are for Europe created in the post WWII treaties.
In this right wing rise over Europe, some have public abuse against European Muslims from south east part of Europe, to make some so call emergency point for European readiness against so call migrant crisis. These crisis is created not because some guys like to change places of live, but in reason that some did something what make a places where they lived, insecure and very poor.
An places where is not clear where start life and where dead is at the table.
This policy and so call crisis coming in the time where is clear known how agricultural production in the Europe, specially in the EU, with to much regulation and stipulation, directly create double problem. The both problems have direct connotation against regular popular migration at the Planet.

When EU stop to protect self agriculture economy, and going to have open borders for goods out from the Union, with prices whose would guaranty dissent and good life for more people out of EU, than we never have situation what we have now, when heavy supported agriculture industry support and push local policy in the so far right movements and parties. So strong that EU now is not EU twenty years ago.

EU today is some Frankenstein, something what was created from different parts, whose had came from much dead ideas and movement. It is not association with high idea of unit, equity and solidarity, with zero toleration against history agendas change and moves against democracy.

EU today is something what have not same mind, but only will, to be fortress against rest of the Planet. Idea what was created from  Nazi German and be implemented in the WWII, with final solution.
This solution in new version, but with same goals, now for result have that most part of France, GB, Hungary, Poland, Croatia, Greece, Turkey, and rest of South East isn't secure place. In South East Europe, EU try to create an zone to protect self from migration, even it mean crush of elementary human rights and Lisabon Treaty. 
EU nothing did to give more money at South East European states to solve crisis against non legal migration, and do not to much to explain in the public what is real common policy in the Union.

After all this Union is accumulation of 28 different interests and same number of selfish history revisionism against real treaty whose stay in the original  foundation of it.
This situation where Germany is so call economic engine, and France moral regulator, for situation what this dysfunctional organisation created from 2010 to now, with states what we named previous in the text, for EU fate exist like fuel over straw.
From this fall policy, only what EU have to produce is instability, war, and more non regular migration.
Inside of this Frankenstein, like "fifth column" stay more than 25% citizens who are on the bottom, or they live in the member states like it is Croatia or Poland, where revisionism and fascism growing in the parliament life,and like in the Latvia or Romania, Hungary,Croatia coming side by side with capillary corruption, and make intern EU migration, what make more parts of EU empty from the people and create economical, social and security imbalances. A same type of  migration what we have see at the EU borders and in the EU south member states. Where people leave the birthplace to escape poverty, insecurity, political crime, revisionism and growing far right nationalism, incorporate with nepotism, lack of business freedom and political arbitration in work places creation.

But in this moment and with this policy in EPP (European Popular Party), we only have to say, EU is ready to put in flame the Planet.  Because, most of parties who are in the power at the named states from the east and south est Europe coming from parties who are member party of this European association party.         

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