Thursday 26 September 2019

Impeachment with the key for devolution in the States

When the President in power came in the White House, most of the global public came with fear that it can be the most dangerous men at position,what mean the men with huge power at the Planet.
Now, we can see how he did to much to Planet stay where it is. And what he bring to the public?
Anti-globalism  or nationalism in the most hetero nation in the world? Maybe. But some of this things existed before than he start  Presidency. Only what he did? He clear that put it visible in the public life, especially in the local policy, which have more problem not with him, but with some other things.
Maybe this things stay in the former administration of President Obama, where some of President associates truly did more against democracy than local dictators which they came to overturn.
From several countries in the east Europe, to Africa, they did several actions for self promotion and their own benefit.
When it did actually President in the past, this was looked with strong passion. With strong words and lauds.
Now, when he try to find clear politic in the USA, same people coming to put him in the custody.
Reason, stay in the way that he want to prevent politic action who come with asks, what was reason to them to intervene in several countries? To restore democracy or to pick up money from a table? 
Local political opponents going to make impeachment against him, but what after?!
Can the world be safe from predators who are clear in actions against the others in the world, and who did not to much against so call friend and ally which do worst things against human rights and democracy in the so call western found democracies?
Can we expect new war at the ME against Iran, and what we have to expect in actions against so call enemies like it is China and Russia? The war, or proxy war?
What is with environment? Did they different than actually administration?
 The policy in the States is strongly exposed by money and it mean that after Kennedy era, most president who come after,  coming with strong problems, emotionally, financially, and health. 
If we looking at the Bush Junior, than we know how he had strong opposition in the Army and Corps, for plans of his ally to restore military power so long distance from the mainland. But he made several action in position where local economy stay at the bring of the sword.
President Clinton did most worst action in the USA history. From Balkan war,  the Afghanistan, to Russia, he not did what we expect, reason, we had it in the public.
Mr Hussein Obama, came at the power after stay clear how USA had not so strong connection with Muslim in the world, and that these wars what he inherited from predecessors, going to be stone on the neck of the local economy and whole country.
But first what he tell is that he planed to made a war against some big opponent in the world. After that he coming to be Nobel price owner.
In two therms he made some things, but in the second therms started to be clear how the crisis in the USA still strong, specially in inter racial relations, and inter religions relations. But stay some bone wound in the States, more than ten million immigrants, who live and work in the State more than several decades out of records. Mostly they live and work very poor, with salary which in many case basically came like big treat to the State's labor market.
Extremism grove to high, that it can be controlled only onto public media control.
It coming like big wind in the actually President win at the elections in the three years ago.
President Obama had more problem with hawks in the office, and several time he made personal decision which was against some of associates. He made big mistake when he give support to former State Secretary in act against Libya, what caused long, long war and after all,big immigrant crisis, whose in some case destroyed idea of European unity.
The crisis in the Syria was solved after he made brave decision to did not action against interest of some big players.
All these things now coming in President Trump vision. He must do everything to prevent next involve USA in the some long war, who can be the final for the State global game.
President Trump is not so sufficient and sometimes he make impulsive action in the public, but what we have see, he did not varnish on the trigger.
We are in the WWIII. It is not nuclear, but economic and social war, where he want to prevent USA fall. After standing how situation in the so call only power in the world have dark side. Economy who really exist in the protection and USD monopoly in world's transactions. When USD lost the power and exclusivity, than the all what he try to prevent, going to be reality from the Beirut 1970', but now at the american streets.

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