Tuesday 27 August 2019

The black hole named SE region of Europe, place where WWII is contentious

United States have very big problem in south east Europe where administration of President Clinton made big mess.
Not only with Kosovo, or in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but in Serbia and Croatia,too. The last have growing problems in the society, where grow and exist hard part of the fatal history, what mean that large part of population in both countries living in the period of WWII, and have excellent relation with movements who had power in the occupation time of WWII. In Serbia with Chetnics and National Movement from Dimitrie Ljotić, both of them in close relations with occupation  forces Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.
In Croatia existed warm sentiments on Ustasa movement and so call in war era founded NDH(Independent State Croatia), who was the last ally of Hitler in the war. But for more Croats in Croatia, but especially for them who live abroad, this period was shine period of national history. Time when Croats made independence and first state after middle ages and never in history act support legend about it.
These ideas has odious reaction in small part of liberal, left and centrist movement and independent intellectuals, but truly so small in the conservatives.
What we have to see today, stay in the word -revisionism.
In this revisionism work do not only one or two public person, but many of them who working in the state institution, church and public services.
In public communication, at TV, radio and a papers, people who have pro-Nazi sentiment and who publish the new history have much time. Now is normal that so call historians coming with thesis like Croatia, but even Serbia not liberated in WWII, but opposite they said how new regime did more crimes than previous quisling regimes in time of occupation and collaboration with Nazi and Fascist occupation force. And how is time to this while be part for new teach of the history, where young must known how "history really was". In this method they openly use defamation of antifascist movements and these members, talking about them what they been national traitors who did not fought to nation but for ideology, predominantly leftist and Yugoslavia.
The revisionism was hard present in the south east Europe from beginning of last decade 20th century. When started and grown decomposition of former Yugoslavia, and wars who burn everything normal in this region, it coming now like fuel who governments take it in the moment when situation into countries going to wrong. Like it we see today. Where economic and social situation pushed more than eighth million person to leave in the other part of the Union, and world, too.
The revisionism is promote hardly from the party of parliament majority. The former Hitler ally start to be heroes and the former heroes of liberation movement coming at the black list. In both state several hundred monuments and mourning places on victim of Nazism and collaborators   was destroyed, in towns and villages many streets has new names, named in favor the quisling from WWII.
Society in the south east region of Europe have narrative to blame sexual and national minorities, but even members of majority if they do not support this for every ridiculous problem whose make in the local government.
But when we looking at the situation specially in these armies or police forces, we have see how there live and work persons which have really far right view at the theme, and where they like it was in last incident in bought state, did seriously crime. The crime whose supported by local government, who do nothing to put them in the court or to sanctioned speech of hate.
Serbian government use the army forces to put north autonomous province Vojvodina in fear and corruption, and poverty. Like it made in Novi Sad several year ago, or now when in the province build places in the town for security and army force officers.
In Croatia, we have see mirror. There Croatian army pushed to be stationed in cities and towns where predominantly lived national minorities, like it is most towns near borders with neighbor countries. The idea isn't to build strategic capacity, but to change local national demographic situation.
Month ago in the exercise, in the Croatian region Lika, near town Udbina, US forces tried to collect forces from NATO ally in the region, and several non Alliance member states.
In controversy which start from the first minute of operation, started clear how these armies have not operational potential in the lethal operation,neither in a peace operation.
Start to be clear how more of the units haven't a soldiers who have at the paper. And how they have not naff knowledge about arms and munition, but not more about strategic,too.
After all, the operation was canceled and only several hundred mix special forces drove to the Budapest.
This soldiers, and policemen is mostly at the sick benefit where they work at the other jobs. In Serbia, killing people in private actions, and in Croatia, they have biting against civilians, in a private operations supported from local politicians.
Everything in the moment when several hundred migrants crossing south east migrant path. Some of them former fighters in Islamist movements.
These situation, with aggressive motions against progressive people and minorities, against media and independent investors and investment over EU found, looking for coordinate action five big member of UNSC and NATO, too. To stop insecurity, change policy in the region, and clear of mind many persons, but even it will be necessary clear the persons from the public and politic life who support this insecurity and destabilization to promote revisionism and nationalism. And is required of   these five to give more open support to movements and groups, but even the persons who step against it in the region, who is from region.
In opposite, with corrupt armies and police, but more with it in the policy and public life, with economic dependency from political voluntary, the both side RF and US, possible can be drawn into war.                                 

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