Sunday 20 December 2020

Interent, Covid and Jewish tragedy

The time what we have now is total immoral and dehumanization! In the top of story stay  these persons and organizations which have nothing with intellectual exercise and scientific work. In the moment we have to find how most worst things to the Planet coming from the same place, and how this place has so close relation with some former ideology of evil. 
What we have now is total thru, how current situation in the most part of human life now has predict in the close cooperation between some circles in the several countries at the Planet with Nazi scientist in the south of Latin America. It was and now is clear cooperation in creation of several viruses from the some part of Ebola to exist problem with Sars-2. 
The treaty for cooperation was created in 1965 in time after some of this story coming in the possession of Intelligence from a men with high ranching position in post war era, because he was successful in battles against Nazi-fascism and their compartment.
In 1959 he was informed how some part of the so call liberal capitalist have intensive activity in "hunting" against some scientist who was fled to the Latin America, and who have main role in some activity in time before WWII and in war war at several Nazi scientific organisation. Most of them worked and lived in the areas with brutal concentration camp system in east Europe in the WWII.
The main interest of them start to be find new form of human bean.Than they can make new super men  they believed, and how they can take more goals in fight against less valuable people, in Nazi terminology "untermancsh",too.
They find how it can be possible only in contraction between molecular science and anthropology. Where in the main mind grown idea how after victorious war for them, they can have more problem to control new era, when they have not supremacy in population number. The idea growing high-speedy after 1942, when started to been clear how war would ended. 
Year ago, the  Nazi regime start to collected the famous scientist not only from Germany, but even from the neutral states, to fight war after war. 
In this operations they used so much gold and goods from the concentration lager victim. These worth  transported and cleaned over neutral states, not only in Europe, but even in the US.
In information collected by the intelligence significantly stay how in Nazi special actions at the US soil, they found and stolen hundred of documents and several key scientist, some of them executed after they had not interest to be involve at new program.
But one of the main projects in the Nazi science had been virology. They find how it can be much worst arms then nukes. And how they can create place for self after war in precise attacks against enemies. 
In motion to spread quickly diseases between former ally, on minding  to create more tragedy and more conflicts between them.
From Colombia in north, to Patagonia in south Nazi scientific program formed more than twelfth towns and regions, close for the outside world.  There they have total impunity and autonomy to did what they want. No body have knowledge that they exist and no body can come inside. 
Everything started to changed after meeting in the Camp David 1962. Year before some assassinated US President, and created the biggest conspiracy in the new world history.
Several years after,1965, these town and regions across Latin America dismissed and finally we had to saw how in the Latin America coming new era in science. They came in possess of new institutes and new faculties.
This institution started to produce some things what never had been explained, like now with role in the pandemic spread from HIV to Sars-2. In time before 1990 this institutions have base in the states where had been sponsored military coups, like it was Argentina, or Brasil. Where persons whose missed in the regime actions against leftist activist, used in experiments.
After drop down of USSR and east socialist countries, the organisation take in the ranks hundred scientist who fled from the chaos and anarchy. 
In new situation, where they have no more position what they have in so call Cold War, these organisation made comeback at the basic position and after 1993 they started to produce more independent project. 
First of it, was invest in the new born industry, IT industry. Where they took methods what they had in the past to form what they have in the plan.
For this reason they use connections in the intelligence, to be backed by free and strong hand in not so clear actions, from the Russian Federation to California.
Many Nazi organisation have more money than it had in Jews and they have interest to squeeze arch enemy from the market power.
After all they have internet what they found in some old cultures, whose they investigate several decades around WWII. Only what they try to did was to find so call smart guys who would be presenters of this ideas. 
In creation of new order they have acts, like they are in defensive, controlled from some state secret institution, but in reality, they use human intention to be corrupt, with every possibility of money and blackmail. After all in new decades they come in the position to create world on the own picture.
What is so sad in the story, was things how most prominent guards of this things coming from UK, and how money had not laundry in Luxembourg or Panama, but so democratic and neutral Sweden. Where the new Nazi order has the main headquarter. 
From these places they start to change EU policy and nativity, bring at these high posts in the Union mostly not so well known persons, where all of them have some black spot in the CV. What is nice to control someone. 
To 1994, they have hard influence at the White House, and US elections, where they always tried to have a President who have no spine, and who have readiness to burn war at some place at the Planet.
In China they try to make some goals at the same waves, even several months ago, but without more success. What they try to change with more aggressive action from the US and some international Islamic military group.
And here we are stop. Intention with the story is to present full tragedy of Jews, who started to been arms in arch enemy's hand, over so call Jews richest families and owner of billions in wort. 
Now billions people at the Planet believe how some Jewish circles have fingers in the COVID, and how they have power to do something, but even the accused players haven't knowledge, how they are only dolls in the hands of black dark and Nazism.          


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