Monday, 25 December 2017

Netaniahu and fundamentalist priests

If you have the Prime Minister who have serious accusations against himself onto bribery and an corruption than you have big problem for state existence.
It now living State of Israel. In one hand they have support from the fail man, and on other they have the town in poses.
But, when you coming in the battle against whole world, than you have nothing. No town. nor support from.
Only what stay between Israel exist and vanish from the map is only a word from Moscow.
They have interest in the Holly land, the only few hundred thousand Russian speech Jews coming from territory of all around former Soviet Union.
And one more reason, not so less than first. They have divide role with, like historical defender of christian fate, and the Holly places in the land.
In this shadow stay umbrella whom can take more changes in the several weeks, or months whose coming to create new picture in Tel Aviv. Specially  after Pope early on the Christmas,had speech Urbi et Orbi, where he was clear. No one has right to poses the Town, and no one who support Israeli Prime Minister has not right, and make crime.
Situation is same, like it had been several years ago, when in Gaza strip, several IDF units stay against main forces and start to defend local population, against this who had idea to use army reserve in war crime, to solve self presence at the power.
Same things we have see now. But like it had been than, now we have look at rise hate against common Jews population in the world, even many of them stay oppose vulgar idea of one men.
Israel find - how is it have, and how is haven't it.
Not so far in Lebanon they was lost several planes, one of them was last in the fleet, and they have no supremacy in the air, and the sea. Now stay only a Homeland front, what mean street war.
US never have intention to intervene in the Holly Land, now less than yesterday, because they will be have many non visible armies from this planet against. More, they have never come in place to be policemen at the street of Israel.
Maybe some of so call real christian, and fundamentalist, who had made support to Clinton, now see a new opportunity to squeeze the fall man and make gain in the new war.
About that Pope said yesterday. Some things say other religious lieder in the world now. After that the world have no same. Neither dollar.

Thursday, 21 December 2017

The President statement against everybody overheat the market

The end of each year coming with big attachment at the market. The stock market came with huge soar of the actions and money have a lots at the table.
Investors come to made more trade at open market, buy and sell old and new economic derivative product. 
This year has not some possible differences than it was years before, but in this year, specially at the end of year, we are witness how market start to be so hot.
Nothing at these markets have real momentum, or in money, what you put at the table to pay a paper. More in price come from some unsure in political situation at the States.
It stay in position after new US doctrine whose involve the President and Administration.
These measure is coming from same group who was oppose too much, to been elect actual President.
It stay at path in which intervention coming like a prevent action against domestic problems, who are huge, and stay in great economical and social differences between racial and social groups at the States.
Even we had saw at the war budget whose came from Administration, that more money does not be spend to equipment, but more in bribery to local so call ally at the more than seventy states around the World.
US Army, Marine Corp, and Navy have only thirty percent in the budget, and than it mean same money what have other big players at the Planet.
In cyber war the State have big problem. This problem stay in the software. US has not it several year ago.
Reason for it has origin in sad situation on high schools and faculty all over the US.
No body have interest to come for live and work for at the local market, because that the group start to squeeze President to make some hard point against so call new/old enemies. Like in the pass days, more and more prosecuted actions against an "hackers" around the World.
But it is only one dimension of market overheat.
Other dimension stay in the work force market, where main gains not stay in the permanent job places, but more and more part time and only one time job, what have real action at the mortgage's market.
Productions still is not at the coverage path, and the President has not right to say how he did something , because only tax reform is not naff. The reform coming like placebo on the serious ill economy. Where to much people have support from local or federal instance. And where middle class is vanish.
More and more north towns and community stay at brink of social disturb, and more people live in insecurity, out of social moves and possibility to come in a bank for money.
War rhetoric in the "National acting plan", is only way to remove clear view at the inside economical and social problems at the States.
Social security and health security now is out of common people, and more of them have no reason to believe the President, that he is appropriate to lead the States.
He came at the integration wave against intervention, and now he is only a puppet in the "friendly" hands. Or, investors have no reason to believe how he and his administration stay at the same way like they had in the beginning.
For this reason they start to sell over hull of promises and it made indicators at New York stock market, too high.
The money from this sales, they invest in Bitcoin and gold, what have reason to rocketing the price of it.
War rhetoric, and not so clear ideas at the economy path push investors to find secure ports for self money.
On the other way,it push the so call enemies to clean invest at the market and try to made more independent structure than it was several year ago. 
If China and Russia come to sell US dept than it can start to be the end not of the President, but even the States. Both of them can sell the bonds for nothing, what could push the dollar at the garbage. And ......   


Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Mladic verdict

What is with the World, when ordinary criminals made glorification on general Mladic verdict.
The same criminals who did everything to give him the time in run from a justice. Because they had believe how he never come to say what he know about many of politicians, and soldiers. These  person which had been involved in many crimes on the Balkan at the wars in nineties of 20th century.

Yes, we have no right to say something in favor to general,but we have proof how he did nothing out of support from some parts of the West. 
He has open arms to make everything what is necessary to "remove Islam treat from the middle of Europe".

Or, he have no bans to make what he done, but when he refused to did extremely move against Muslim Bosniac, what was happen in Srebrenica, and than, there a lot  dirty money made what the treat against general did not.

On the second part. The ordinary Serbian criminal, and prominent right wing politician Seselj, was released from same court not because he never have a naff accusation with the lot of witness in the court, but he, now we are secure how he had lived  ICTY, because he did everything in the programmed scenario  made at some high level in the World.

Now, we have knowledge how the Court stay in favor from more years ago how they have only role to prosecute some not so helpful person from ex-Yugoslavia. And how they persons come from the some Brussels room.

Maybe the women from Srebrenica have right to celebrate but, after all they are only weapon into some interest hands, whose did to much against real justice.

This persons have the name, and history is at the way to naming them, in project whose they try to made against humanity at the soil of former Yugoslavia.

The pressure  against the  prosecutors, and against several judges, have point to be secure that close any link with them. Some of the actors have fear that they would be at the Islamist dead lists if they step up into public and that it should make a street uprising into several European countries.

No body have right to say how isn't true that several thousand people had been killed at the east of Bosnia. But is it possible to hit so many people without that it had nobody saw it in real time?
What was with SAS who had groups on the ground, and UN observers? 
Why they have not named general in the actions? Why the general was accused several years after he refused to had have Bosnian Serb President? 

ICTY did nothing to make justice and conciliation at the ground, but opposite. These future wars have more place to coming. In same scenario, to prevent accusations and a verdicts against US generals...

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Dismantlement EU

In several week we have to see how situation at the field in Europe was gone to wrong side of true.
After speech made by President of EU Commission, everything was changed and now everybody have possibility to see, what is wrong in the Union.

The Union Commission do nothing to preserve policies in the member states, where is growing populism, open fascism, the radical movement going in the streets to chant slogans from the European past. The same slogans who chanted fascists in 20-th century.

Nothing the Commission do and did to prevent it, but even they do nothing to come with realistic economy predictions when they looking at the nearest European future.

Economy can not exist without society and nothing can be make out of community, where a person is free and where nobody have courage to push down free speech.
But even EU have not right to make moves like make it now.
Is incredibly when commission support NATO in some not to much smart move on the east?
EU now look like a UK eighteen years ago, in Chamberlain era, when he and circle around him, do everything to "clean a road to Hitler and Nazi Germany for war against red devil".

Now, "red devil" at east does not exist, but exist same state, like it had been in this era.
Proxi war against Russia gone wrong. The regime was not slash down with street help, and with the prom EU supported "right groups, and persons".
In other way, Russian government do everything different than it was plan in the EU, and now still stay in the charge. Much stronger than ever before, with economy whose stay stable, much less depend from oil price and oil produce.

The crisis in the Ukraine has not solve. Ukrainian regime did not so stable, not going in positives way ,but did everything to make alternative history.
EU did nothing to make step up against political motivated and state sponsored kills,happened in several state member in the year.
Nothing say against human right breaks against minorities and Ukraine's citizen who are not in the ruling political mind.

Because Brussels did catastrophic mistakes, the Union is beaten and lost not so influence, but more integrity, in half of EU, at active politic coming far right groups, secession is at the way in many countries, and one third of member states is in the foul against person and collective right,but against international treat who they signed,too.

In economy, nothing coming to be better than it had several months ago. Opposite of it, each economically indicator stay near zero in reality.
The BDP now has different way to be present in the public, than it has seven years ago.
In facts who EU commission have to present a public, now we see some indicators who had never in the past stay at the lists.
When you crime, prostitution, smuggling, money laundering give like same economic activities what is productions, legal shops and other legal things. And on in it coming with the indication about war machine sell, specially in the ME, them you openly talk how you have system in crisis, and how you have not a idea how to fix it.

Now, you have situation where EU work in the different way, for each country and group of them.
For this reason even Catholic church rise the voice, against war, who is in the path, and who made some groups and persons in EU Commission and Parliament, like it had been several years in pre-WWII era.
 War like economical instrument never give up prosperity,nor give more fortunes to winner,and neither make the defeated side so weak to be slave.
In era where is clear how so call democratic groups and parties from EU supported with money and arms even notorious IS, and when we have real evidence of it at Syrian fields. Where was opened book in whose written each country involved in support actions to IS, and how it done, for some reason NATO comes with demand for EU to make so call hard way open for war actions.

War in Syria is lost. Even war for Ukraine,and war against Russia will be final nail in EU idea's coffin.

EU from twenty years ago and now, has any simplicity and equality.
From idea of liberty, prosperity and equality, now we have EU where revisionist ride in the streets, and where money is in the top of Union interest. People, haven't feel that they live in conglomerate of free persons, and nations. The bureaucracy, and not well made law policy, make many persons angry and unhappy.
It make growing polarity at the societies and do each move in prosperity at anxiety,hate and street battle.
The so call migrant crisis, have little or nothing with it.
These Crisis only made acceleration in high speed and clear how crisis is so deep in EU.
Russia have right to do nothing to help EU, not with aggressive military move, nor with ease the sanctions against EU's goods, neither to call in negotiation for any dispute whose stay in the relations.
US on the side, have problem not in Russia, but in EU, which try to blow up, and make economic field for american's goods.
Between two, EU have not future, not like it look now.           

Thursday, 14 September 2017

How Junker speech cleared vision of EU self destructi

The Commission President speech yesterday, has only one path.
It is not more than plan of euthanasia of one common idea.
The Union was created to make post colonial era in Europe more comfortable and to take changes in the economy at the continent, from heavy duty industry to new integral industry of new born technology.
This idea and plan have political cover by the democratic rule and democracy like universal power in social structures of all member countries.
Now, after Brexit and after collision with  neighborhood's interests, and after many years in rise of neocolonialism, specially in the former colonial power, but even after German revenge in economy surplus. The Unions is not stabilize structure. EU now have not power or cohesion to put right questions on the table about many issue. Stay out of credibility to try changes from others, when in the Union exist member states where is human rights slash down, and where local elite play some strange songs from 70-th years old melody.
In the melody we have to see totalitarian system whom has problem with differences, political, ethnic, sexual, but even with invalids and  single parents, too.
The regulation of working rule going to be worst than it had been half century ago.

So call European liberal-social model of work force market is only new name for same relation what had been abandoned centuries ago.
No security in pension system, health system, to much privacy in common social things, do everything that many people have only one way to deliberate self and families, at the clashes in the street or what we have to see,too, they come to be members of so call Populist parties and movements all across Europe, but even in several non member country like Ukraine.

In pooch who was sponsored and created in some rooms in Brussels, EU was lost credibility and European idea goes to be wash away from the history arena. In Ukraine, the Union was not support rule of law, there have not exist law, and in wrong time the Commission and Junker made disaster decisions.
Ukraine now is fail state, with huge rise of far right movement, and openly Nazi feelings.
There is at the place the revisionism.
The only way where EU stay unite,is in hate against Russian Federation. And in growing wish to be first at the Russian natural reserves, like a owner and boss.
It is neocolonialism in Junker speech, what he did not said, but what many at the East of Union looking with simplicity.

EU has not two plank wings. EU has not lungs!
Yesterday speech only make clear how between modern western democracy and reality at the field stay whole in whose going everything and everybody which feel abandon from institution in member states and EU.
If we look at Poland and Hungary than we have see how is rocketing poverty and extremism,created the state's stability. And how situation in Baltic states stay much worst than it Commission's President want to tell in yesterday speech.
East, but not only, have problem in economy. The local economy is based at the Union support, and low rule of law.
In confrontation with it, the local population fill passports and leave a countries. Than it make situation much worst.
Criminal and contraband in three Baltic states have more than twenty percent income in local BDP.
The problem is so huge that even Russian Federation and Belarus try to find solution for it, specially in contact with this countries and these governments. But for reason whose is common known, the Baltic states government do nothing to prevent it, and talk with other two parties about stop of it.

After all, we have say to many about the speech, and EU in this moment. But there we are stopping and give to you, to make self opinion.
Our opinion is, that this EU structure, with this two different pole, where the west has no reason to believe east. And where east of EU have close relations with growing influence to Washington, doing everything to shine idea of European unity going to be washed from history.                   

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

With the sanctions Trump make help to Russian economic and social reform

The new sanctions against Russian Federation is so good information for the Russian officials and economy. This is the night mere for EU and most normal politicians and economical analysts at the West.
After several years of sanctions and more than ever power push on the border against the "bear", nothing was changes at the field.
Russian Federation has no going in destabilization and economic disaster, and the west partners haven't much what they had before they start to push the "bear".
Now, the situation is much worst for the west partners than it was several months ago. Crisis with Brexit, but even crisis inter EU relations mounted in days not in months or years. Economic starvation have new name, change economic statistic graphics model each several months.
What is crisis at the economy at the West bigger and bigger, than it was dramatically open to be see how European statistical bureau produce so much better lies.
No more correction exist in social policy in the EU. The policy at work employee and work force status coming to be tragically story, where everything is the best, but more and more people leave the "shine side of society" and start to live in shadow of bureaucratic order to be no number at the work market list, and to be replace by low paid workforce from abroad.
The structural laws in the EU going to be blowing up, and be change with more and more insecurity against what EU was or had been.
In this situation we have to see how the Union has divide on the three part.
First part is at the north,second on the west and south west, and third group is US led group of east, most post soviet countries who have loud in these heads, how them mission stay in confrontation against the east. And how they are so call border guards of conservative EU.
In global view, we have see how second and third group in some things have same goals.
On opposite, the first group of the Union's countries have different interest, in total, against interest of especially third group.
This group is strong supporter of US policy in the world, even it mean more and more gaps in economy and  social structures in these countries.
In three years of economic confrontation against Russian Federation, global dept in EU economy growing at the several hundred billions euros. Millions of jobs was lost, and several industries was gone. Mostly in agriculture, shipment, energy, finance, metal industry.
On the opposite side in Russian Federation same industries started to grove in huge percentage by each year of the sanctions.
Situation  with economy in Canada and the Sates is much worst then they want to say.
Problem with paper industry, meet industry, but even with banking, hit them in so bad manure. In Canada some of Provinces stay out of economic survival. Where social state is at the brink of sword to lost a battle for the people. Something what we had saw at American soil.
In US, the gap between poor and rich is highest in the history, not even between common people, but between counties, federal states, too.
The old fashion economy strategy, mounted at the energy, now much more in gas, and more income from arms, do nothing to have change against situation where employee have only eight to eleven US dollars per hour at job, and where only twenty percent of  US citizens have continuous work place.
The official statistic like it has in EU, try to pictured situation more rouge, than it has real.
When you look in the "book", then you have some interest commercial and social tips.
The new sanctions will be calling from the Russians like unjustifiable, but deeply in economic strategy of them it has glorious place. It giving more power to state policy to more money to going in infrastructures and to be put at the tables for micro and medium industry, what mean more economic deliberation, and less state influence at economy over big stake in the mega companies.
More money will going to be put into wood fabrications and paper industry modernization, with more cooperation with new friends.
In money, it means not only 1,5 percent BDP growing per year, but double. In perspective to new post sanction economy start to going to be less depend from gas and oil prices.
Some of it we have see now. In agriculture. Where export of cereal going to historical top.
Changed historical Russia depend of food import. For more export at all level, they must have much better economic propaganda and design. 

Sunday, 16 July 2017

Abnormal policy at European east and south east

This time in world history looking like it revive of the irritant and defeat ideology of  twenty century. But it has specific ideology who was stay against humanism and all in world. Against civilization  values.
Now, some in the world marching at the same path, in trying to clean memories on them relatives who had been involved at movements what made destroy more of six millions  Jews, several million of Soviet war prisoners, but even more other people from the European soil.
This persons who try to do it, now is in active politic on the more positions in EU, but not only at it.
In history version what they have, what real is revision of all what was made in WWII, and after it.
Do not possible to say how they have no knowledge at all of it. Because, it was impossible in century where everything is at net.
They have intention to coming be new ruler of the Europe where they have see no one different then they are.
Racism in the west, have counterpart dimension at the est of continent.
Nationalism whose coming from the mix politic elite, where cohabitation  make old communist structures and successors of Nazi and fascist  movements.
Some of this persons was SS unit member, and now they like it has in the Baltic state,march to evoke the memories at the time in history when they in Nazi uniform made help to had been made horrible crime in the human history.
On this side step up NATO?! To protect not EU, and freedom or democracy, but now is clear to protect them!? To use them in confrontation at the East?? And on this way make amnesty for the east European politician elite, what they haven't goals to build up decant life for common citizens.
Situation is so worse, when Secretary of Defense said how is "miracle victory" what was made Croatian army against Croatian citizens  before twenty  years, in war action what was in summary give the same results what Nazi did in WWII. ethnic cleansing and depopulation from more than fourth part of the country. And what made situation in neighbor Bosnia and Herzegovina terrible incorrect to today.
 Mostly in this time the youngest member state of NATO cleans from the state territory seven hundred thousand people, different ethnicity. And help with it Serbian side to do same in parts where live Croats, but whose stay out of Croatian and Bosnian army control.
If it is a "miracle victory, whose study at the State military college and academy"-he said,we believe how he with it, made tragic mistake in policy. He did killed EU attempt to promote self interest at south east of Europe.
On other way he put in mouth to many the questions, if is US had part in actions "Storm"? What part of support stay on the way, and is it reason because Court for Former Yugoslavia in Haag did nothing to find an criminals who destroyed twenty thousand buildings, killed few hundred mainly elderly people. Some of them so long after action had been finished!
It is so sad for policy who do nothing to protect a real victims, and give loud praise to person who was involve in it. But this person is Croatian minister of defense. So sad.
At the opposite, real situation with the war victims all over at the territory of former Yugoslavia,is worst than ever before. And for it new vice Secretary for war crimes, do nothing to make pressure against local authorities to change it.
Nationalism is growing, the aggression against minorities is much higher, even more in Slovenia and Croatia, because they see like it hasn't be possible to EU Commission to coming at monitoring, what is real but not too much possible for states whose stay out from the Union. And wait to be calling in membership.
Populism is in these Parliaments and even non government bodies from state monitoring  bodies haven't independence to make a job. The NGO sector mostly stay in opposition and repression from a different courts and quasi state organisations, specially from the far right.
Apartheid is official way to rule in area of former Yugoslavia states. So call involution at political system in many of this states is fake. Involve is only local minority politician elite, than common people have nothing from it.
What can be happen is clear when you see in Autonomy Province Vojvodina,  part of Serbia, where government from Belgrade do everything to destroy semi independence of this historically Autonomy Province, which autonomy  started two centuries ago. And where Serbian government selling and use the province propriety and natural fortunes to pay self needs. What caused that Vojvodina population decline rapidly,from all ethnicity.                                  

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Social crisis and FBI chef testimony

The testimony of former FBI director at the Senate comity today, have not serious importance.
In testimony we have not find something real, what he can say for Mr. President. It is only personal opinion about some serious things what was planed and what did not happened. We are not in post global war era, what we had expected than in a moment at the election winner started to been a former State Secretary Hilary Clinton.
A project, where we are in fool domination over  the World, and where no one exist to oppose us,US, was abandon after clear victory of actually President. And clear message how is US the first.
It was answer at most traumatic problem in nearest past. What is real potential goal for US domestic and specially international policy?
With growing spend at the arms and a less incoming investment at the market, problem grow in the States in an directions where devolution of Union would be start very soon.
On problems in Puerto Rico, to problems at the Pacific coast, former US administration did not something to solve it and make changes in growing public debt, what explode in bankruptcy of Puerto Rico, and same way at some states at west of the States.
The current testimony is not something new. This is one of more attempts of one small group to size US liberty for selfish goals, where a public needs coming to be start a weapon for a domination.
The democracy was in danger with this tendentious, and when they have found how democracy can be tough, and how the people can be stubborn, they start the run to make everything how to dismiss actual President. In this motion they don't stay against him with honest  and true but with hate and lie.
They are not strange to use some guys like it is former director of the Biro. to create big stories in the MSM, like change the President quickly and hardly. The brutal torture of democracy we saw in so call "Arab Spring", what cause several million exculpates, more refugees, several Arab state demolished, a and prominent anti Islamic leader killed.
For what reason and which goals?
Today when war against terror and totalitarianism created and embodied in IS stay at right path. a some of mess maker growing tensions at Capital Hill, to stop what must going to happen.
The testimony have not intention to clear situation at the election day, but to growing tension against some so call enemy. Why?
The World is clear in mind! Everybody known about that. And this is so sad form from some senators to clear self involvement in the ME mess.
For all who love and want to protect US democracy from corruption and miss leading from the hawk in the domestic policy, time start to clear say how situation in the State, really is.
And why most places look like a abandon places. Where the local police have no authority and where local population living at the government bonds.
To make shadow at it, nice is to tell how we are in the problem, and that it problem is the President, who is "incompetent, lunatic guy", and on other way evil Mr Putin with Russian hacker, who melt the federal voting system,too.
Aside of this is mention to US military power be use.
No problem, what would be happen after that. It is the State tragedy.                

Monday, 1 May 2017

The Presidential race in France without real answers at these problems

After all, what we had to saw after first round of french election? Is it same like we had saw in the near past, in election fight between Sarcosy and Oland? Have it some directions with situation from two decades before?
In which direction would going to go situation after second turn? Does any prediction is reason to say how some candidate is bad to be elect to the post of chief in the Champ-Elise avenue?
In same condition like it had been in Wiemar Republic, modern fifth republic stay at the brink of sword. On the route to a future we have see only clouds, and nothing make us courage to say some positive about two candidate in the presidential race in French elections.
So call winner of the first turn has not charisma to be "Deus et mcshina" prepared to join France in the shine future. Of course he was made some economical move in current French government, but on the other way his reforms do not to much for common French people to see and live better then it was previous.
Neo-liberal economic policy has no chance in fool state economy  build business, French economy.
No one have real intention to say how it will change anything in the work market,or in agriculture, where is main problem in deep on agriculture depend economy like France have, is.
Mr. Macron, the sentence here is about him, cannot say nothing new, what most of France did not saw and hear. A relation against Berlin and the Union stay in the main corner of a future presidential gain.
The people wants something new. And Mr Macron must has answer:what is it? Has it he, and the adviser of him,too?
We mean that it is not possible to say. He and specially the adviser rolling in the panic. The messages what came from them stay in dubious most voters.
What is real presidential candidate Macron? Liberal and neo-liberal capitalist apologetic leader or somebody who has not to say to much, but to be there because some from aside want it!?
On other way, next candidate is female and in most theme, right wing populist, whose has not to much support from aside. But she is something what regular press call in rare name for popular politician women.
Is it correct to going to claim this candidate with the such bizarre and such roughly names and comparison. She is woman, and from liberal press is expect to speak about her in the glows.
Yes, she came from the far right, but she is not less illegitimate, for it. But deeply opposite. The Mrs. Lepen coming in the political ring on the negative waves from the social structure, and liberal fails to made some gains in the economy. Where the political and elite structure stay over and look at France like on the other planet, out of touch with reality.
And when she stay in the public and chant it to plebs, most so call positive public stay to be nervous.
At her public proclamation we have to see more and more people, different social class and groups. She has talk about problems, but even she talk and make message about it, she has not knowledge how is possible to solve it!?
The yelling at the public over a meetings in the campaign in different theme it is not reason to say how she has some plane to do something after election victory. If plan stay only in relations against relations in foreigner policy it is so bad.
If she mean that is all problem going to be solve, in changes of immigration rules, she make a dance with the devil.
Even she has some deep in the advice of her's advisers, it must be publish immediately. Economy is not only few problems, but structural problem, where one era of capitalism must be moved out, and other must coming to solve deepest crisis in the French history. It mean that she cannot be family with rhetoric and political past.
For both the place of French President is hard work place, whose calling to be success at the general De Gaulle path of independent policy and inside social sensibility, where no place for big differences at the work place, nor to public, neither in racial theme.
For both of them, they must learn so hard the history of colonialism, what is the real key for French reconstruction. They must have to build new policy against former colonies and third world.
In relations against ally, they must say in public how is real situation at the Union east, and what is necessary to be change if the Union have real chance to has future. The critics against the Union, is not automatically heresy. If we have look at EU like democratic body, them no one critic isn't prohibited.
Opposite, we have devolution of the splendid idea. Idea whose know generating the war against several big partners at the Planet, and pushing EU in the lager, besieged by angry population and destroyed states from Libya to Syria.
The mounting arms and fences, what know is predominate in the presidential candidates speeches is only path in the fascism, like it had been in Wiemar Republic.                                         

Friday, 7 April 2017

Mr Trump on the button of Armageddon

If you want to be a President of US, you must be a person with character, which has true story in decision. You must be independent person whose have not be involved in the mystical cult or to have some reason to be control of so call power in establish sphere of politic elite.
When some media come with story about fraud in the World, and when they push all to do so call good things against it, without neutral investigation, it is very possible that they do to it to move some selfish goals in the prime move.
If we going to look at story about so call act against civilians with chemical weapon in Syria, we are in proof how it was made with power out of the field. And we have see how it was prepared for weeks before, to move some things what was happened in the D.C.
There we have some acts like it has be internal war, between Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton clan, where they do everything to suppose other side in an battle.
The civil war in the States coming in the new, high phase, where we saw how elected President, hasn't power to move self political program in the both side, on the Capitol Hill and Administration.
In this acts, stay reason for so call unexpected move in Syria.
Each time when something goes wrong in the States, we going to see a such war at the Planet.
Now is clear how situation with presidential promises in the former campaign stay only way to so call establishment remove clear public opinion and wishes to changes in the society.
With action in the trouble zone, Mr. Trump with expulsion of some close alias from White House, make clear how he has not independent, strong and in US meters involve President. But what said President Eisenhower, one more toy at establish remote control.
The toy who has no responsibility and because that he done some worst action cleared on the bad decisions and worst advice from irresponsibility advisers. Who are doing it only to move out any possible touch at the field for US interests, and make clear how they have "finger in the pocket" in war against terror.
Only in reason what we told, to prevent a open civil war at the States. An because that, they make actions whose going to be the button for Armageddon.
After that US have only reason to start to file economic rush, and real possibility to be wash up from markets, specially dollar and energy market.
The clear demarcation line in interest sphere of Middle East between two side stand to be more active front where we have expect to see strong push against several oil producer in the Gulf, the so call US ally, and on other way we expect demolition of Israel.
After act from today, the Pentagon stay at the wrong side, and did biggest damage in US national interests.           

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Nazi in the democratic suit

Today's situation with democracy is same like it had been in first half of 20th century, when post WWI war crisis grown and accumulated a state pressure against free peach and news reporting.
Than had been a most fascist and Nazi movement,whose did everything to blockaded and destroyed every different mean and voice, with states laws against fake propaganda and news.
On this way they did to much to destroyed democracy by democracy with democratic rule procedure in an parliaments. The far right movements in the 20th century went to move self promotion and grow in a power with fake info that national security is in danger, and must be fixed by more state pressure against free media, specially against international news agencies and newspapers.
In so call fight to restore a national values they did pressure against private owner of local main stream media, or simply they have self proclamation whose media is patriotic and whose are treacherous.
After listed so call good and evil media, on the list had been came a not patriotic reporters and after that came a list by names of traitors, mostly free mind people, who had strip down from public life, and after all a state power push them out of a country. This who had not been enable to leaved a country in finale was determined in an concentration camps.
The point of all stay in a crisis in a country, which this movement haven't idea to solved, but for reason that they came in the political arena on the wings of desperate need from a local elite to stay intact against grow social move against them.
For finish part of all rise of this mostly far right movements in 20th century a elites try to predominantly present a situation at a state much better than it had been. And to all worst in an country they tried to find enemies mostly abroad.
The democracy like Great Britain and France have nothing to do against it, because they did like it do now everything to push war for  goods at the east. Predominantly at China and than at Russian soil.
For this reason the fascism and Nazism in modern Europe, but much more in the States is involve in so call liberal values of predominate political castes, where no more member of then have a skills to be a statesman or stateswoman.
Like the predecessors in the first half of 20th century they only look at the so call political top point and what came from it. They haven't self mind and ideology, but only schedule what they have right to say against what they hear voice from the point.
But, today we have not open treat from Nazi, because the most power Nazi figure stay in the top of policy at most part of the so call democratic world, and do everything to restoring the World like it was formed in WWII and before.
These do everything to by cover in the democratic phraseology promote a war, and supremacy against other and different in the World. Even they, like it did Britain and France in first half of 20th century but even the part of US, coming in close contact and support these movements which have same ideology what had Hitler and Mussolini in the near past. For them is nothing to support terrorism sponsored from radical groups at the Planet, but this groups must doing what they expect that is good for them.
The clandestine crisis and growing nationalism in the EU, for this persons in the Europe and States, who see self like politic strong people, has not problem. Problem is in point that they have the greed like it was in post WWI, in colonial Europe.
In so call fighting for democratic values and free life style we saw idea to over control a energy resources and money market with dollar, they do same what had been in the past.
For reason to restore the World what was formed at the end of WWII, now is time to change the markets. And it has need to everybody live in peace and true democracy, without so call US democracy formed on the political corruption in one small to much yelling group in local political caste.
To push back them from the guns and power, fist step is in make court against former state secretary H. Clinton, in charges how she "stolen a demo nomination from Sanders".