Wednesday 22 November 2017

Mladic verdict

What is with the World, when ordinary criminals made glorification on general Mladic verdict.
The same criminals who did everything to give him the time in run from a justice. Because they had believe how he never come to say what he know about many of politicians, and soldiers. These  person which had been involved in many crimes on the Balkan at the wars in nineties of 20th century.

Yes, we have no right to say something in favor to general,but we have proof how he did nothing out of support from some parts of the West. 
He has open arms to make everything what is necessary to "remove Islam treat from the middle of Europe".

Or, he have no bans to make what he done, but when he refused to did extremely move against Muslim Bosniac, what was happen in Srebrenica, and than, there a lot  dirty money made what the treat against general did not.

On the second part. The ordinary Serbian criminal, and prominent right wing politician Seselj, was released from same court not because he never have a naff accusation with the lot of witness in the court, but he, now we are secure how he had lived  ICTY, because he did everything in the programmed scenario  made at some high level in the World.

Now, we have knowledge how the Court stay in favor from more years ago how they have only role to prosecute some not so helpful person from ex-Yugoslavia. And how they persons come from the some Brussels room.

Maybe the women from Srebrenica have right to celebrate but, after all they are only weapon into some interest hands, whose did to much against real justice.

This persons have the name, and history is at the way to naming them, in project whose they try to made against humanity at the soil of former Yugoslavia.

The pressure  against the  prosecutors, and against several judges, have point to be secure that close any link with them. Some of the actors have fear that they would be at the Islamist dead lists if they step up into public and that it should make a street uprising into several European countries.

No body have right to say how isn't true that several thousand people had been killed at the east of Bosnia. But is it possible to hit so many people without that it had nobody saw it in real time?
What was with SAS who had groups on the ground, and UN observers? 
Why they have not named general in the actions? Why the general was accused several years after he refused to had have Bosnian Serb President? 

ICTY did nothing to make justice and conciliation at the ground, but opposite. These future wars have more place to coming. In same scenario, to prevent accusations and a verdicts against US generals...

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