Thursday 21 December 2017

The President statement against everybody overheat the market

The end of each year coming with big attachment at the market. The stock market came with huge soar of the actions and money have a lots at the table.
Investors come to made more trade at open market, buy and sell old and new economic derivative product. 
This year has not some possible differences than it was years before, but in this year, specially at the end of year, we are witness how market start to be so hot.
Nothing at these markets have real momentum, or in money, what you put at the table to pay a paper. More in price come from some unsure in political situation at the States.
It stay in position after new US doctrine whose involve the President and Administration.
These measure is coming from same group who was oppose too much, to been elect actual President.
It stay at path in which intervention coming like a prevent action against domestic problems, who are huge, and stay in great economical and social differences between racial and social groups at the States.
Even we had saw at the war budget whose came from Administration, that more money does not be spend to equipment, but more in bribery to local so call ally at the more than seventy states around the World.
US Army, Marine Corp, and Navy have only thirty percent in the budget, and than it mean same money what have other big players at the Planet.
In cyber war the State have big problem. This problem stay in the software. US has not it several year ago.
Reason for it has origin in sad situation on high schools and faculty all over the US.
No body have interest to come for live and work for at the local market, because that the group start to squeeze President to make some hard point against so call new/old enemies. Like in the pass days, more and more prosecuted actions against an "hackers" around the World.
But it is only one dimension of market overheat.
Other dimension stay in the work force market, where main gains not stay in the permanent job places, but more and more part time and only one time job, what have real action at the mortgage's market.
Productions still is not at the coverage path, and the President has not right to say how he did something , because only tax reform is not naff. The reform coming like placebo on the serious ill economy. Where to much people have support from local or federal instance. And where middle class is vanish.
More and more north towns and community stay at brink of social disturb, and more people live in insecurity, out of social moves and possibility to come in a bank for money.
War rhetoric in the "National acting plan", is only way to remove clear view at the inside economical and social problems at the States.
Social security and health security now is out of common people, and more of them have no reason to believe the President, that he is appropriate to lead the States.
He came at the integration wave against intervention, and now he is only a puppet in the "friendly" hands. Or, investors have no reason to believe how he and his administration stay at the same way like they had in the beginning.
For this reason they start to sell over hull of promises and it made indicators at New York stock market, too high.
The money from this sales, they invest in Bitcoin and gold, what have reason to rocketing the price of it.
War rhetoric, and not so clear ideas at the economy path push investors to find secure ports for self money.
On the other way,it push the so call enemies to clean invest at the market and try to made more independent structure than it was several year ago. 
If China and Russia come to sell US dept than it can start to be the end not of the President, but even the States. Both of them can sell the bonds for nothing, what could push the dollar at the garbage. And ......   


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