Sunday 16 July 2017

Abnormal policy at European east and south east

This time in world history looking like it revive of the irritant and defeat ideology of  twenty century. But it has specific ideology who was stay against humanism and all in world. Against civilization  values.
Now, some in the world marching at the same path, in trying to clean memories on them relatives who had been involved at movements what made destroy more of six millions  Jews, several million of Soviet war prisoners, but even more other people from the European soil.
This persons who try to do it, now is in active politic on the more positions in EU, but not only at it.
In history version what they have, what real is revision of all what was made in WWII, and after it.
Do not possible to say how they have no knowledge at all of it. Because, it was impossible in century where everything is at net.
They have intention to coming be new ruler of the Europe where they have see no one different then they are.
Racism in the west, have counterpart dimension at the est of continent.
Nationalism whose coming from the mix politic elite, where cohabitation  make old communist structures and successors of Nazi and fascist  movements.
Some of this persons was SS unit member, and now they like it has in the Baltic state,march to evoke the memories at the time in history when they in Nazi uniform made help to had been made horrible crime in the human history.
On this side step up NATO?! To protect not EU, and freedom or democracy, but now is clear to protect them!? To use them in confrontation at the East?? And on this way make amnesty for the east European politician elite, what they haven't goals to build up decant life for common citizens.
Situation is so worse, when Secretary of Defense said how is "miracle victory" what was made Croatian army against Croatian citizens  before twenty  years, in war action what was in summary give the same results what Nazi did in WWII. ethnic cleansing and depopulation from more than fourth part of the country. And what made situation in neighbor Bosnia and Herzegovina terrible incorrect to today.
 Mostly in this time the youngest member state of NATO cleans from the state territory seven hundred thousand people, different ethnicity. And help with it Serbian side to do same in parts where live Croats, but whose stay out of Croatian and Bosnian army control.
If it is a "miracle victory, whose study at the State military college and academy"-he said,we believe how he with it, made tragic mistake in policy. He did killed EU attempt to promote self interest at south east of Europe.
On other way he put in mouth to many the questions, if is US had part in actions "Storm"? What part of support stay on the way, and is it reason because Court for Former Yugoslavia in Haag did nothing to find an criminals who destroyed twenty thousand buildings, killed few hundred mainly elderly people. Some of them so long after action had been finished!
It is so sad for policy who do nothing to protect a real victims, and give loud praise to person who was involve in it. But this person is Croatian minister of defense. So sad.
At the opposite, real situation with the war victims all over at the territory of former Yugoslavia,is worst than ever before. And for it new vice Secretary for war crimes, do nothing to make pressure against local authorities to change it.
Nationalism is growing, the aggression against minorities is much higher, even more in Slovenia and Croatia, because they see like it hasn't be possible to EU Commission to coming at monitoring, what is real but not too much possible for states whose stay out from the Union. And wait to be calling in membership.
Populism is in these Parliaments and even non government bodies from state monitoring  bodies haven't independence to make a job. The NGO sector mostly stay in opposition and repression from a different courts and quasi state organisations, specially from the far right.
Apartheid is official way to rule in area of former Yugoslavia states. So call involution at political system in many of this states is fake. Involve is only local minority politician elite, than common people have nothing from it.
What can be happen is clear when you see in Autonomy Province Vojvodina,  part of Serbia, where government from Belgrade do everything to destroy semi independence of this historically Autonomy Province, which autonomy  started two centuries ago. And where Serbian government selling and use the province propriety and natural fortunes to pay self needs. What caused that Vojvodina population decline rapidly,from all ethnicity.                                  

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