Thursday 8 June 2017

Social crisis and FBI chef testimony

The testimony of former FBI director at the Senate comity today, have not serious importance.
In testimony we have not find something real, what he can say for Mr. President. It is only personal opinion about some serious things what was planed and what did not happened. We are not in post global war era, what we had expected than in a moment at the election winner started to been a former State Secretary Hilary Clinton.
A project, where we are in fool domination over  the World, and where no one exist to oppose us,US, was abandon after clear victory of actually President. And clear message how is US the first.
It was answer at most traumatic problem in nearest past. What is real potential goal for US domestic and specially international policy?
With growing spend at the arms and a less incoming investment at the market, problem grow in the States in an directions where devolution of Union would be start very soon.
On problems in Puerto Rico, to problems at the Pacific coast, former US administration did not something to solve it and make changes in growing public debt, what explode in bankruptcy of Puerto Rico, and same way at some states at west of the States.
The current testimony is not something new. This is one of more attempts of one small group to size US liberty for selfish goals, where a public needs coming to be start a weapon for a domination.
The democracy was in danger with this tendentious, and when they have found how democracy can be tough, and how the people can be stubborn, they start the run to make everything how to dismiss actual President. In this motion they don't stay against him with honest  and true but with hate and lie.
They are not strange to use some guys like it is former director of the Biro. to create big stories in the MSM, like change the President quickly and hardly. The brutal torture of democracy we saw in so call "Arab Spring", what cause several million exculpates, more refugees, several Arab state demolished, a and prominent anti Islamic leader killed.
For what reason and which goals?
Today when war against terror and totalitarianism created and embodied in IS stay at right path. a some of mess maker growing tensions at Capital Hill, to stop what must going to happen.
The testimony have not intention to clear situation at the election day, but to growing tension against some so call enemy. Why?
The World is clear in mind! Everybody known about that. And this is so sad form from some senators to clear self involvement in the ME mess.
For all who love and want to protect US democracy from corruption and miss leading from the hawk in the domestic policy, time start to clear say how situation in the State, really is.
And why most places look like a abandon places. Where the local police have no authority and where local population living at the government bonds.
To make shadow at it, nice is to tell how we are in the problem, and that it problem is the President, who is "incompetent, lunatic guy", and on other way evil Mr Putin with Russian hacker, who melt the federal voting system,too.
Aside of this is mention to US military power be use.
No problem, what would be happen after that. It is the State tragedy.                

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