Wednesday 26 July 2017

With the sanctions Trump make help to Russian economic and social reform

The new sanctions against Russian Federation is so good information for the Russian officials and economy. This is the night mere for EU and most normal politicians and economical analysts at the West.
After several years of sanctions and more than ever power push on the border against the "bear", nothing was changes at the field.
Russian Federation has no going in destabilization and economic disaster, and the west partners haven't much what they had before they start to push the "bear".
Now, the situation is much worst for the west partners than it was several months ago. Crisis with Brexit, but even crisis inter EU relations mounted in days not in months or years. Economic starvation have new name, change economic statistic graphics model each several months.
What is crisis at the economy at the West bigger and bigger, than it was dramatically open to be see how European statistical bureau produce so much better lies.
No more correction exist in social policy in the EU. The policy at work employee and work force status coming to be tragically story, where everything is the best, but more and more people leave the "shine side of society" and start to live in shadow of bureaucratic order to be no number at the work market list, and to be replace by low paid workforce from abroad.
The structural laws in the EU going to be blowing up, and be change with more and more insecurity against what EU was or had been.
In this situation we have to see how the Union has divide on the three part.
First part is at the north,second on the west and south west, and third group is US led group of east, most post soviet countries who have loud in these heads, how them mission stay in confrontation against the east. And how they are so call border guards of conservative EU.
In global view, we have see how second and third group in some things have same goals.
On opposite, the first group of the Union's countries have different interest, in total, against interest of especially third group.
This group is strong supporter of US policy in the world, even it mean more and more gaps in economy and  social structures in these countries.
In three years of economic confrontation against Russian Federation, global dept in EU economy growing at the several hundred billions euros. Millions of jobs was lost, and several industries was gone. Mostly in agriculture, shipment, energy, finance, metal industry.
On the opposite side in Russian Federation same industries started to grove in huge percentage by each year of the sanctions.
Situation  with economy in Canada and the Sates is much worst then they want to say.
Problem with paper industry, meet industry, but even with banking, hit them in so bad manure. In Canada some of Provinces stay out of economic survival. Where social state is at the brink of sword to lost a battle for the people. Something what we had saw at American soil.
In US, the gap between poor and rich is highest in the history, not even between common people, but between counties, federal states, too.
The old fashion economy strategy, mounted at the energy, now much more in gas, and more income from arms, do nothing to have change against situation where employee have only eight to eleven US dollars per hour at job, and where only twenty percent of  US citizens have continuous work place.
The official statistic like it has in EU, try to pictured situation more rouge, than it has real.
When you look in the "book", then you have some interest commercial and social tips.
The new sanctions will be calling from the Russians like unjustifiable, but deeply in economic strategy of them it has glorious place. It giving more power to state policy to more money to going in infrastructures and to be put at the tables for micro and medium industry, what mean more economic deliberation, and less state influence at economy over big stake in the mega companies.
More money will going to be put into wood fabrications and paper industry modernization, with more cooperation with new friends.
In money, it means not only 1,5 percent BDP growing per year, but double. In perspective to new post sanction economy start to going to be less depend from gas and oil prices.
Some of it we have see now. In agriculture. Where export of cereal going to historical top.
Changed historical Russia depend of food import. For more export at all level, they must have much better economic propaganda and design. 

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