Thursday 14 September 2017

How Junker speech cleared vision of EU self destructi

The Commission President speech yesterday, has only one path.
It is not more than plan of euthanasia of one common idea.
The Union was created to make post colonial era in Europe more comfortable and to take changes in the economy at the continent, from heavy duty industry to new integral industry of new born technology.
This idea and plan have political cover by the democratic rule and democracy like universal power in social structures of all member countries.
Now, after Brexit and after collision with  neighborhood's interests, and after many years in rise of neocolonialism, specially in the former colonial power, but even after German revenge in economy surplus. The Unions is not stabilize structure. EU now have not power or cohesion to put right questions on the table about many issue. Stay out of credibility to try changes from others, when in the Union exist member states where is human rights slash down, and where local elite play some strange songs from 70-th years old melody.
In the melody we have to see totalitarian system whom has problem with differences, political, ethnic, sexual, but even with invalids and  single parents, too.
The regulation of working rule going to be worst than it had been half century ago.

So call European liberal-social model of work force market is only new name for same relation what had been abandoned centuries ago.
No security in pension system, health system, to much privacy in common social things, do everything that many people have only one way to deliberate self and families, at the clashes in the street or what we have to see,too, they come to be members of so call Populist parties and movements all across Europe, but even in several non member country like Ukraine.

In pooch who was sponsored and created in some rooms in Brussels, EU was lost credibility and European idea goes to be wash away from the history arena. In Ukraine, the Union was not support rule of law, there have not exist law, and in wrong time the Commission and Junker made disaster decisions.
Ukraine now is fail state, with huge rise of far right movement, and openly Nazi feelings.
There is at the place the revisionism.
The only way where EU stay unite,is in hate against Russian Federation. And in growing wish to be first at the Russian natural reserves, like a owner and boss.
It is neocolonialism in Junker speech, what he did not said, but what many at the East of Union looking with simplicity.

EU has not two plank wings. EU has not lungs!
Yesterday speech only make clear how between modern western democracy and reality at the field stay whole in whose going everything and everybody which feel abandon from institution in member states and EU.
If we look at Poland and Hungary than we have see how is rocketing poverty and extremism,created the state's stability. And how situation in Baltic states stay much worst than it Commission's President want to tell in yesterday speech.
East, but not only, have problem in economy. The local economy is based at the Union support, and low rule of law.
In confrontation with it, the local population fill passports and leave a countries. Than it make situation much worst.
Criminal and contraband in three Baltic states have more than twenty percent income in local BDP.
The problem is so huge that even Russian Federation and Belarus try to find solution for it, specially in contact with this countries and these governments. But for reason whose is common known, the Baltic states government do nothing to prevent it, and talk with other two parties about stop of it.

After all, we have say to many about the speech, and EU in this moment. But there we are stopping and give to you, to make self opinion.
Our opinion is, that this EU structure, with this two different pole, where the west has no reason to believe east. And where east of EU have close relations with growing influence to Washington, doing everything to shine idea of European unity going to be washed from history.                   

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