Wednesday 11 January 2017

Nazi in the democratic suit

Today's situation with democracy is same like it had been in first half of 20th century, when post WWI war crisis grown and accumulated a state pressure against free peach and news reporting.
Than had been a most fascist and Nazi movement,whose did everything to blockaded and destroyed every different mean and voice, with states laws against fake propaganda and news.
On this way they did to much to destroyed democracy by democracy with democratic rule procedure in an parliaments. The far right movements in the 20th century went to move self promotion and grow in a power with fake info that national security is in danger, and must be fixed by more state pressure against free media, specially against international news agencies and newspapers.
In so call fight to restore a national values they did pressure against private owner of local main stream media, or simply they have self proclamation whose media is patriotic and whose are treacherous.
After listed so call good and evil media, on the list had been came a not patriotic reporters and after that came a list by names of traitors, mostly free mind people, who had strip down from public life, and after all a state power push them out of a country. This who had not been enable to leaved a country in finale was determined in an concentration camps.
The point of all stay in a crisis in a country, which this movement haven't idea to solved, but for reason that they came in the political arena on the wings of desperate need from a local elite to stay intact against grow social move against them.
For finish part of all rise of this mostly far right movements in 20th century a elites try to predominantly present a situation at a state much better than it had been. And to all worst in an country they tried to find enemies mostly abroad.
The democracy like Great Britain and France have nothing to do against it, because they did like it do now everything to push war for  goods at the east. Predominantly at China and than at Russian soil.
For this reason the fascism and Nazism in modern Europe, but much more in the States is involve in so call liberal values of predominate political castes, where no more member of then have a skills to be a statesman or stateswoman.
Like the predecessors in the first half of 20th century they only look at the so call political top point and what came from it. They haven't self mind and ideology, but only schedule what they have right to say against what they hear voice from the point.
But, today we have not open treat from Nazi, because the most power Nazi figure stay in the top of policy at most part of the so call democratic world, and do everything to restoring the World like it was formed in WWII and before.
These do everything to by cover in the democratic phraseology promote a war, and supremacy against other and different in the World. Even they, like it did Britain and France in first half of 20th century but even the part of US, coming in close contact and support these movements which have same ideology what had Hitler and Mussolini in the near past. For them is nothing to support terrorism sponsored from radical groups at the Planet, but this groups must doing what they expect that is good for them.
The clandestine crisis and growing nationalism in the EU, for this persons in the Europe and States, who see self like politic strong people, has not problem. Problem is in point that they have the greed like it was in post WWI, in colonial Europe.
In so call fighting for democratic values and free life style we saw idea to over control a energy resources and money market with dollar, they do same what had been in the past.
For reason to restore the World what was formed at the end of WWII, now is time to change the markets. And it has need to everybody live in peace and true democracy, without so call US democracy formed on the political corruption in one small to much yelling group in local political caste.
To push back them from the guns and power, fist step is in make court against former state secretary H. Clinton, in charges how she "stolen a demo nomination from Sanders".


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