Saturday 17 December 2016

Ukraine political situation at US

Who has believe that is possible to have fascism from the left political side?

Nobody, maybe, but it is possible.
When we are looking at mainstream media, we are clear that fascism can has brown color, a mix two different color, grey and red.

It comes like problem after US presidential elections, where win Mr. Donald Trump, like semi-independent presidential candidate,  who has support from so different part of the society. From far right to the liberal left.

On other wing, we have to saw, democrat candidate who come with mass support from big media corporation, who made PR, how she is real presenter of so call, human rights and democracy, even everybody could find documents, how she spoken in many cases. From situation in Africa, to situation over so call democratic revolution in Ukraine.

In both of this action, she had associates which had miss lead info about real situation at the field.

After all, we had fear that how she had capabilities to lead the whole World in global disaster, in a global war.

She hadn't  true capabilities to be a world lieder. What is clear over e-mails whose come from her political side, and where was clear how she had been manipulated person.

Situation in Syria is the clear fact of her impropriety to make a clear decisions. When she made the open contacts with so call democrat forces in these country, for whose she had collected info, that they predominately is Islamic radicals, which for prime point in a fight of them, was sectarian war.
The war whose for the fact have interest, to remove all minorities, especially Shia Muslims, and Christians, but other religious and national groups at the field.

She did nothing against Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, after several attacks against local churches, killings and reaps did not be naff for her to make cleat actions against new ally at the field.

No actions exist when, so call IS attacked against Jaside minority in Iraq, where we had to saw starvation of the ancient nation.

The list of fails which she made is so long. Some things from the list can be called like war crimes, and crimes against humanity, specially things which she made in Libya.

But in open overthrow, against democratic elected President of Ukraine, Mr. Janukovich, when even they know about all difficulties, whose have impact on the stability of the state, it made support action  over false info  that it supported from exclusively democratic forces.

After all, the truth stay in the same way like it had been in Egypt. The supporter and associates at the field was far right nationalist groups, who made worst crime against opponents and minorities member. What push Ukraine in civil war.

In these action she, and people around her, made same things what they did at Presidential elections. They broken democracy, and they fill a mass media with lies, to make fake pictures about real situation in the States and World.
These media did things whose we believe that had been possible in fascist regimes, and Stalinist USSR.
For real and proof democratic relations in policy, we try to the media out of a stadium, with real stand on true source,to make news. Out of ideology approach select  at the so call non exist left liberalism.

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