Saturday 7 December 2019

When the Alliance coming to be the problem

NATO had anniversary several days ago, and try to make a picture how inside everything is OK. But in close ease, the men and women, and others whose stay in the place, have witness that more things stay out of control. 
Real things what must be solve in the Alliance had no place in the actions at conferences and around. Much time had been spent in a quarreling between US and rest of member states, but more between old member states with new member states. The reason stay in Russia.
New and several old member state, want to create something like sanitary corridor what exist in the early 20th century, and what some try to use like machine for pressure onto Kremlin. In reason to make some goals at the east. 
But problem stay in moment when two-third member states stay opposite at the idea, and predict how more presence in the regions near borders with Russia would have only way in raise of instability at the European soil.
In this fight, and pressure from the President to these member states coming up with more money in the NATO construction, these things which was the reason to some guys had founded the Alliance,slipped aside over hands. No meter when in the south east part of NATO exist several member states whose have not capability to protect open borders, but even they have not capability to created combat units for regular exercise. Several of them have not naff arms and munitions to equip all army forces, others have hardware, but they have not regular troops in the barracks. Other member state have personality who is openly against military present of this country in the Alliance. 
The Alliance in reality have frozen complicit at the border, with neutral Serbia, which have close ties with several word and regional powers, most of them out of NATO. In this complicit and wrong political decisions in the nearest past, NATO look like a open gate for people whose try to come in the European hurt. 
New member states which stay in the so call Balkan's migrant route, now have less military power than it had been in past, when some of them had regular state army, and over it some common army.Only army who grown up in the several decades is Romanian army, but even them, they had most problems, what stay in predict how they have war-for power for only several hours against neighbor Russian Federation. And several day with neighbor support, too. 
Others army forces, even neutral Serbian army force have constantly suffer in population decline, and what is more serious they have not economical  power to have effective, strong, mobile and professional army corps.
Bulgarian army force used not to protect someone but to create insecurity overboard in nearest neighborhood. Like it stay with Albanian and force, too. What we had saw in the last week earthquake near port Durech. 
Both of this army have strong support from the old member states, first from Germany and some part from the States, and second from Italy and Turkey, but not anymore, because Tirana support Erdogan's enemy.
In this situation, we had only reason to say how NATO anniversary was only show for mass to create PR about strong unity into Alliance, and nothing else. 
When we collect it and strong words from EPP congress in Zagreb last month, and add on it resolution from the EC,everything looks like miles out from the real goals what creators of NATO try to have 70th years ago in foundation act.
NATO like gate for the rest of planet, now look like, what we said in the pretext like open call to everybody who was in some period against democracy, equity and solidarity, and who was used to be battle meat in several so call colored revolutions to come and migrate in Europe, but not in the Union. 
For this reason, more than ten millions people at European roads and ports, NATO what we have see now is not solvent to fight other big mug, but even to prevent inter European security,too. Reason whose we presented. 
This make conclusion how NATO must coming with new security and defense agenda, whose coming with more clear answers about situation at new member states army forces, specially at the Balkan's route state, Spine, between Greece and Turkey, what to do with extremism mostly from far conservative establishment in the UK army.
In opposite, more spending and more hard words only for result have it that so call enemies stay unit and ready to put last brick on the Alliance had. And that it is not the same what Alliance's Assembles put at conclusion.  

Thursday 14 November 2019

EPP and migrants

After more than thirteen years from the Wall fall, we are in connection that some things at the Planet and specially at the Old lady stay much worst than in this time.
Even at the west and some so call new democracy, want to present how this moment is equitably with win in the Cold War, and how they now have some right, what they had never bring up in any real treaty, to do what they believe that they must to do, or what they have in the agenda to protect self national interest. Where this interests is so different against other national interests of other so call partner, that they look like such insufficient.

The Union whose they have now, we look like some worst organisation at the Planet. The place, where some democratic ideals lost credibility, and where democracy is removed from top priority places like it is EC and EU parliament. And where some other continental organisations stay  in collision with history, try to change historical data.

But in most of activity in the some part of European institution, we see an attempt to legislate some things from darkness part of European and world history. What is reason, it is so crystal clear  that no body in the world have nothing to say but word - revisionism.

This Nazi resurrection in the most part of EU coming with no more than clear  impotent policy of several crucial governments at the west, but even more with clear momentum in the east part of Europe, where Nazi movements have the public right to be promote in the air over public services and a private media, and where is no more freedom to be independent news editor or something else,somebody who are for Europe created in the post WWII treaties.
In this right wing rise over Europe, some have public abuse against European Muslims from south east part of Europe, to make some so call emergency point for European readiness against so call migrant crisis. These crisis is created not because some guys like to change places of live, but in reason that some did something what make a places where they lived, insecure and very poor.
An places where is not clear where start life and where dead is at the table.
This policy and so call crisis coming in the time where is clear known how agricultural production in the Europe, specially in the EU, with to much regulation and stipulation, directly create double problem. The both problems have direct connotation against regular popular migration at the Planet.

When EU stop to protect self agriculture economy, and going to have open borders for goods out from the Union, with prices whose would guaranty dissent and good life for more people out of EU, than we never have situation what we have now, when heavy supported agriculture industry support and push local policy in the so far right movements and parties. So strong that EU now is not EU twenty years ago.

EU today is some Frankenstein, something what was created from different parts, whose had came from much dead ideas and movement. It is not association with high idea of unit, equity and solidarity, with zero toleration against history agendas change and moves against democracy.

EU today is something what have not same mind, but only will, to be fortress against rest of the Planet. Idea what was created from  Nazi German and be implemented in the WWII, with final solution.
This solution in new version, but with same goals, now for result have that most part of France, GB, Hungary, Poland, Croatia, Greece, Turkey, and rest of South East isn't secure place. In South East Europe, EU try to create an zone to protect self from migration, even it mean crush of elementary human rights and Lisabon Treaty. 
EU nothing did to give more money at South East European states to solve crisis against non legal migration, and do not to much to explain in the public what is real common policy in the Union.

After all this Union is accumulation of 28 different interests and same number of selfish history revisionism against real treaty whose stay in the original  foundation of it.
This situation where Germany is so call economic engine, and France moral regulator, for situation what this dysfunctional organisation created from 2010 to now, with states what we named previous in the text, for EU fate exist like fuel over straw.
From this fall policy, only what EU have to produce is instability, war, and more non regular migration.
Inside of this Frankenstein, like "fifth column" stay more than 25% citizens who are on the bottom, or they live in the member states like it is Croatia or Poland, where revisionism and fascism growing in the parliament life,and like in the Latvia or Romania, Hungary,Croatia coming side by side with capillary corruption, and make intern EU migration, what make more parts of EU empty from the people and create economical, social and security imbalances. A same type of  migration what we have see at the EU borders and in the EU south member states. Where people leave the birthplace to escape poverty, insecurity, political crime, revisionism and growing far right nationalism, incorporate with nepotism, lack of business freedom and political arbitration in work places creation.

But in this moment and with this policy in EPP (European Popular Party), we only have to say, EU is ready to put in flame the Planet.  Because, most of parties who are in the power at the named states from the east and south est Europe coming from parties who are member party of this European association party.         

Thursday 26 September 2019

Impeachment with the key for devolution in the States

When the President in power came in the White House, most of the global public came with fear that it can be the most dangerous men at position,what mean the men with huge power at the Planet.
Now, we can see how he did to much to Planet stay where it is. And what he bring to the public?
Anti-globalism  or nationalism in the most hetero nation in the world? Maybe. But some of this things existed before than he start  Presidency. Only what he did? He clear that put it visible in the public life, especially in the local policy, which have more problem not with him, but with some other things.
Maybe this things stay in the former administration of President Obama, where some of President associates truly did more against democracy than local dictators which they came to overturn.
From several countries in the east Europe, to Africa, they did several actions for self promotion and their own benefit.
When it did actually President in the past, this was looked with strong passion. With strong words and lauds.
Now, when he try to find clear politic in the USA, same people coming to put him in the custody.
Reason, stay in the way that he want to prevent politic action who come with asks, what was reason to them to intervene in several countries? To restore democracy or to pick up money from a table? 
Local political opponents going to make impeachment against him, but what after?!
Can the world be safe from predators who are clear in actions against the others in the world, and who did not to much against so call friend and ally which do worst things against human rights and democracy in the so call western found democracies?
Can we expect new war at the ME against Iran, and what we have to expect in actions against so call enemies like it is China and Russia? The war, or proxy war?
What is with environment? Did they different than actually administration?
 The policy in the States is strongly exposed by money and it mean that after Kennedy era, most president who come after,  coming with strong problems, emotionally, financially, and health. 
If we looking at the Bush Junior, than we know how he had strong opposition in the Army and Corps, for plans of his ally to restore military power so long distance from the mainland. But he made several action in position where local economy stay at the bring of the sword.
President Clinton did most worst action in the USA history. From Balkan war,  the Afghanistan, to Russia, he not did what we expect, reason, we had it in the public.
Mr Hussein Obama, came at the power after stay clear how USA had not so strong connection with Muslim in the world, and that these wars what he inherited from predecessors, going to be stone on the neck of the local economy and whole country.
But first what he tell is that he planed to made a war against some big opponent in the world. After that he coming to be Nobel price owner.
In two therms he made some things, but in the second therms started to be clear how the crisis in the USA still strong, specially in inter racial relations, and inter religions relations. But stay some bone wound in the States, more than ten million immigrants, who live and work in the State more than several decades out of records. Mostly they live and work very poor, with salary which in many case basically came like big treat to the State's labor market.
Extremism grove to high, that it can be controlled only onto public media control.
It coming like big wind in the actually President win at the elections in the three years ago.
President Obama had more problem with hawks in the office, and several time he made personal decision which was against some of associates. He made big mistake when he give support to former State Secretary in act against Libya, what caused long, long war and after all,big immigrant crisis, whose in some case destroyed idea of European unity.
The crisis in the Syria was solved after he made brave decision to did not action against interest of some big players.
All these things now coming in President Trump vision. He must do everything to prevent next involve USA in the some long war, who can be the final for the State global game.
President Trump is not so sufficient and sometimes he make impulsive action in the public, but what we have see, he did not varnish on the trigger.
We are in the WWIII. It is not nuclear, but economic and social war, where he want to prevent USA fall. After standing how situation in the so call only power in the world have dark side. Economy who really exist in the protection and USD monopoly in world's transactions. When USD lost the power and exclusivity, than the all what he try to prevent, going to be reality from the Beirut 1970', but now at the american streets.

Tuesday 27 August 2019

The black hole named SE region of Europe, place where WWII is contentious

United States have very big problem in south east Europe where administration of President Clinton made big mess.
Not only with Kosovo, or in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but in Serbia and Croatia,too. The last have growing problems in the society, where grow and exist hard part of the fatal history, what mean that large part of population in both countries living in the period of WWII, and have excellent relation with movements who had power in the occupation time of WWII. In Serbia with Chetnics and National Movement from Dimitrie Ljotić, both of them in close relations with occupation  forces Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.
In Croatia existed warm sentiments on Ustasa movement and so call in war era founded NDH(Independent State Croatia), who was the last ally of Hitler in the war. But for more Croats in Croatia, but especially for them who live abroad, this period was shine period of national history. Time when Croats made independence and first state after middle ages and never in history act support legend about it.
These ideas has odious reaction in small part of liberal, left and centrist movement and independent intellectuals, but truly so small in the conservatives.
What we have to see today, stay in the word -revisionism.
In this revisionism work do not only one or two public person, but many of them who working in the state institution, church and public services.
In public communication, at TV, radio and a papers, people who have pro-Nazi sentiment and who publish the new history have much time. Now is normal that so call historians coming with thesis like Croatia, but even Serbia not liberated in WWII, but opposite they said how new regime did more crimes than previous quisling regimes in time of occupation and collaboration with Nazi and Fascist occupation force. And how is time to this while be part for new teach of the history, where young must known how "history really was". In this method they openly use defamation of antifascist movements and these members, talking about them what they been national traitors who did not fought to nation but for ideology, predominantly leftist and Yugoslavia.
The revisionism was hard present in the south east Europe from beginning of last decade 20th century. When started and grown decomposition of former Yugoslavia, and wars who burn everything normal in this region, it coming now like fuel who governments take it in the moment when situation into countries going to wrong. Like it we see today. Where economic and social situation pushed more than eighth million person to leave in the other part of the Union, and world, too.
The revisionism is promote hardly from the party of parliament majority. The former Hitler ally start to be heroes and the former heroes of liberation movement coming at the black list. In both state several hundred monuments and mourning places on victim of Nazism and collaborators   was destroyed, in towns and villages many streets has new names, named in favor the quisling from WWII.
Society in the south east region of Europe have narrative to blame sexual and national minorities, but even members of majority if they do not support this for every ridiculous problem whose make in the local government.
But when we looking at the situation specially in these armies or police forces, we have see how there live and work persons which have really far right view at the theme, and where they like it was in last incident in bought state, did seriously crime. The crime whose supported by local government, who do nothing to put them in the court or to sanctioned speech of hate.
Serbian government use the army forces to put north autonomous province Vojvodina in fear and corruption, and poverty. Like it made in Novi Sad several year ago, or now when in the province build places in the town for security and army force officers.
In Croatia, we have see mirror. There Croatian army pushed to be stationed in cities and towns where predominantly lived national minorities, like it is most towns near borders with neighbor countries. The idea isn't to build strategic capacity, but to change local national demographic situation.
Month ago in the exercise, in the Croatian region Lika, near town Udbina, US forces tried to collect forces from NATO ally in the region, and several non Alliance member states.
In controversy which start from the first minute of operation, started clear how these armies have not operational potential in the lethal operation,neither in a peace operation.
Start to be clear how more of the units haven't a soldiers who have at the paper. And how they have not naff knowledge about arms and munition, but not more about strategic,too.
After all, the operation was canceled and only several hundred mix special forces drove to the Budapest.
This soldiers, and policemen is mostly at the sick benefit where they work at the other jobs. In Serbia, killing people in private actions, and in Croatia, they have biting against civilians, in a private operations supported from local politicians.
Everything in the moment when several hundred migrants crossing south east migrant path. Some of them former fighters in Islamist movements.
These situation, with aggressive motions against progressive people and minorities, against media and independent investors and investment over EU found, looking for coordinate action five big member of UNSC and NATO, too. To stop insecurity, change policy in the region, and clear of mind many persons, but even it will be necessary clear the persons from the public and politic life who support this insecurity and destabilization to promote revisionism and nationalism. And is required of   these five to give more open support to movements and groups, but even the persons who step against it in the region, who is from region.
In opposite, with corrupt armies and police, but more with it in the policy and public life, with economic dependency from political voluntary, the both side RF and US, possible can be drawn into war.                                 

Thursday 20 June 2019

Drone diplomacy in a local Hippocratic democracy

The so call Weather war going in the new phase. This time we have to see some new technics.
This technics come in the time when US President try to stay out of a fight in the Congress and Senate, where some groups try to move US close to the war against IRI and them allies.
In this groups exist some army groups who try to dominate over policy in the States. But they haven't "ayes and ears" in IRI.
In this condition they have so call lost moves in the area near IRI borders, specially in the trace of Hormuz, where they have several objects whose actively  monitored onto IRI Navy and some part of IRCG.
The reason stay in possibility that they would come in action against free pass to the ships and against US Navy by anti-craft bombs. 
On other side stay monitoring on the monitor, where nobody say what they have in the monitor.
But after today, and shot down the US drone, we now that any move in the check played in version "Persian gambit" going to do nothing positive to both sides, but nor for local acter, so call Gulf Council, where is clear how Kuwait stay "neutral", and Qatar,too. What they predict to do in the future combat between two side, it is not so clear. SA involve in the conflict do not have some reasonable expect to make change at the battlefield. These reasons stay in situation with local army at the south front, where they lost several divisions, and daily have have casualties from Yemen.
A crisis should open new fronts,in the SA main field at south-east, where up-rise of Shiia could grow in the long turn civil war, where no one can predict how it would be finish.
Without "safe" backyard and with no more secure so call ally in the Central Asia, the Stats Navy and special forces have no intention to coming first in the battles for "democracy".
Action made several mounts before in the some European ally states, open very hard and paint wound for US strategic force.
In the "war games" around Europe, they find how they have not be secure in the allies, and how they could not come with them in the first front line.  It mean that war can start with so heavy price to the force, and how it we coming to have like new mix between Afghanistan and Vietnam.
In air the power is in USAF, and it is be clear to today. Now, it isn't so.
For long time we had believed how US could not going in the very expensive war, where final price could be "Yugoslavia scenario". 
In long time fight, we not so and never was doubt like both Russia and China come to make final comedown to the US, but what they have in the plans, is not so clear.
US Navy and 2,5 thousand USMC at the board going to make nothing seriously. Mostly they coming to make trouble with incursion in Baluchistan province, and do some action with militant ally. On other side it coming very unpleasant for official Islamabad, who want very hard, to stay out of any war in the region.
India is not so clear what they going to do if Pakistan forces stay in the playground. Only what we now is Moscow pressure on the Agha Chan and Pakistani elite to move a fingers from the table. Even local strategic partner, SA, demand from them to be actively against IRI.
US position in the Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan, now is free to say, look like WC. It is in time when Russia build stronger Caspian fleet, and make hard presence in the neighborhood.
In the fight between three groups in the US policy, and in clear decide from President to going into new therm, a war against IRI would be possible only if the strategic force find some a serious ally who will be able to give more human lives for small amount.
Situation in the LA find how it come disasters for that ally, after they lost "power" for three consecutive days.
In final we want to see what in the US have power, and who can move them in the bring of sword.             

Sunday 24 February 2019

China and Russia most take militar move in Venezuelan crisis

"Guaido must be remove. He is not more neccesary to lead so call democratic movement in Venezuela". "We need a martyr to give us more power in fight against Maduro."-this is new Bolton aciton at the field, after he failed to going at Venezuelan soil so quickle like he predict in the "scenario".
On other side Pompeo goin to push Brasilian President to use army force against Bolivar Republic in same move like it had Scorznei in 1939, and Polish crisis.
But problem stay in moment where Bolznaro did not, and nor now colntrole Brasilian Army. Only what they have to do at the south or nort border, like you want to see, is to pay so call demonstrators and move some armed group whose do what the Army did not want to do.
Because that the Brasilian President did not came at the border to said what Pompeo tried from him. Oposite of it, the personal secretar of him make press conference stateman about what is in so call humanitarian aid.
On other side, Colombian army stay in bid mess after come clear how they brocke internal peace agriment with FARC. And after they murded local FARC comando. To move situation more detect in the field, they move to make big CNN show with demolution of so call Escobar Building in Bogota suburaban area.
The presence of several presidents of Latin America open the new wounds there. Stay clear that claims at Democracy from both, Pompeo and Bolton used for suport agretion against human right and social equality what came in several decades ago all around Latin America.
A punch back at this and the counsel to some make "martyr" to take more power against President Maduro, must contain Russian bombers at Kolombian border, with China Fleet support it at the ocean.
At the Venezuelan soil, must be clear presence of both army forces, and Russian army must coming to fly closely at US border, with high presence ships near Neaderland Antili. It make out any action moved and ispired by both hawk in the House.

Saturday 9 February 2019

Fascism in the way with Macron leadship

The international law is over. Nothing is like, what had been buildt in Jalta and Potsdam.
What is good for the former colonial powers it is not good for others. Even is clear how situation in the both former great colonial power in Europe stay very bad.
In London and Paris both of top politicians have problem to solve calm in the states, and going to make some goals.
The Prime Minister and the President stay in same role to protect money institution and give possibilities to some richest be more rich, with less piece to stay in common hands.
But when these people call at marches for change, they both try to find someother mostly over broad for dearty man, who is main treat for "democracy" and western walue of life.

When they took army against a protesters than they are corect, but what woud be happen when some other does same.
Than they call it with sanction a fight against tirany.
Why nobody have courage to call sanctions against Manuel Macron, fascist who on the power, now is totaly clear come in elections fraud. Who is not emotionally sustainable, and who have no real and clear mind how life in the national street is so havy and bad.
He call the so call yellow jackets that they are fascist who had support from the old france's enemies, even is clear how he took the army uncostutionaly  at the streets. And how he support radicals to smash revolts from the milions.

Teresa May is only doll in the pocket of some part of  the UK establishmant, which did more atrocities several week ago in the some part of the UK. They had brocken deal with Scotish Parliament about Scotish indenpendecy, and come with accusations agais some Scotish leader in the monunain trails.
Same system they try to make in the North Irland, but in time when the south part of Irland-Irland Repablic stay well in economy, and when they have more losses, only what is clear to be done is to take a Unionist for dirty work at the politcal field.
Because that they are need  the cover at other parth of planet, with so call universal proposals whose no more exist in the World. After they demoluted International Law, in agressions agaist Libya, Syria, Turkey, Norway, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, and three Baltic state, Grecce.

In every place where they come to did some order, we have had the tragedy with war, fascism, extremism, etnic cleansing, economy desaster, and in motion of it international crisis.

Last crisis in Venezuela is only paradocs who clearly present how they see a modern world.
A world where they going to fight a "fake news". From there to open facist regime, like it is at the way in Frace, stay real problem. The Streets.

Tuesday 29 January 2019

Venezuela, action to be change Trump

Nothing new was happen in Latin America, but only new move to be cover the worst action in Brasil.
The lost in the story, American President super advisor Bolton,comming with idea to open new Syria fool  scale front at the west part of Earth.
Venezuela is not in good condition, but it is not only a crime to Venezuelan president and his administration. Most part in it have personal ambition of man who had not skills to be where he is.
President Trump now have only one way, whose going to be fool scale war against two main world power, Russia and China. In the field now we are in the same possition like it has in Syria and some other part of the Planet.
Even US Navy coming soon in the action, than is be nothing clear who have clear mind about reaction on it from near based several navy group from so call  US enemies, but not even it. US President have the worst scenario at the table, more dangerous than it has be nuke war.
No CIA, nor FBI, neider DEA have power to protect US if Russia, China and Iran coming to support Colombian cartel in supply US drug market with white.
Because that an atinos against Maduro coming to be risky and more dangerous than super advisor Bolton, made in calculation.
What it mean? Even he has some parts of Venezuelan army on aside, it  not so naf to he change the government in Venezuela.
In Syrian solution, he can expect more and more people at south borders, and of course with them in a route, more and more drug products.
The puppet who now coming to be "recognise" from so call "democratic" neibourghood like Venezuelan president, and who are in the action at the direct support from circle around President Trump, who don't see how this is not so smart action against democrats in Senat.
It is not working any more in the gobal conditions, and nothing can be say in favor to President Trump, after his super advisor came to broke Internationa Law with old fashion scenario from the cold war, named Gladio.
Even some others have a fingers in it and even they support it with money, after they stolen money from bank wort in several west banks, a victory is not so clear and near.
Nothing be change after some try to move the amry from Afghantistan and on this way make move in the Yemen, and maibe Latin America, not only Venezuela.
In economy, this action coming nothig more than aspirin for thermal illness. Where situation in the States coming worst in minut. After stay clear how 80%+ Americans living in powerty.

Wednesday 2 January 2019

Worst move of Trump

After inauguration today, the President of Brasil like big comedian try to present how he has some new to say. But nothing can be moved best if you try to economy make better with facsism and militarism. No one have right to expect a better economy condition in the Brasil.
Divide federation stay at the brink of the sword. Splitted by half between rigid right and leftist movements. Army is not so effective to move force in the streets, but ony militar police, who had not capacity before, non have it now, and neider be fit to do something with naked armed force.
Economy whose involved in crime, against minorities and aborigines on one side, and at the second hand out of real income for common people, have no potention to move in the future whole Brasil.
Brasil with new President is only big buble with big trouble inside.
This country only have be trutblemaker, and an sick point on the Latin America map. Brasilian fascism  have not differences from fascism of Benito Mussolini and it going to have same results.
But if some interest groups in the Brasil and around belive how new President is the best person to move Brasil in possitive line, they have not to much knowledge about Brasilian history.
In oposite of it, they must know how had been so explosive situation each time when inside  inervened foreign interest into Brasil, and what it mean for stability in Latin America.
Society without justice, with big gap between poor and rich have only way, in collaps.
No one, especially man like this lunetic and lakey from some boxes, who try to present Brasil now have power to change something, with guns in the military arms, with hard actions against favelas, and aboriginans, with rasism in the main point of the political agenda.
Brasil is dead for half year, after big demonstrations and civil war, what going to make split in the country and great world economic crisis. Whose in the way, what we see in the oil price and comodity actions.
The heating of economy in the World, stay in regular way, even US President try to make it bette with more cariers in the ocenans, and sanctions against oponents. But aciton in the Brasil make him very vulnerable at domestic front.