Sunday 24 February 2019

China and Russia most take militar move in Venezuelan crisis

"Guaido must be remove. He is not more neccesary to lead so call democratic movement in Venezuela". "We need a martyr to give us more power in fight against Maduro."-this is new Bolton aciton at the field, after he failed to going at Venezuelan soil so quickle like he predict in the "scenario".
On other side Pompeo goin to push Brasilian President to use army force against Bolivar Republic in same move like it had Scorznei in 1939, and Polish crisis.
But problem stay in moment where Bolznaro did not, and nor now colntrole Brasilian Army. Only what they have to do at the south or nort border, like you want to see, is to pay so call demonstrators and move some armed group whose do what the Army did not want to do.
Because that the Brasilian President did not came at the border to said what Pompeo tried from him. Oposite of it, the personal secretar of him make press conference stateman about what is in so call humanitarian aid.
On other side, Colombian army stay in bid mess after come clear how they brocke internal peace agriment with FARC. And after they murded local FARC comando. To move situation more detect in the field, they move to make big CNN show with demolution of so call Escobar Building in Bogota suburaban area.
The presence of several presidents of Latin America open the new wounds there. Stay clear that claims at Democracy from both, Pompeo and Bolton used for suport agretion against human right and social equality what came in several decades ago all around Latin America.
A punch back at this and the counsel to some make "martyr" to take more power against President Maduro, must contain Russian bombers at Kolombian border, with China Fleet support it at the ocean.
At the Venezuelan soil, must be clear presence of both army forces, and Russian army must coming to fly closely at US border, with high presence ships near Neaderland Antili. It make out any action moved and ispired by both hawk in the House.

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